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研究生(外文):Chih-Hsien Chien
論文名稱(外文):Syntheses and Studies of Mononuclear, Dinuclear, and Hexanuclear Metal Complexes with the H2bphany and H2bpyany Ligands
外文關鍵詞:H2bphanyH2bpyanyHexanuclear Metal Complexes
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本論文是以探討新穎的偶數氮配基: 2,7- 二苯胺-1,8- 萘啶
(2,7-Bis(α-phenylamino)-1,8-naphthyridine, H2bphany),以及 2,7-二吡啶胺
-1,8-萘啶, (2,7-Bis(α-pyridylamino)-1,8-naphthyridine, H2bpyany)的配位
化學研究。配基的合成, 由2,6-Dichloro-1,8-naphthyridine 與2 當
量的Aniline (或 2-Aminopyridine), 在強鹼(t-BuOK) 以及Pd 催化
條件下, 即可合成H2bphany(或H2bpyany)。在配基H2bphany 的研究
中,已合成出鉬雙核錯合物[Mo2(Hbphany)3(O2C(R))] (R = CH3,CF3) ,並解出
其晶體結構;我們亦嘗試合成四核金屬錯合物,目前只有從FAB-MS 光譜中
得知已合成出四核鎳金屬串錯合物,[Ni4(µ4-bphany)4](1) ,但是並未得到其
晶體結構。六氮配基,H2bpyany,配位模式至少有the anti-anti form I, the
anti-anti-syn-anti-anti form II , and the all-syn form III。在form I 中,配基為雙
[Co(H2bpyany)(NCS)2] (2) 及[Ni(H2bpyany)(NCS)2(H2O)] (3)。在form II 中,
配基可配位兩個金屬離子,如錯合物[Cu2(µ4-H2bpyany)(µ-Cl)(µ-OH)Cl2] (4).
我們最感興趣的是form III,我們已合成出鎳、鈷之六核金屬串錯合物
[Ni6(µ6-bpyany)4(X)2]n+ (X= NCS– : n = 2 (5), n = 1 (6); X = Cl–: n = 2 (7), n = 1
(8))及 [Co6(µ6-bpyany)4(X)2]n+ (X= NCS– : n = 1 (9), n = 2 (10); X = OTf –: n = 1
(11), n = 2 (12))。Ni6 系列,由晶體結構與磁性分析結果顯示,脫氫之配基
Ni(4)…Ni(5)…Ni(6))近乎直線,不考慮軸配位基時,錯合物具D4 對稱。而錯
合物(5) 及(7)的Ni…Ni 之間無鍵結,末端Ni(1)、Ni(6)為四角錐環境,高自
旋態(S = 1),而內部四個鎳(II)為平方四邊形環境,低自旋態(S = 0),其磁性
偶合常數J16≒–4 ~ –5 cm–1。錯合物(5)的電化學有一還原對E1/2 = –0.19 V,
Ni(3)–Ni(4)由2.281(2) Å(錯合物(7))縮短至2.201(3) Å(錯合物(8)),明顯的縮
短約0.08 Å,Ni(3)–Npy(av) 則從1.903(8) Å 變長為2.009(4) Å,明顯的變長約
0.106 Å,我們推測在Ni(3)與Ni(4) 原子上共同發生一個電子的還原,故其
化一個電子分別形成錯合物(10) 與(12) , 而錯合物
[Co6(µ6-bpyany)4(NCS)2](PF6) (9),Co 的平均價數為+1.83,其磁矩µeff =1.80 µB.
(300 K),為S = 1/2 之電子組態。其電化學顯示在−0.55 V、+0.38 V、 +0.91 V、
+1.18 V,有四對氧化還原對。利用化學方法將錯合物(9)氧化一個電子,產生
(10),磁矩µeff 由0.80 µB (2 K) 逐漸上升
至2.79 µB (300 K),推測在室溫下符合S = 1 之電子組態。由EHMO 計算得
知,錯合物(10)之SOMO 為 σ*(4)和δ*(6)軌域,其能量差∆E = 0.084 eV 很小。
We report here novel ligands, 2,7-Bis(α-phenylamino)-1,8-naphthyridine
(H2bphany) and 2,7-Bis(α-pyridylamino)-1,8-naphthyridine (H2bpyany).
H2bphany (or H2bpyany) was synthesized by palladium-catalyzed crosscoupling
of treatment of 2,7-Dichloronaphthyridine with aniline (or 2-Aminopyridine). The
ligand H2bphany has been used to synthesize the dinuclear molybdenum(II)
complexes, [Mo2(Hbphany)3(O2C(R))] (R = CH3,CF3) and a tetranuclear nickel(II)
complex, [Ni4(µ4-bphany)4](1). Unfortunately, the crystals of complex (1) have
not been good enough for X-ray structural determination until now. The
coordination chemistry of the other ligand, H2bpyany, is rich and was
found that the H2bpyany ligand can bind metal ions at least in three conformations,
the anti-anti form I, the anti-anti-syn-anti-anti form II , and the all syn form III.
In I the ligand is bidentate and coordinates to a metal ion through one nitrogen
atom of pyridine and of naphthyridine to form [Co(H2bpyany)(NCS)2] (2) and
[Ni(H2bpyany)(NCS)2(H2O)] (3). In II the ligand can bind two metal ions, and
the complex [Cu2(µ-H2bpyany)(µ-Cl)(µ-OH)Cl2] (4) was obtained. The
coordination geometry about each Cu(II) ion is closer to a trigonal bipyramid.
Complex 4 has a slight longer Cu(II)…Cu(II) distance of 3.022(1) Å and exhibits
ferromagneitc interaction (J = 63.3 cm-1) from magnetic studies. In the last form
III, the ligands have been deprotonated to act as hexadentate ones and were
helically wrapped the metal ions to form a hexanuclear metal string, structurally
similar to previous reports. We have successfully prepared the novel hexametal
string complex , [Ni6(µ6-bpyany)4(X)2]n+ (X= NCS– : n=2 (5), n=1 (6);X = Cl–:
n=2 (7), n=1 (8)) and [Co6(µ6-bpyany)4(X)2]n+ (X= NCS– : n = 1 (9), n=2 (10); X =
OTf –: n=1 (11), n=2 (12)). Ni6 complexes have linear cores of metal
arrangements, Ni(1)…Ni(2)…Ni(3)…Ni(4)…Ni(5)…Ni(6), with D4 symmetry
without considering axial ligands. For complex (5) and (7), the terminal nickel(II)
ions, Ni(1) and Ni(6), are in high-spin states (S = 1) and the inner four ones are
in low-spin states (S = 0). The coupling constant (J16) of Ni6 metal string is –4
~ –5 cm–1. The The complex (5) has a redox couple at E1/2 = – 0.19 V and would
be easily reduced by chemical methods. One-electron reduction of complex (7)
produces complex (8). Ni(3)–Ni(4) distance is slight shorter 0.08 Å from 2.281(2)
Å to 2.201(3) Å with respect to complex (7) and (8). Ni(3)–Npy(av) distance is
obviously becoming longer 0.106 Å from 1.903(8) Å to 2.009(4) Å. We propose
reduction was occurred at one unit of Ni(3) and Ni(4).The arrangement of the
nickel charge are Ni+2…Ni+2…Ni+1.5…Ni+1.5…Ni+2…Ni+2.
In cobalt systems, one-electron reduced complexes (9) and (11) are
stable in the air. One-electron oxidation of complex (9) and (11) generate
complex (10) and (12). Complex [Co6(µ6-bpyany)4(NCS)2](PF6) (9) has +1.83
averaged oxidation state of cobalt and exhibits magnetic moment as 1.80 µB.
(300 K) which reveals S = 1/2 electronic configuration. The electrochemistry of
the complex (9) displays four redox couples at −0.55 V, +0.38 V, +0.91 V
and+1.18 V. One-electron oxidized form, complex
[Co6(µ6-bpyany)4(NCS)2](PF6)2 (10) has an unusual magnetic behavior with
gradually increasing magnetic moment from 0.80 µB (2 K) to 2.79 µB (300 K).
EHMO calculation is consistent with S = 1 electronic configuration at high
temperature. These two unpaired electrons fill in SOMO orbitals, namely σ*(4)
and δ*(6).
中文摘要 3
英文摘要(Abstract) 5
第一章 緒論 7
1-1 金屬–金屬多重鍵理論 7
1-2 配基簡介 14
1-3 單核及多核金屬錯合物 18
1-4 研究方向 25
第二章 結論 26
2-1 結論 26

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