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研究生(外文):Tzu-Yaw Tsay
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Setting up a Mechanism for the Management of Foreign-flagged Longliners Run by Taiwan’s Nationals in Response to the Global Trend of Deterring IUU Fishing
指導教授(外文):Yann-Huei Song
外文關鍵詞:Fisheries managementIllegalled、unreported and unregulated fishingFisheries management organizationNation control over Nationals
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The purpose of this thesis focuses on setting up management mechanism for foreign-flagged longliners run by Taiwan’s nationals in response to international trend for deterring illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities. One of the major goals is to connect the system regulating Taiwan’s nationals’ running longliners flagged to foreign countries and the measures taken by international fisheries society for proceeding in parallel ways. Through this study, it is realized that various regional tuna management organizations (RFMOs) have been established for sustainable utilization of tuna resources and these RFMOs adopt conservation and management measures through process of decision making. In 2001, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations adopted an “International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter, and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IPOA-IUU)”, and thereafter the RFMOs adopted measures to prevent, deter, and eliminate IUU fishing. However, to escape from the domestic laws and regulations, such as tonnage replacement requirement for building a new vessel, threshold for minimum number of specific crews onboard, constraints on operation, and taxation, some Taiwan’s nationals registered their fishing vessels to foreign countries which control their vessels loosely, or are lack of capacity together with no willingness to control their vessels. At the same time, those vessels are still run by Taiwan’s nationals and became vessels with flag of convenience, or FOC vessels. In fact, there is no “genuine link” between the flag states and FOC vessels flying their flags. Once those FOC vessels were identified to be IUU vessels because of violating conservation and management measures taken by RFMOs, the flag states therefore then were sanctioned for exporting specific fish products under competence of those RFMOs. To escape from the conservation and management measures or trade sanctions taken by RFMOs, vessel owners then changed name of vessels, name of companies, or even re-flagged their vessels to other countries without membership or cooperating status of RFMOs. As a result, the international society stringently condemns Taiwan in this regard.

To prevent and deter IUU fishing in line with the trend of international society, Taiwan and Japan had a joint plan on cooperation in management of large-scaled tuna fishing vessels. In which, Taiwan established a legal channel for re-registering non-Taiwan flagged vessels built in its shipyards but run by Taiwan’s nationals so as to manage those vessels. In addition, Taiwan itself controls exportation of fishing vessels newly built in its shipyards, takes measures as a market state and port state, alarms the banks for cautiously considering and financing FOC vessels building projects, and takes measures to prevent legitimated vessels from assisting fish laundry for IUU vessels.

For deterring IUU fishing, it is found that several loopholes still exist in the current system for deterring IUU fishing conducted by non-Taiwan flagged vessels run by Taiwan’s nationals. The loopholes include the followings: (1) The continuing building of new FOC vessels so as to increase the regional fishing capacity; (2) The mechanism for controlling transshipment at sea has not been established, and therefore a loophole exists for fish laundering among FOC vessels and transport vessels for frozen fish; (3) exportation of vessels built in Taiwanese shipyards without replacement of current fishing vessels in a specific region, and thus the fishing capacity of that region increases; (4) Taiwan’s nationals have been building and operating vessels less than 24 meter in length flying foreign flags to escape from measures taken by RFMOs, and Taiwan so far has no legal control on building or exporting vessels of this kind; (5) Lack of mechanisms to justify documents provided by owners of foreign vessels applying to enter Taiwan’s fishing ports; (6)Taiwan has no legal provisions to punish its nationals who run or work for vessels flying foreign flags, and engaged in IUU fishing because of the foreign registry of those vessels. The flag state has no intentions to punish those vessels neither.

In line with international laws, it is the sovereignty of flag state in principle for controlling vessels operating on the high seas. However, the Convention for establishing Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) stipulated that each member should take measures, to the greatest extent possible, to ensure that its nationals and fishing vessels owned or controlled by its nationals fishing in the Convention area comply with the provisions of the Convention. In addition, several major states, such as the U.S., Japan, New Zealand, Spain, have practiced to control their nationals for foreign investment on fisheries or working for foreign fishing vessels, which are exceptional practices outside of principle of flag-state’s sovereignty. Therefore, from the evolution of the international fisheries laws, it is indeed a trend that a state is urged to be responsible for controlling fishing activities of its nationals, even though the vessels owned or controlled by its nationals do not fly its flag.

Taiwan has to fulfill its responsibility as a flag state, and the responsibility as a market state, port state, coastal state, and member or cooperating non-member of RFMOs. Other than this, it is necessary for Taiwan to cooperate with related states and RFMOs to deter IUU fishing activities. Since its nationals run longliners flying flags of other countries, it is therefore necessary to set up a mechanism for the management of foreign-flagged longliners run by its nationals. To keep in pace with the trend of international fisheries management and improve current system, the suggestions for establishing mechanisms of managing nationals running foreign longliners are as the followings: (1) Urging the RFMOs to set up regime for limiting vessel building and replacing vessels/tonnages before building new vessels; (2) Urging the RFMOs to establish mechanisms for managing transshipment of tuna at sea; (3) The building and exportation for fishing vessels built in Taiwan should be managed no matter what the vessel size is, including the building of vessels should be permitted by the central fisheries authority and the requirement to eliminate a vessel of same tonnage in the region before building a tuna longliner. The exportation of completed fishing vessels should acquire permit from the central fisheries authority; (4) For Taiwan’s flagged vessels and vessels built in its shipyards should not be issued permit for exporting vessels under the following conditions: exporting fishing vessels to countries sanctioned by RFMOs, or countries which are not contracting parties/cooperating non-contracting parties to RFMOs. (5) Amending regulation on port state control to stipulate that the foreign-flagged fishing vessels only listed on the white lists of RFMOs should be allowed to enter into its fishing ports with required documents justified by the authorities of the flag state; (6) Amending Fisheries law to regulate nationals running foreign vessels and working for foreign fishing vessels, and to punish them if IUU fishing conducted by them were found.
目 錄

謝詞 i
論文提要 ii
表次 x
圖次 xi
本文使用英文縮寫表 xii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究方法及範圍 6
第四節 研究流程與章節架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 10
第一節 非法、不報告及未受規範漁業之定義 10
第二節 IUU鮪漁船形成及其影響 11
第三節 全球性漁業管理組織之行動 16
第四節 經濟合作發展組織之行動 25
第三章 區域性漁業管理組織採取之措施 29
第一節 南方黑鮪保育委員會 29
第二節 印度洋鮪類委員會 34
第三節 美洲熱帶鮪類委員會 43
第四節 大西洋鮪類保育委員會 50
第五節 中西太平洋漁業委員會 71
第六節 小結 73
第四章 國際社會對我國之指控及我國因應措施 75
第一節 國際社會對我國之指控 75
第二節 我國對國際社會指控所採因應措施 79
第五章 遏止IUU漁業措施現存問題之探討 93
第一節 IUU漁船仍有殘存 93
第二節 現行制度尚有新建權宜國籍漁船的空間 93
第三節 外國籍漁船在我國建造管制 94
第四節 港口管制措施 97
第五節 對漁獲運搬船的管控 98
第六節 對國民的管控 98
第六章 權宜國籍漁船之船旗國管轄責任與船主所屬國家控管國民之責任探討 100
第一節 漁船船旗國管轄責任 100
第二節 船主所屬國家控管國民之責任探討 103
第三節 國際實踐 104
第七章 結論與建議 110
第一節 結論 110
第二節 建議 114
參考文獻 118
附件一 預防、制止及消除非法、不報告和未受規範漁業的國際行動計畫(英文版) 132
附件二 2001年9月28日修正「漁船建造許可及漁業證照核發準則」部分條文 153
附件三 2002年6月28日修正「漁船建造許可及漁業證照核發準則」第十二條條文 155
附件四 2003年6月30日修正修正「漁船建造許可及漁業證照核發準則」部分條文 156
附件五 2002年12月13日訂頒「申請漁船出口同意書作業要點」155
附件六 2003年3月31日修訂「申請漁船出口同意書作業要點」部分規定 159
附件七 2003年6月13日修訂「申請漁船出口同意書作業要點」第二點規定 160
附件八 申請船長二十四公尺以上漁船出口同意書作業要點 161
附件九 申請南方黑鮪進出口及再出口注意事項 162
附件十 申請黑鮪進出口及再出口注意事項 165
附件十一 申請劍旗魚進出口及再出口注意事項 168
附件十二 申請大目鮪進出口及再出口注意事項 170
附件十三 外國籍漁船進出漁港許可審查作業要點 172
附件十四 調整遠洋延繩釣漁業總船數限制作業規定 175
附件十五 一百噸以上漁船赴太平洋印度洋大西洋從事捕撈鮪旗魚類作業應行遵守及注意事項 177


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IOTC, “Resolution 03/02 on criteria for attaining the status ofCo-operating Non-Contracting party”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=29>.
IOTC, “Resolution 02/05 concerning the establishment of an IOTC record of vessels over 24 meters authorized to operate in the IOTC area”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=23>.
IOTC, “Recommendation 02/06 on the implementation of the resolution concerning the IOTC record of vessels”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=24>.
IOTC, “Recommendation 03/04 concerning enhancement of effectiveness of IOTC measures to eliminate IUU activities in the IOTC area”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=31>.
IOTC, “Resolution 98/04 concerning registration and exchange of information on vessels, including flag of convenience vessels, fishing for tropical tunas in the IOTC area of competence”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=4>.
IOTC, “Resolution 99/01 on the management of fishing capacity and on the reduction of the catch of juvenile bigeye tuna by vessels, including flag of convenience vessels, fishing for tropical tunas in the IOTC area of competence”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=6>.
IOTC, “Resolution 02/02 relating to the establishment of a vessel monitoring system pilot programme”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=20>.
IOTC, “Recommendation 03/05 concerning trade measures”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=32>.
IOTC, “Resolution 01/02 relating to control of fishing activities”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=13>.
IOTC, “Resolution 02/03 terms of reference for the IOTC compliancecommittee”, available at: <http://www.iotc.org/English/resolutions/reso_detail.php?reso=21>.
Japan(2002), “Submission by Japan”, Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Meeting, Santiago de Compostella, Spain.
Ocean Law Information and Consultancy Services, “The RomeDeclaration on Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries”, available at: <http://www.oceanlaw.net/texts/summaries/rome2.htm>.
Secretariat of OECD(2004), “National Measures Against IUU Fishing Activities. OECD for Documents, Workshop on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Activities”, 19-20 April.
Victor R. Restrepo, “Estimation of Unreported Catches by ICCAT”, ICCAT, Corazōn de Maria 8, 28002 Madeid, Spain.
WCPFC, “Specifications for the Marking and Identification of FishingVessels”, WCPFC/Precon/47,7,Dec., available at: <http://www.wcpfc.org>.
WCPFC, “Record of Fishing Vessels and Authorization to Fish”, WCPFC/Precon/47,7,Dec., available at: <http://www.wcpfc.org>.
WCPFC, “Cooperating Non-Members”, WCPFC/Precon/47,7,Dec., available at: <http://www.wcpfc.org>.
WCPFC, “Report of the Workshop on Compliance with the MHLCand WCPFC PreCon Resolutions”, available at: <http://www.wcpfc.org>.
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