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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yu Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Pseudo Dynamic Tests and Analysis of A Full Scale Two-story Steel Buckling Restrained Braced Substructure under Bi-directional Earthquake Loads
外文關鍵詞:Buckling Restrained BracePseudo Dynamic Tests
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本研究探討挫屈束制支撐與其接合在結構中之行為外,亦探討網路子結構擬動態實驗技術。而本研究的主要項目有:1)探討整體構架之耐震設計方法,比較試驗所得與數值分析的結果。2)檢討挫屈束制支撐於構架中之耐震行為,包括斜撐消能情形、斜撐累積塑性韌性表現、斜撐端部轉角與斜撐韌性等。3) 探討接合板之耐震行為與ABAQUS有限元素分析結果,包括接合板之設計方法、側向變形計算方法。試驗顯示斜撐之接合板在經過加勁後,歷經三組不同危害度(50年超越機率分別低於50%, 10% 與2%)之雙向地震歷時後,構架中完全無挫屈或其他的明顯破壞現象產生,驗證有限元素分析及所提設計方法的可用性,試驗結果顯示可使用有效長度係數K=1.0 於Whitmore與Thornton之方法來設計加勁後之接合板。挫屈束制支撐於構架中行為表現良好,幾乎承受全部樓層剪力之外,一樓BRB之累積塑性韌性CPD值已超過140。
In recent years, several researchers have confirmed that buckling restrained brace (BRB) is a very effective energy dissipation element to reduce seismic responses of building structures. It has been shown in many research laboratories that BRB components can sustain large cyclic inelastic strain reversals and stably absorb a significant amount of energy without failure. Thus, buckling restrained braced frame (BRBF) has gained wide acceptance in Japan, Taiwan and North America. While most of the BRB tests have confirmed the excellent performance of the BRB component in absorbing energy, recent pseudo dynamic tests conducted in October 2003 in the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) on a full scale three-story BRBF has revealed the importance of the gusset plate details. Gusset plates designed according to the conventional methods may not require any gusset edge stiffener, but could be buckled under large BRB compressive forces. In order to further investigate the gusset plate design methodology, a full scale two-story BRBF is tested in NCREE in this study using substructure pseudo dynamic test procedures and considering bi-directional earthquake load effects of three different seismic hazard levels.
The objectives of this study include: 1) investigate the current and modified design criteria of the BRB gusset plate subjected to axial load and out-of-plane bending, 2) conduct the ABAQUS finite element analysis to investigate the buckling strength of the gusset plate details adopted in the 2-story BRBF specimen, 3) incorporate the Platform for Inelastic Structural Analysis for 3D System (PISA3D) into the servo-control loop for substructure hybrid tests, 4) provide seismic design recommendations for the BRB gusset plate subjected to bi-directional force and deformations.
Test results showed that the 2-story BRBF specimen can be very effectively tested by using the substructure pseudo dynamic test procedures, particularly with real-time webcasting of test results. The 2-story BRBF specimen sustained three sets of ground accelerations (scaled to represent less than 50%, 10% and 2% chance of exceedance in 50 years) without any sign of strength of stiffness degradation. It is found from the tests that the out-of-plane deformational demand imposed on the gusset plates can be satisfactorily estimated by linear interpolation of the inter-story drift considering the dimension of the gusset plate with respect to the story height. It is confirmed from the test and ABAQUS analysis results that after adding the gusset plate edge stiffeners, an effective length factor of K=1.0 can be incorporated into the Whitmore and Thornton methods for the design of gusset plates.
誌謝 一
中文摘要 二
英文摘要 三
目錄 四
表目錄 九
圖目錄 十
照片目錄 十六
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的與內容 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 含挫屈束制支撐構架之力學行為與基本特性 6
2.1 挫屈束制支撐簡介 6
2.2 挫屈束制支撐之組成 6
2.3 挫屈束制支撐之基本力學原理與特性 9
2.4 文獻回顧 11
2.5 含挫屈束制支撐構架之設計流程 15
第三章 試驗計畫 18
3.1 試體介紹 18
3.2 構架設計 19
3.3 試體組裝 21
3.3.1 主結構與傳力系統 21
3.3.2 側向支撐 23
3.3.3 柱軸力系統 24
3.3.4 BRB製作與安裝 24
3.4 BRB彈性校準試驗與結果 25
3.4.1 彈性校準試驗之目的與方式 25
3.4.2 彈性校準試驗結果 26
3.5 施力系統、量測儀器與資料收集系統 28
3.5.1 施力系統 28
3.5.2 量測儀器 29
3.5.3 資料收集系統 31
3.5.4 試驗加載歷時 32
3.5.5 試體材料強度試驗結果 32
第四章 接合板分析與設計 34
4.1 理論基礎 34
4.2 接合板強度檢核 37
4.3 有限元素軟體分析 38
4.4 接合板設計結果 39
第五章 擬動態試驗與位移計控制方法 41
5.1 網路擬動態試驗介紹 41
5.2 外部位移計配置 43
5.3 外部位移計控制方法 43
5.3.1 控制方法相關研究 43
5.3.2 本試驗之位移控制轉換推導 44
5.4 不同控制方法之比較與範例應用 47
5.4.1 位移轉換之適用範圍 47
5.4.2 位移轉換之範例比較 49
第六章 試驗過程 51
6.1 柱軸力施加與鉸支承安裝 51
6.2 反力架加勁 52
6.3 樓板修復 53
6.4 拉線式外部位移計與Temposonics 53
6.5 試驗經過 54

第七章 試驗結果與分析 57
7.1 整體構架行為探討 57
7.1.1 樓層側位移與樓層剪力 57
7.1.2 樓層遲滯行為 59
7.2 BRB行為探討 60
7.2.1 斜撐之非線性行為 60
7.2.2 斜撐消能情形 61
7.2.3 累積塑性韌性量(CPD) 62
7.2.4 斜撐韌性 64
7.3 接合板行為探討 65
7.3.1 接合板面外變形量 65
7.3.2 接合板面外變形量與樓層側位移角 65
7.3.3 接合板面外變形量與斜撐軸力 67
7.3.4 接合板應力分布 68
7.3.5 接合板應力比計算 69

第八章 結論與建議 71
8.1 結論 71
8.2 建議 72

參考文獻 73
附錄A 向量法位移轉換檢核程式 174
附錄B 幾何計算法位移轉換檢核程式 178
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