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研究生(外文):Tzu-Nung Li
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis of Reactive Distillation Column Design by MINLP Optimization
外文關鍵詞:MINLPreactive distillation
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A complete mathematical programming formulation based on a tray-by-tray model
is presented for optimal design of homogeneous reactive distillation processes.
Most of the researches on reactive distillation, some the structural details of the
process are found by empiricism or intuition, and the operational variables
can be determined by standard optimization techniques.
An optimal model which minimize total costs with all priced structural variables
and priced operational variables was set up.
A tray-by-tray model was proposed for reactive distillation column design
that could simultaneous optimize all structural variables and operational variables.

The synthesis of reactive distillation problems can be formulated as a mixed-integer
nonlinear programming (MINLP), where raw material cost, the operating costs and the investment
costs are considered simultaneously and the possible benefits of multiple
feed locations is emphasized.

This study is supposed not considering the liquid-liquid equilibria system,
the suitable thermodynamics model can be applied to the superstructure,
such as: ideal model, the Willson model and so on; as for the liquid-vapor equilibria
phenomena, the Murphree plate efficiency is indicated the separating efficiency of plate,
and model could have the more real description of behavior reactive distillation.
Apply the effect of catalyst to the model that only can handle homogeneous reaction system,
make the superstructure could be extended to heterogeneous reactive distillation system.
Production ethylene glycol and methyl acetate processes
from literature is supplied to demonstrate the
proposed simultaneous optimization approach on the
homogeneous and heterogeneous reactive distillation column design
by MINLP technique.
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 反應蒸餾之簡介 2
1.3. 文獻回顧 3
1.4. 研究動機與目的 5
1.5. 組織章節 7
2. 反應性蒸餾塔逐層式超結構模式建構 9
2.1. 模式建立之背景說明 9
2.2. 模式建立之基本假設條件 10
2.3. 逐層式超結構模式 12
2.4. 模式之符號、系統參數與系統變數 14
2.4.1 符號說明 14
2.4.2 系統參數 15
2.4.3 系統變數 16
2.5. 目標函數與限制式 18
2.5.1 0,1變數決定塔板數限制式 18
2.5.2 質量平衡限制式 18
2.5.3 能量平衡限制式 21
2.5.4 動力關系式 22
2.5.5 熱力關系式 23
2.5.6 邏輯限制式 24
2.5.7 進料物流數目限制式 25
2.5.8 塔結構限制式 25
2.5.9 莫菲板效率限制式 26
2.5.10目標函數 26
2.5.11 反應性蒸餾塔逐層式超結構模式整合 28
3. 均相反應系統模式情境模擬結果分析與討論 31
3.1. 最適化軟體 31
3.2. 模式之情境模擬 32
3.3. 結果與討論 35
3.3.1 例一:多重進料及理想板假設 35
3.3.2 例一:單一及理想板假設 38
3.4. 非理想板模式之情境模擬 41
3.4.1 例一:多重進料及板效率E=75% 41
3.4.2 例二:單一進料及板效率E=75% 45
3.4.3 例三:多重進料及板效率E=50% 45
3.4.4 例四:單一進料及板效率E=50% 48
4. 異相反應系統模式情境模擬結果分析與討論 57
4.1. 異相反應階層式超結構模式 57
4.1.1 模式建立之基本假設條件 58
4.1.2 異相反應系統新增之符號 58
4.2. 異相反應系統之限制式 59
4.2.1 0,1變數決定反應板限制式 59
4.2.2 異相反應動力關系式 59
4.2.3 目標函數 60
4.2.4 反應性蒸餾塔逐層式超結構模式整合 61
4.3. 模式之情境模擬 63
4.4. 結果與討論 65
5. 結論與未來展望 71
5.1. 結論 71
5.2. 未來展望 72
參考文獻 75
作者簡歷 79
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