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研究生(外文):Wann-Duen Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Spatio-temporal Distribution of Taiwan Mauxia Shrimp Acetes intermedius in the Coastal Waters of Southwestern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Che-Tsung ChenLei-Zong Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Acetes intermediusSpatio-temporal DistributionTaiwan
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赤尾星蝦(Acetes intermedius Omori 1975) 是台灣西南沿海經濟上和海洋生態上均很重要的生物種,然而有關其在本海域的時空分佈及其垂直洄游並不清楚。因此,本論文擬透過漁獲統計資料及現場調查來究明此項問題,以便建立赤尾星蝦漁業管理的基礎資料。
每年於西南季風盛行後,通常在6月,當有大量降水的日子(降雨量≧130 mm/day)出現後2星期內,西南沿海出現分布著赤尾星蝦,赤尾星蝦漁業也於焉開始。赤尾星蝦棲息在沿海的時間一般持續到10月,然而在沿海生息期間的長短(漁期)年間變動頗大,主要受沿海季節風變動的影響。6月至10月為西南季風盛行的季節,也是西南沿海一年當中的雨季和高河川流量期,從蝦群和河川水在沿海的分布結果顯現,蝦群分佈範圍不超過河川水者,且蝦群分佈範圍的變動與河川水在沿海的擴散、退縮等一致的現象。在西南沿海最大河川高屏溪外海,赤尾星蝦的分佈不超過離岸8海浬水域。赤尾星蝦群最喜歡棲息在斜坡地形水域,尤以高屏峽谷水域為最愛,其次為枋寮峽谷附近水域。
洄游至沿海的赤尾星蝦為性未成熟的蝦,其中絕大部分為頭胸甲長大於3.50 mm的大型蝦。漁期中,在蝦群陸續洄游加入下,沿海赤尾星蝦分佈量逐漸增多,通常於9月達最高峰(盛漁期)。由漁獲量來推估,分佈在台灣西南沿海的赤尾星蝦量,平均每年達2,700公噸以上,最多可達4,000公噸以上。
到達沿海水域的赤尾星有日週垂直洄游的行為,白天下潛晚上上浮。由於受日光和地形因素之影響,白天的垂直洄游行動有不同的模式,在大陸棚水域(水深<80m),天亮時蝦群已棲息在底層水域,直到黃昏均在底層水域;在高屏峽谷水域,又有兩種下潛模式,其一,類似在大陸棚水域的行動模式,天亮時蝦群已分佈在50-80 m水層,直到黃昏以後再上浮;其二,隨著日照強度的變化,蝦群群聚的水層深度乃隨著光照度4 μ mol/s/m2水層而緩慢的下降-停滯-上升模式。
晚上,蝦群上昇的模式不受地形的影響,但受月齡的影響而有不同的模式。蝦群於黃昏時(約日落前30∼50分鐘)離開底層準備上昇洄游:(a)上半夜(18:00∼24:00)月亮未出現:日落後,蝦群在上升過程並未暫停在10 m水層,而是直接上升並散佈在海面;(b) 月亮在上半夜上升:日落後蝦群如模式a那樣上升至海面,月亮上升後,蝦群逐漸下潛至10 m水層,蝦群停留在海面的時間長短,視日落和月出兩者之時間差而定;(c) 月亮在上半夜下沉:日落後,蝦群快速上升至10 m水層,然後停留在該水層,俟月落後再上升並散佈在海表面;(d) 上半夜有月亮出現:當上半夜始終有月亮出現時,蝦群緩慢的上升至10 m水層,然後整夜停留在此水層。
Taiwan mauxia shrimp (Acetes intermedius Omori 1975) is a commercially and ecologically important species in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan from Jialding to Fangkang. However, the spatio-temporal distribution and the diel vertical migration of this species are still unknown. Hence, the objective of this study is to clarify the above subjects based on the fishery data and the in situ studies.
In summer when the southwest monsoon prevailed, Taiwan mauxia shrimp starts a down-estuary migration in June with the increased river discharge associated with heavy summer rainfall (>130 mm/day) and fishing season for this species then commences. This species stays in the coastal waters until October. However, the fishing season varies largely year by year, and mainly affected by the changing of monsoon. The distribution of this species does not exceed the dispersion range of the river plume off Tungkang. They mainly swarm in the upper half of the Kaoping Canyon and adjacent areas, the second being the adjoining continental shelf areas of Fangliao Canyon.
Sizes of migrator are mostly larger than 3.90 mm and are not sexual matured individuals. The mean annual catch of A. intermedius in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan is 2,700 tons, and the highest is more than 4,000 tons.
Taiwan mauxia shrimp migrates from estuaries to coastal waters and perform a diel vertical migration. It performs a diurnal vertical migration from surface to the bottom in the continent shelf (mainly 40-80 m) and to a middle water depth (50-80 m) in the deep Kaoping Canyon before sunrise. However, A. intermedius in waters of deep Kaoping Canyon can also perform a slow descending migration that coincides with photosythetically active radiation of 4μmol/s/ .
The nocturnal vertical movement of A. intermedius depends on the lunar phase, and can be divided into four patterns. Pattern A: When the moon does not appear during the evening (18:00 to 24:00), A. intermedius ascends directly towards the surface and scatters immediately after sunset. The upward migration of this species does not stop temporarily at 10 m water layer. Pattern B: When the moon rise during the evening (18:00 - 24:00), A. intermedius ascends to the surface at sunset and stays there for a few hours before further descending slowly to the 10 m water layer. The shrimp resumes their descent 10 m depth immediately after the moon has risen. Hence, the duration for remaining at the sea surface depend on the difference between the time the moon rise and sunset. Pattern C: When the moon set during the evening (18:00 - 24:00), A. intermedius moves rapidly to the 10 m water layer and stays there for a few hours before further ascending slowly. The shrimp normally resumes their ascent towards the surface immediately after the moon has set. Pattern D: When the moon appears all the evening (18:00 to 24:00), A. intermedius moves slowly upward to a depth of 10 m and stays there all night.
A. intermedius is a important prey of many marine animals. They are easily found by predators because the character of red pigment spots in their exopods. The feeding activity of this species mainly occurs at night. It is suggested that A. intermedius performs the nocturnal vertical migration for avoiding predators and for safe feeding. The diet of A. intermedius was similar to other Acetes which primarily consume phytoplanktons, and also fed zooplankton and amorphous materials. However, Taiwan mauxia shrimp prefers to feed dianoflagellate instead of diatoms.
表 目 錄--------------------------------------------------Ⅰ
圖 目 錄------------------------------------------------- Ⅱ
壹、緒 論------------------------------------------------1
參、結 果------------------------------------------------25
伍、謝 辭------------------------------------------------65
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