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研究生(外文):Chen Chih-Sung
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the salinity and temperature tolerances of Epinephelus fuscoguttatus fry and its growth at different salinity and temperature
指導教授(外文):Cheng Sha-Yen
外文關鍵詞:Epinephelus fuscoguttatustemperaturesalinitytolerances
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將棕點石斑魚苗Epinephelus fuscoguttatus馴化在不同溫度(32、26及20 ℃)與不同鹽度(33、20及10 psu)組合下,研究其對溫度緩慢及急遽變化之忍受性與鹽度緩慢及急遽變化之忍受性以及成長狀況。
棕點石斑魚苗隨著馴化的溫度愈高,50%CTMax(critical thermal maximum)及UILT(upper incipient lethal temperature)之忍受溫度也愈高,馴化的溫度愈低,50%CTMin(critical thermal minimum)及LILT(lower incipient lethal temperature )之忍受溫度也愈低,在統計上有顯著差異(p < 0.05)。在溫度緩慢上升馴化處理組中,50%CTMax於溫度32 ℃及鹽度10 psu組合下為最高達38.31 ℃,而溫度急遽下降馴化處理組中,50%CTMin於溫度20 ℃與鹽度(33、20及10 psu)組合下為最低達14.90 ℃。
棕點石斑魚苗隨著馴化的鹽度愈高,50%CSMax(critical salinity maximum)及UILS(upper incipient lethal salinity)之忍受鹽度也愈高,在統計上有顯著差異(p<0.05)。在鹽度緩慢上升馴化處理組中,50%CSMax於鹽度33psu及溫度20℃組合下為最高達75.53 psu,而鹽度急遽下降馴化處理組中,在鹽度0 psu及不同溫度組合下各實驗組皆於1小時全部死亡。
棕點石斑魚苗在不同溫(33、28及23 ℃)與不同鹽度(35、25及15 psu)組合下養殖45天後,由實驗結果顯示在溫度28 ℃及鹽度25 psu組合下,可得到最佳成長率及活存率。
Acclimation of Epinephelus fuscoguttatus at different temperatures (32, 26 and 20℃) in different salinities (33, 20 and 10 psu), from which to study its tolerance under slow and rapid change of temperature, and its tolerance and growth under slow and rapid change of salinity.
The higher the acclimation temperature for E. fuscoguttatus, the higher tolerance of temperature for 50% CTMax and UILT, the lower the acclimation temperature, the lower tolerance of temperature for 50% CTMax and UILT, there is significant difference in the statistics (p < 0.05). At the acclimation processing group in which its temperature is increasing slowly, the maximum temperature of 50% CTMax is 38.31℃ when acclimated at 32℃ in salinity of 10 psu, while at acclimation processing group in which the temperature is decreasing abruptly, the lowest temperature of 50% CTMax reached 14.90℃ when acclimated at 20℃ in salinities of (33, 20 and 10 psu).
The higher the acclimation salinity for E. fuscoguttatus, the higher tolerance of salinity for 50% CTMax and UILT, there is significant difference in the statistics (p < 0.05). At the acclimation processing group in which its salinity is decreasing gradually, the maximum salinity of 50% CSMax is 75.53 psu in salinity of 32 psu at 20℃, while at acclimation processing group in which its salinity is decreasing abruptly, all experimental group died within 1 hour in salinity of 0 psu at all temperature.
After fry of E. fuscoguttatus are cultured for 45 days at different temperatures (33, 28 and 23℃) in different salinities (35, 25 and 15 psu), the experimental result shows the best growth and survival is achieved when acclimated at 28℃ in salinity of 25 psu.
第一章 前言 1
圖 3
第二章 文獻整理 7
表 12
圖 .16
第三章 棕點石斑馴化在不同溫度及鹽度下受到溫度緩慢及急遽變化之影響
一、摘要 20
二、前言 20
三、材料與方法 21
四、結果 27
五、討論 30
圖 33
第四章 棕點石斑馴化在不同溫度及鹽度下受到鹽度緩慢及急遽變化之影響
一、摘要 46
二、前言 46
三、材料與方法 47
四、結果 52
五、討論 54
圖 57
第五章 棕點石斑馴養在不同溫度及鹽度組合下之成長探討
一、摘要 65
二、前言 65
三、材料與方法 66
四、結果 67
五、討論 69
表 71
圖 72
第六章 結論 77
參考文獻 79
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