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研究生(外文):Lo, Chia-Jui
論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of Interactive TV's Business Model & Competitiveness - A Case Study of Chunghwa Telecom's MOD
指導教授(外文):Liang, Shih-An
中文關鍵詞: 互動電視 電信電視 三合一服務 隨選多媒體MOD 關鍵成功因素 核心能力 差異化策略 殺手級應用
外文關鍵詞:Telco TViTVTriple PlayConveragenceMODKFSCore CompetencyDifferentiation StrategyKiller Application
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隨著寬頻基礎建設的成熟及數位科技的匯聚,宣告數位生活時代的來臨,第三代視訊服務的「互動電視」,打破傳統視訊服務流通平台的區隔,並使產業得以互跨經營,電信業者經營媒體的電信電視 (Telco TV) 成為全球電信業未來發展的趨勢,結合語音、數據、影像「三合一」(Triple Play) 的服務成為未來電視商務 (T-Commerce) 的主流商機。



研究結果發現:台灣互動電視的發展處於產業導入期,目前是電信業者(ADSL) 與有線電視 (Cable) 的競爭,TV (客廳) 與PC (書房) 的競爭。產業具高科技特性,應掌握產業發展初期,應儘速建立市場「技術/規格標準」,以創造競爭優勢,支配未來市場發展。

此外,互動電視產業之關鍵成功因素有三:平台建設、低價補貼、內容豐富。互動電視是「電信」與「媒體」產業的結合,「網路+電視」的服務,經營此市場的主要核心能力為:技術(軟、硬體)能力、通路平台、及頻道內容。中華電信的核心資源具備技術 (軟、硬體) 能力,因此MOD的核心策略是經營通路平台,策略上可以移轉或運用現有事業之競爭力,發展平台;頻道內容是經營平台策略上之必需,應以「購併」策略,取得互補性資源,發展頻道內容,並整合其它事業體之內容,建立數位內容整合平台。

Telecom operators are constantly on the lookout for new business opportunities. With the development of broadband network infrastructure and the convergence of digital technology, Telco TV has become a new trend for the future featuring “Triple Play”(voice/data/video) offerings for T-commerce.

Seeing the potential benefits of Interactive TV (iTV) Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) made a big move to launch Multimedia on Demand (MOD) in March 2004. The move not only directly challenges the entrenched services of cable operators, but also significantly influences the development both of iTV and related Content industries.

The study begins with an analysis of the iTV industy competition. The competitiveness of MOD is explored through 1) the Key Success Factors, KSF, which suggest the experiences of iTV players of other countries, and 2) the Core Competencies from CHT. New business models for entering new market were offered as the conclusion.
The study demostrates that the players competing for iTV are the Telecom industry vs the Cable industry, and that the playing field is the TV (living room) vs the PC (reading room). Strategically, CHT should initiate and secure the format war and set the technical standards for the iTV market since iTV has the characteristics of a high-tech industry and is at the infant stage of industry cycle. The strategy will strengthen CHT’s position to create its own competitive advantage and to dominate the future market development.

In addition, the Telco players’ experience reveals that the KSF for winning the iTV market are “Platform”, “Content”, and “Price”. From the resource-based point of view, CHT has the clear advantage over the ADSL infrastructure and technical background to deliver the iTV services.

MOD’s core strategy is to build up the Platform infrastructure. CHT can leverage and/or transfer the competencies of other businesses to build up the Platform as a channel to sell the MOD services. However, CHT currently lacks the ability to handle Content issues, so that M&A is probably the best strategy to acquire the complementary resources, and to strengthen the position of the Platform to win customers. Also, CHT has the synergy to integrate Contents from its own other businesses to form a Digital Content Platform.

In order to compete with Cable TV, CHT should take the “Differentiation” strategy by highlighting the attributes of on-demand services and interactivity, and offer “Killer Applications” to target the mass consumerism and the niche markets, respectively. It is key to leverage CHT’s current position and mass customer base to offer a “Total Solution - One Network, One Wire, and One Bill” to attract consumers.
目 錄

謝辭 i
中文論文提要 ii
英文論文提要 …..……iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 v

第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 互動電視 6
第二節 Porter的產業五力分析 ……………..…………………... 16
第三節 產業生命週期 ………………..……………………………... 20
第四節 網際網路的企業經營模式 ……………………... 24
第五節 競爭優勢 ………………..……………………………... 27
第六節 獲取能力的模式 …………..……………………………... 32

第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 34
第二節 研究方法 35

第四章 互動電視的產業競爭
第一節 互動電視的產業變革 37
第二節 台灣互動電視的產業發展 38
第三節 國外業者的經營發展模式 50
第四節 客廳 vs書房/TV vs PC 57
第五節 電信業者決戰有線電視/Telecom vs Cable 59

第五章 中華電信MOD的競爭策略
第一節 中華電信MOD 62
第二節 MOD導入期產業分析 67

第三節 MOD進入互動電視之產業結構分析 68
第四節 MOD競爭力分析 72
第五節 MOD進入新產業之經營模式 79

第六章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 81
第二節 研究建議 83
第三節 未來相關研究之方向 85
第四節 研究限制 86

參考文獻 87
附錄 訪談大綱 92
作者簡歷 94

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