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研究生(外文):Cheng-Wei Lee
論文名稱(外文):The application of hypersingular meshless method for electrostatic and electromagnetic wave scattering problems
外文關鍵詞:Hypersingular meshless methodmethod of fundamental solutionsdouble layer potentialradial basis functiondesingularized techniqueelectrostatic problemelectromagnetic wave scattering problemperfectly conducting cylindermulti-domain technique
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In this thesis, a hypersingular meshless method (HMM) is proposed to solve electrostatic and electromagnetic wave scattering problems. This method modifies the method of fundamental solutions (MFS) by using the desingularized technique to regularize the singularity and hypersingularity of the proposed kernel functions. In the meantime the meshless features of conventional MFS are preserved without singularity and numerical integration. The source points can be located on the real boundary coincident with boundary points since the diagonal terms of influence matrices are determined after the singularity and hypersingularity having being eliminated. So that testing to the controversial off-boundary distance can be avoided. Furthermore, by using the HMM in conjunction with domain decomposition technique, we also solve for the rank-deficiency problem with degenerate boundary. The numerical results are demonstrated it valid and accuracy in solving a number of testing cases for electrostatic and electromagnetic wave scattering problems after comparing with exact solutions and the results made by dual boundary element method.
誌謝…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I
中文摘要...……………………………………………………………………………………………. II
Table List…………………………………………………………………..………………………… VI
Figure List………………………………………………………………………………..…………..VII
Chapter 1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 1
1-1. Motivation........................................................................................................................................... 1
1-2. Contents of the thesis .......................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2. HMM for solving electrostatic problems.................................................................... 5
2-1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 5
2-2. Formulation ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2-2.1. Electrostatic preliminary.............................................................................................................................. 6
2-2.2. Conventional method of fundamental solutions.......................................................................................... 7
2-2.3. Formulation of HMM................................................................................................................................... 8
2-2.4. HMM for interior electrostatic problem ...................................................................................................... 9
2-2.6. Treatment of degenerate boundary problems ............................................................................ 12
2-3. Numerical simulation with HMM for interior electrostatic problems ......................................... 13
2-3.1. Case 1-Circular domain with discontinuous Dirichlet BCs...................................................................... 13
2-3.2. Case 2-Rectangular domain with discontinuous Dirichlet BCs ............................................................... 14
2-3.3. Case 3-Rectangular domain with mixed-type problem (discontinuous BC)........................................... 14
2-3.4. Case 4-Arbitrary domain cases (cases 4-1 to 4-3)...................................................................................... 15
2-3.5. Case 5-Degenerate boundary interior problems ....................................................................................... 16
2-4. Numerical simulation with HMM for exterior electrostatic problems......................................... 16
2-5. Remark.............................................................................................................................................. 17
Chapter 3. HMM for solving electromagnetic wave scattering problems................................. 18
3-1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 18
3-2. Formulation ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3-2.1. Governing equation .................................................................................................................................... 19
3-2.1.1. Maxwell’s equations ........................................................................................................................... 19
3-2.1.2. Wave equations .................................................................................................................................. 21

3-2.1.3. Helmholtz equation ............................................................................................................................ 21
3-2.2. Analytical solution for a circular conducting cylinder.............................................................................. 24
3-2.3. Formulation of HMM for electromagnetic wave scattering problems .................................................... 26
3-2.3.1. Formulation of double layer potentials............................................................................................. 27
3-2.3.2. Derivation of diagonal coefficients of influence matrices for arbitrary domain using a HMM.. 29
3-3. Numerical results for homogeneous electromagnetic wave scattering problems........................ 31
3-3.1. Scattering through a circular cylinder ....................................................................................................... 32
3-3.2. Scattering through a rectangular cylinder................................................................................................. 33
3-3.3. Scattering through a peanut-shaped cylinder............................................................................................ 34
Chapter 4. Conclusions and further researches......................................................................... 35
4-1. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 35
4-2. Further studying............................................................................................................................... 35
Appendix A. The detail derivations of equations for both Laplace’s equation and Helmholtz
equation. ………………………………………………………………………………………37
Appendix B. Discretization process of MFS for single and double layer potentials.................... 38
References………………………………………………………………………………………......... 42
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