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研究生(外文):Feng-Chang Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Experimental mechanics on the friction stress analysis of upsetting process
指導教授(外文):Jang-Ping Wang
外文關鍵詞:experimental mechanicsfriction stress
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This paper is proposed to establish a measurement system that use to analyze the friction surface. In this paper, the axisymmetric upsetting is presented as an example and the imaging measurement is adopted to illustrate this method. The paper is performed as three steps. The first step is imaging captured processes that include the processes of the setup the equipment of experiment, the preparation of specimen, the forging work and the recording of imaging. The second step is the imaging procedure that used to analyze the imaging of distorted grids. The final step is the analysis of friction stress that used to calculate the shear stress on friction surface. The results are shown that the rigid zone is contracted with the increases of the reduction of height.
第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
1.1 前言........................................................................................1
1.2 文獻回顧................................................................................1
1.3 本文的研究範疇....................................................................2
第二章 基本塑性力學理論......................................................................4
2.1 基本理論.................................................................................4
2.1.1 Tresca降伏理論.................................................................4
2.1.2 von-Mises降伏理論...........................................................5
2.1.3 應力-應變關係式................................................................6
2.2 常用之金屬塑性加工理論解析方法.....................................8
第三章 摩擦應力分析............................................................................14
3.1 速度場...................................................................................14
3.2 應變規轉換半徑...................................................................16
3.3 應變規轉換半徑之校正.......................................................17
3.4 摩擦應力...............................................................................18
第四章 實驗方法與步驟........................................................................22
4.1 實驗材料...............................................................................22
4.2 影像與應變規之量測原理...................................................22
4.3 實驗設備...............................................................................23
4.4 實驗模具...............................................................................24
4.5 潤滑油...................................................................................25
4.6 手銲槍、導線.......................................................................25
4.7 實驗過程...............................................................................25
4.8 實驗資料整理.......................................................................26
第五章 結果與討論................................................................................44
第六章 結論與未來展望........................................................................66
6.1 結論.......................................................................................66
6.2 未來展望...............................................................................67
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