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研究生(外文):Si-Kai Shen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Contact Angle on Micro-Patterned Substrates and Preliminary Development of MEMS for Droplet Control
外文關鍵詞:MEMScontact anglesurface modificationelectrostatic actuatordroplet control
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本論文主要目的為使用微機電系統製程製作具有可操控液滴接觸角變化之可逆性及雙穩定性微滴操控系統,此微滴操控系統所採用之方法是以機械方式改變表面之幾何構造,使液滴能隨著表面結構變化而具有不同之接觸角。為了探討液滴接觸角與表面粗糙度的關係,本論文設計了具有孔洞狀與柱狀之微尺度結構表面,並且將量測結果與Cassie’s Formula做比較,所預測的結果與實際接觸角非常符合,在孔洞狀及柱狀結構表面上接觸角則僅有6°及10°差異,此一實驗結果提供了後續之微滴操控系統在設計表面結構上的參考。
In this thesis, we develop a reversible and bi-stable droplet-controlling system (RBDCS) to control the contact angle. The device is fabricated by MEMS. The method focuses on changing the surface geometry on which the contact angle can vary mechanically. In order to investigate the relationship between the surface roughness and the contact angle, we fabricate micro-hole and micro-pillar surfaces. The measurements of the contact angle show a very good agreement in comparing with those predicted by Cassie’s formula.
The development of the RBDCS aims to combine those theories from electrostatic microactuator and contact angle. The device is fabricated in 25 processes with 5 masks by surface micromachining. The design of RBDCS is divided into two parts. One is the design of the surface, which takes advantage of the above-mentioned study of contact angle on micro-patterned substrates, but is restricted to the design of the microactuator. The other is the design of the microactuator which is restricted to both the rules about RBDCS and the manufacture processes. The design is also analyzed by FEM and the applied voltage is solved by the electrostatic theory.
The RBDCS is still under development. It cannot be used to measure the real-time contact angle of droplets. Nevertheless we can statically measure the contact angle of droplets on the surface component of the RBDCS and investigate the structural behaviors. The results indicate the difference in contact angle between the theoretical value and the practical value is fifteen, and the microactuator is strong enough to resist mechanical deformation.
致  謝 I
摘 要 III
目  錄 VII
圖 目 錄 XI
表 目 錄 XV
第一章 導論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 微滴操控技術 2
1.3 論文架構 7
第二章 微尺度結構表面之接觸角量測 9
2.1 理論基礎 9
2.1.1 蓮花效應 9
2.1.2 接觸角理論 11
2.2 微尺度結構表面之幾何設計 16
2.3 微尺度結構表面之微機電系統製程 17
2.3.1 微尺度結構表面製程 18
2.3.2 隨高度變化之微尺度結構表面製程 19
2.4 接觸角量測 21
2.4.1 電鍍鎳表面粗糙度之接觸角量測 21
2.4.2 柱狀及孔洞狀結構表面之接觸角量測 23
2.4.3 受高度影響之接觸角變化 26
2.4.4 液滴於親斥水性交界表面之運動行為 29
2.5 討論與小結 31
第三章 微滴操控系統設計與分析 33
3.1 設計概念 33
3.1.1 操控方法 33
3.1.2 研究方法 34
3.2 理論基礎 35
3.2.1 靜電力理論 35
3.2.2 吸咐電壓(Pull-in Voltage) 36
3.3 微致動器之設計 40
3.3.1 設計原則 40
3.3.2 幾何設計 41
3.4 可逆式雙穩定性微滴操控系統之分析 45
3.4.1 微致動器驅動電壓分析 45
3.4.2 微滴操控系統液滴接觸角分析 45
第四章 微滴操控系統製程與實驗量測 49
4.1 可逆式雙穩定性微滴操控系統製程 49
4.2 細部構造觀察與改進方法 64
4.2.1 可逆式雙穩定性微滴操控系統表面結構觀察 65
4.2.2 微致動器之觀察 68
4.3 初步成果 70
4.3.1 微滴操控系統表面接觸角量測 70
4.3.2 微致動器結構行為測試 71
4.4 討論與小結 72
第五章 結論與未來展望 75
5.1 結論與建議 75
5.2 未來展望 76
參考文獻 79
附錄A 相關製程參數 83
附錄B 可逆式雙穩定性微滴操控系統光罩圖案 95
附錄C 可逆式雙穩定性微滴操控系統實驗紀錄 99
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