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研究生(外文):Young-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Geographical Information System(GIS)and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)on Site Selection of Artificial Habitats in the Coastal Water of Southeastern Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chun-Chen Liu
外文關鍵詞:Coastal Water of Southeastern TaiwanArtificial HabitatsGeographical Information System (GIS)Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)Site SelectionHualian CountyTaitung CountyPingdong County
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本論文主要是利用地理資訊系統(Geographical Information System,GIS)具有強大的空間分析能力及特性,針對臺灣東南部沿岸海域進行人工棲所區位選址之研究。除了建立相關基本圖層直接提供查詢、展示外,在選址評估時,經由資料收集、數化、整合及匯入處理後,並透過階層篩選法與層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)兩階段的模式分析後,再以圖層套疊(Overlay)的方式來展現其結果,並求得台灣東南沿岸海域人工棲所(魚礁)設置適合度之分佈情形。結果發現,台灣東南沿岸海域以台東縣潛力較大,其次為屏東縣及花蓮縣沿海。而與過去人工棲所設置地點加以比對發現,歷年所投放之人工棲所中,除花蓮縣的奇萊鼻礁區可能受美崙工業區影響故落於本研究候選海域之外,石梯坪礁區則因位於秀姑巒溪影響範圍內,亦落於本研究候選海域之外;而順安礁區因鄰近三棧工業區影響範圍,與考慮可能受立霧溪出海口之影響,故落於本研究候選海域之不適合區;其餘礁區均落於本文結果之適合區,證明配合GIS與AHP之人工棲所選址模組,除擁有廣範圍及多因子的分析特性外,更具有迅速、客觀、正確及實用性之優點,在決策支援及分析上均有相當大的助益。

The purpose of this thesis is mainly to utilize the geographical information system (GIS) which have strong spatial analytical capacity and characteristic , carries on the site selection of artificial habitats in the coastal water of southeastern Taiwan. Besides setting up relative basic features offer for consulation , and exhibition directly, while selecting site and assessing, collect , digitize , analyze and combine treated lying via the materials, the ways of two stages are analysed and treated via backward elimination and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods, and then come to represent its result by method of features overlay, for the coastal water of southeastern Taiwan. From the results , the most potentiality of setting artificial habitats in the southeastern of Taiwan belongs to the coastal zones of Taitung county , secondary belongs to the coastal zones of Pingdong county and Hualian county. Compare with the efficiency report of past artificial habitats shows that most of the artificial habitats fall in the suitable area of this research. Except the Cilaibi area of Hualian County might influence by Meilun Industry Park , the Shihtiping area might influence by river mouth effect of the Siouguluan River , so these two areas fall to be candidate outside the sea area on research. And the Shun-an area might influence by Sanjhan Industry Park , and the river mouth effect of Liwu River, fall in the unsuitable area. The others fall in the suitable sites of the result of this text more, prove to this research that combine GIS and AHP site selection mode possess analysis characteristic of more wide range and multi-factor, also have good advantage of fast, objective, precise, practicability and decision supportion.

中文摘要 …………………………………………………………………. I
英文摘要(Abstract) …………………………………………………….. II
章節目錄 …………………………………………………………………. III
表目錄 ……………………………………………………………………. VI
圖目錄 ……………………………………………………………………. VII
謝辭…………………………………………………………………….… X

壹、前言 …………………………………………………………… 1

貳、材料與方法 …………………………………………………… 18
一、研究範圍及資料來源 …………………………………… 18
二、研究步驟 ………………………………………………… 19
(一)GIS之建構 …………………………………….….. 19
1、GIS主要軟硬體 ………………………….….. 19
2、資料收集及匯入 ………………………….….. 20
3、資料展示及查詢 ………………………….…... 24
4、空間推估程序 …………………………….….. 25

(二)人工棲所選址評估模組之建立 ……………….…. 26
1、階層篩選法 ……………………………….….. 27
2、層級分析法 ……………………………….….. 28

參、結果 ………………………………………………………..….... 31
一、本研究之相關圖層 ………………………………………. 31
二、台灣沿岸海域人工棲所之分佈 …………………………. 32
三、人工棲所設置之展示與查詢 ……………………………. 33
(一)人工棲所設置之展示 …………………………….... 33
(二)人工棲所設置之查詢 …………………………….... 34
四、人工棲所模組之相關參數圖層 …………………………. 34
(一)階層篩選法 ……………………………………….... 35
1、法規規範因素篩選 ……………………….…... 35
2、生態環境影響因素篩選 ………………….…... 36
3、自然環境因素篩選 ……………………….…... 37
4、其他特定因素篩選 …………………………… 38

(二)層級分析法 ………………………………………… 38
1、水深數化圖層主題圖及其候選海域分佈 .….. 39
主題圖 ……………………………………….. 40
3、底質數化圖層及其候選海域分佈主題圖 .….. 41
(三)人工棲所選址之適合度分佈 ………………….….. 43
五、區位選址結果與過去人工棲所設置情形 ………………. 44
(一)花蓮縣 ………………………………………….….. 44
(二)台東縣 ………………………………………….….. 45
(三)屏東縣東南海域 …………………………………… 45

肆、討論 ………………………………………………………..…… 46

參考文獻 …………………………………………………………….…... 51

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