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研究生(外文):Ping-Yi Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Application of the IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Network Technique to Street-lamp Monitoring
指導教授(外文):MuDer Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Wireless Sensor NetworkAuto-reporting SystemsRouteRe-route
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利用無線網路加上感測器來監測路燈是否正常運作,並回報路燈故障時間及位置等功能。每一個無線感測網路裝置中都有路徑選擇 (routing) 與路徑重新選擇 (re-route) 的功能。即使路徑中任一裝置損壞,網路都自動重新構建傳輸路徑,維持正常網路通訊。
In this thesis we propose an auto streetlamp monitoring/reporting system applying wireless sensor network. Nowadays streetlamp are managed by human resources and for that concern some cities start to plan auto-reporting systems. The extra resource and layout has to be spent to setup the reporting system which needs to change the original design and architecture. In large area especially in roads stretching dozens of miles, the streetlamp situation can be sensed and report shortly. Therefore this paper brings up the small wireless sensor network to reduce the resource needed and the time to maintain.
Sensors with wireless network are used to monitor by the administrator, whether the streetlamp is functional or not and to report the malfunction time and position. Every sensor has route and re-route function; even one or more of the sensor nodes are breakdown, the network can also automatically reconstruct to keep on communication.
第一章 序論 7
1.1 動機與目的 7
1.2 論文貢獻 9
1.3 論文架構 10
第二章 相關背景知識 11
2.1 文獻回顧 11
2.2目前道路照明管理 12
2.2.1人力管理的方式 12
2.2.2 電力線載波通訊與數據專線通訊 13
2.2.3 電力線載波通訊與RF 無線網路通訊 14
2.3.4 電力線載波通訊與GPRS 16
2.3 無線感測器網路 18
2.4 IEEE 802.15.4 網路通訊技術 20
2.5 系統能量裝置 24
2.5.1 二次電池(Secondary Cell): 24
2.5.2 太陽能電池(solar cell ) 26
第三章 系統架構 28
3.1系統架構規劃 28
3.2 系統方法 31
3.2.1 訊框格式 32
3.2.2 路徑選擇方法 34
4.1路燈監測裝置單元 42
4.1.1無線發射模組 42
4.1.2 光感測器 44
4.1.3 電源供應裝置 45
4.2 路燈資料接收裝置單元 46
4.2.1無線發射模組 47
4.2.2 UART傳輸介面 47
4.2.3電源供應裝置 49
4.3 管理中心人機介面 49
4.4 系統整合測試 52
第五章 結論與未來展望 65
5.1 結論 65
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