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研究生(外文):Po-Jen Su
論文名稱(外文):The Study of PC-Based Real-Time Remote Monitoring Contorl for AC Servo Motor System
指導教授(外文):Jui-Hong Horng
外文關鍵詞:servo motorneural networkback-propagation algorithmMATLAB/SimulinkLabVIEWremote monitroring control
  • 被引用被引用:14
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The servo motor system is a non-linear system with uncertainty of parameters, therefore it is not easy to identify a complex and non-linear system with traditional mathematical module system identification. Neural networks have the learning ability to train network, therefore it is more suitable for system identification and controller design on the complex non-linear system.
The study based on the network of Back-Propagation algorithm, by using different training methods, such as SDBP, MOBP, VLBP, MOVLBP and LMBP, to identify servo motor system and design controller. The simulation results proved that LMBP has faster convergence than standard error Back-Propagation algorithm, it is suitable for motor system identification and controller design.
In this paper, hybrid MATLAB/Simulink and LabVIEW to develop a real-time AC servo motor remote monitroring control system. The server PC receives commands from the remote PC via internet, then it drives the servo motor and transmits back the feedback signal from the motor to the remote PC through DAQ card.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目 錄 iii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-4 內容架構 4
第二章 MATLAB與LabVIEW軟體介紹 6
2-1 MATLAB/Simulink介紹 6
2-1-1 RTW與RTWT 7
2-1-2 MATLAB類神經網路Tool Box 9
2-2 LabVIEW軟體環境介紹 10
2-2-1 人機介面 11
2-2-2 程式方塊圖 11
2-2-3 圖示及聯結器 12
第三章 類神經網路 13
3-1 類神經網路 13
3-1-1 簡介 13
3-1-2 功能 14
3-1-3 分類 15
3-1-4 架構 16
3-2 倒傳遞演算法則 17
3.2.1 最陡坡降法 18
3.2.2 具動量之最陡坡降法 20
3.2.3 具可變學習率的最陡坡降法 21
3.2.4 Levenberg-Marquardt演算法 23
第四章 交流伺服馬達及數學模型 26
4.1 交流伺服馬達構造 27
4.2 交流伺服馬達工作原理 29
4.3 交流伺服馬達之數學模型 31
第五章 系統硬體架構 34
5-1 交流伺服馬達與驅動器 34
5-2 編碼器-位置檢出元件 35
5-3 編碼器回授電路 36
5.4 擷取卡PCI-6025E 37
第六章 系統設計 41
6-1 系統鑑別 41
6-2 控制器設計 43
6-3 監控系統設計 44
6-3-1 網際網路即時控制系統 44
6-3-2 近端監控 49
6-3-3 遠端監控 51
第七章 測試與討論 52
7-1 系統測試 52
7-1-1 類神經網路的建立 52
7-1-2 監控系統測試 55
7-2 討論與分析 57
第八章 結論 59
8-1 研究成果 59
8-2 未來展望 59
參考文獻 61
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