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研究生(外文):Huei-Ting Yu
論文名稱(外文):An Application of IEEE 802.15.4 to the Design and Implementation of Attendance Tracking and Request/Reply Systems
指導教授(外文):MuDer Jeng
中文關鍵詞:無線點詢系統IEEE 802.15.4無線感測網路電腦化測驗
外文關鍵詞:Attendance Trackingrequest/reply systemIEEE 802.15.4wireless sensor networkeTesting
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在本論文中我們將會使用IEEE 802.15.4傳輸協定來設計一個無線點詢系統(Wireless Attendance Tracking and Request/Reply System, WAT&RRS)。系統由一個用來傳送訊息的手持裝置,及一個接收訊息並且透過序列轉乙太網路模組將訊息送到有線網路上的接收器所組成。系統的主要設計目標為可攜性、可程式化、可靠、低電耗以及低成本。本論文也提出了Dynamic Network Allocating Mechanism, DNAM 以及Auto Frame Sequence Recover Mechanism, AFSRM應用於低速個人區域網路中。DNAM用在當兩個PAN存在時,節點可以動態選擇PAN協調器。AFSRM用以解決當確認訊息遺失時,訊息仍能正確地發送。
本論文會應用DNAM及AFSRM將WAT&RRS實現在學校的考試中,並且分析考試安全性上的問題並提出解決的方法。WAT&RRS可以用在很多領域,例如eSurvey, eVoting, eGambling, 員工教育訓練以及即時訊息回報系統。而這些訊息都可以在很短的時間內就獲得結果。
In this thesis we design a wireless system applied to attendance tracking and request/reply system – WAT&RRS over IEEE 802.15.4. The system includes a handheld transmitter, which is used to transmit messages, and a receiver which is used to receive messages and then send it to a centralized computer via a Serial-to-Ethernet module. Primary design objectives in our system are portability, re-programmability, reliability, low-power consumption and low-cost. In this thesis we propose two novel methodologies which are Dynamic Network Allocating Mechanism - DNAM and Auto Frame Sequence Recover Mechanism - AFSRM for LR-WPAN. DNAM is used to extend the coexistence of different PANs and AFSRM is proposed to recover the frame sequence in order to prevent the ACK loss. Applying our DNAM and AFSRM we propose some approaches to power consumption and data accuracy considerations over a wireless network. And we describe a system infrastructure made for regular school examinations to realize WAT&RRS. Security considerations in an examination are discussed in this thesis with DNAM and AFSRM. WAT&RRS could be applied to eSurvey, eVoting, eGambling, employee’s training and real-time message reporting system while an instant result could be accessed in a short time.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Motivation 1
1-2 Contributions 5
1-3 Thesis Organization 7

Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
2-1 A Review of Attendance Tracking and Request/Reply Systems 8
2-1-1 Attendance tracking 9
2-1-2 eSurveys 9
2-1-3 eVoting 10
2-1-4 eTesting 11
2-1-5 Wireless Conference Manager 17
2-2 Message Communication over Wireless Network 22
2-3 IEEE 802.15.4 28
2-3-1 Network Topologies 29
2-3-2 IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Layer 32
2-3-3 IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Layer 33
2-4 Other Low Rate Wireless Technologies 34
2-4-1 Bluetooth 35
2-4-2 Zigbee 35
2-4-3 UWB 36

Chapter 3 System Implementation 38
3-1 Hardware Structure 40
3-1-1 AT89S52 Microcontroller 40
3-1-2 LCD 40
3-1-3 Keyboard 41
3-1-4 JN-5121 IEEE 802.15.4 compliant module 41
3-1-5 Serial-to-Ethernet module 42
3-2 Communication between Two Microcontrollers 42
3-3 Software Flow Chart 43
3-3-1 AT89S52 Software Control Flow Chart 44
3-3-2 Handheld Transmitter Software Control Flow Chart 44
3-3-3 Receiver Software Control Flow Chart (PAN Coordinator ) 47
3-4 Approaches to power consumption and frame sequence synchronization consideration 48
3-4-1 Acknowledgment 48
3-4-2 Frame Sequence Synchronization 49
3-4-3 Power Consumption and Power Supply Interrupt Consideration 52
3-5 Implementation WAT&RRS in eTesting at Schools 53
3-5-1 An Approach to Security Considerations in School Examinations 56
3-5-2 Different eTesting Modes 58

Chapter 4 System Demonstration 60
4-1 System Overview 60
4-2 Handheld Transmitter 62
4-3 WAT&RRS Testing 65
4-3-1 Testing mode 1 – 100 messages in 1 second 66
4-3-2 Testing mode 2 – 300 messages in 1 second 69
4-3-3 Testing mode 3 – turning timers 72

Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Studies 74
5-1 Conclusions 74
5-2 Future Works 75

Reference 77

Appendix A 82

Appendix B 83
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