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研究生(外文):Ray-Pao Tung
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Tributyltin (TBT) on Reproduction and Hatching of Yellow Sea Bream (Rhabdosargus sarba) in Spawning Season
外文關鍵詞:Tributyltinfish reproductionhatching
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為了解三丁基錫(Tributyltin,TBT)對棲息於沿岸岩礁區、及海上箱網養殖魚類-黃錫鯛(Rhabdosargus sarba)繁殖期生殖與孵化影響,本研究探討TBT對種魚之產卵量、受精率,孵化率、生殖腺組織變化、G.S.I.值、H.S.I.值等作用,研究結果摘要如下:
黃錫鯛實驗組(2.5μg/l、5μg/l、10μg/l)種魚於繁殖期經三階段間隔TBT浸泡,於產卵1週後開始收集觀測至繁殖期末期,實驗結果如下。(1)繁殖期各階段種魚個體平均產卵量、種魚個体平均受精卵量,以ANOVA 及 Fisher LSD test作數據統計檢定結果,2.5μg/l組有反向之顯著差異(p<0.05)、5μg/l組及10μg/l組相對於對照組亦皆有顯著差異(p<0.05);10μg/l在第二階段後即停止產卵,經解剖發現雌、雄種魚生殖腺皆呈萎縮狀。5μg/l組在第三階段後亦即停止產,卵及生殖腺皆呈萎縮狀。(2)繁殖期對照組及實驗組之平均受精率,對照組:75.5%(全期)、2.5μg/l組:74.9%(全期)、5μg/l組:68.7%(第一、二階段)、10μg/l組:72.3%(僅第一階段),以ANOVA及Fisher LSD test統計檢定皆無顯著差異。(3)繁殖期對照組及實驗組之平均孵化率,對照組:71.5%、(全期),2.5μg/l組:67.3%(全期)、5μg/l組:49.6%(第一、二階段)、10μg/l組:32.9%(第一階段),依浸泡濃度愈高其孵化率愈低,以ANOVA 及 Fisher LSD test統計檢定,在第一階段10μg/l組有顯著差異(p<0.05),第二階段5μg/l組有顯著差異(p<0.05),2.5μg/l組則與對照組無顯著差異。(4)G.S.I.值第一階段結束,以ANOVA 及 Fisher LSD test統計檢定,只10μg/l組之雌、雄種魚有顯著差異(p<0.05) 。另G.S.I.值對照組及實驗組雌、雄種魚繁殖期之前後階段變化差異經統計檢定,雄種魚在對照組、2.5μg/l組、5μg/l組、10μg/l組前後階段均有顯著差異(p<0.05);雌種魚僅10μg/l組前後階段有顯著差異(p<0.05)。(5)第一階段結束及雌、雄種魚繁殖期之前後階段H.S.I.值變化差異,經ANOVA 及 Fisher LSD test統計檢定皆無顯著差異。(6)第一階段採樣孵化後之魚苗,其對照組及實驗組S.A.I.平均值,經統計檢定只有10μg/l組有顯著差異(p<0.05);繁殖全期對照組、2.5μg/l組、5μg/l組統計檢定結果無顯著差異。(7)10μg/l組及5μg/l組經第二次浸泡後24日採種魚生殖腺,發現生殖腺皆已萎縮;2μg/l組在繁殖季末期精巢已呈現退化現象,但卵巢內可見堆積的卵細胞,顯示種魚還在持續卵黃堆積及產卵。

For understanding the influence of the fish lives along the coastal rocks area and sea Farming-the yellow sea breem(Rhabdosargus sarba)on breed to expect to grow and hatch from eggs by the Tributyltin. The study will research the amount of egg and conceives the rate towards the growth of fish, functions of hatching from eggs, such as rate,genital gland organization variety,G.S.I. value and the H.S.I. value.…..etc., studying the result summary as follows:
The yellow sea breem experiment set(2.5μg/l,5μg/l,10μg/l) grows the fish after breeding to expect to was soaked by three stage partition TBTs, in producing the egg for a week start collecting to prognosticate to go to breed the period the last phase, the experiment result is as follows.(1)Breeds to expect each stage to grow the fish individual to equally produce the amount of egg and grow the fish a fertilizied egg quantity with average an Individual, make the data covariance examination result with the ANOVA and the Fisher LSD test,the set of 2.5μg/l of is anti- to its obvious difference(p<0.05), the set of 5μg/l and 10μg/l opposite also all has the obvious difference in the matched control(p<0.05);the set of 10μg/l after second stage namely stop producing the egg, wasing found by dissection the female and male grows the fish genital gland to all present to atrophy the form.5 μg/l at the third stage after that is stop producing, the egg and genital gland all present to atrophy the form.(2)Breed to expect the matched control and the experimen set of equally conceive the rate, matched control:75.5%(whole periods), the set of 2.5 μg/l:74.9%(whole periods),the set of 5μg/l:68.7%( the first and second stages), the set of 10 μg/l:72.3%(only first stage), statistics the examination with the ANOVA and the Fisher LSD test to all have no obvious difference.(3)Breed to expect the matched control and the experiment set of equally hatch from eggs the rate, matched control:71.5%,(whole periods), the set of 2.5 μg/l:67.3%(whole periods), the set of 5 μg/l:49.6%( the first and second stages), the set of 10 μg/l:32.9%(first stage), depend on to soak the density more high it hatches from eggs the rate more low, statistics the examination with the ANOVA and the Fisher LSD test, at the first stage the set of 10 μg/l contain obvious difference(p<0.05), second stage the set of 5μg/l contain obvious difference(p<0.05), the set of 2.5μg/l then have no obvious difference with the matched control.(4)G.S.I. value first stage ends, statisticsing the examination with the ANOVA and the Fisher LSD test, only the set of 10μg/l of female and male growth the fish contain obvious difference(p<0.05).Another G.S.I. is worth the matched control and experiment a female and male before fish breed expect stage variety the difference was examined by covariance, the growth of male fish in the matched control, the set of 2.5μg/l、5μg/l、10μg/l in front and back the stage all has the obvious difference(p<0.05);The growth of female fish only the set of 10μg/l in front and back the stage contain obvious difference(p<0.05).(5)The first stage ends and after female and male grow before fish breed expect the stage H.S.I. is worth to change the difference, statisticsing examination through the ANOVA and the Fisher LSD test to all have no obvious difference.(6)After the first stage sample hatch from eggs its fish fry, its matched control and the experiment a value with average S.A.I., was only hads by the covariance examination the set of 10 μg/l contain obvious difference(p<0.05);Breed the whole period matched control, the set of 2.5 μg/l、5μg/l a covarianceses examine the result to have no obvious difference.(7) the set of 10 μg/l and 5 μg/l adopt to grow the fish genital gland on 24th day after soaking for the second time, find the genital gland all has already atrophied; the set of 2μg/l are breeding the testis of last phase of season to have already presented the degeneration phenomenon, but ovary inside it is thus clear that cumulate ovary cell, show the growing of fish returns to be keeping on the yolk to pile up and producing the egg。
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