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研究生(外文):Wei-Lun Lee
論文名稱(外文):Force Transmission Performance of Planar Linkage Mechanisms Considering the Inertial Effects
指導教授(外文):Chen-Chou Lin
外文關鍵詞:dynamic force transmission indexlinkage mechanisminertial effectoptimization design
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In this thesis, a new dynamic force transmission index(DFTI) is proposed and analysis procedure is established for planar linkage mechanisms with the inertial effects. The index can be used as an analytic tool of the force transmission performance on the linkages with mass. The method is based on the D′Alembert’s principle and virtual work principle. In this research it is found that the dynamic force transmission performance is substantially lower than the static force transmission performance; and the force transmission performance has no obvious correlation between the dynamic and the static conditions of the same dimension. The dynamic force transmission performance can be improved by changing the positions of the center of mass of links. In this thesis, we propose the normalized dynamic force transmission index (NDFTI) to compare the force transmission performance of mechanisms with different dimensions. The mean dynamic force transmission index (MDFTI) is used as the objective function in the optimization process. The results shows that the linkage mechanisms with optimized parameters of link dimension and position of center of mass outperform those linkages without optimization design process in the aspect of force transmission performance. The indices can be used as quantitative measure of the force transmission performance and appropriate for the optimum design of planar linkage mechanisms considering inertial effects.
第一章 緒論
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3研究動機 5
1.4論文架構 6
第二章 理論背景
2.1前言 7
2.2力量傳遞性能之定義 8
2.2.1廣義機械效益 8
2.2.2有效力量比 12
2.2.3動態力量傳遞性能指標 16

第三章 動態力量傳遞性能分析
3.1前言 19
3.2單自由度單迴路連桿機構 19
3.2.1運動分析 19
3.2.2力量分析 24
3.2.3動態力量傳遞性能分析 28
3.3單自由度多迴路連桿機構 46
3.3.1動態力量傳遞性能分析 46
3.4討論 52
第四章 動態力量傳遞性能最佳化
4.1前言 54
4.2動態力量傳遞性能最佳化之數學模型 54
4.3最佳化設計過程 58
4.4討論 64
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1結論 65
5.2未來展望 66
參考文獻 67
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