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研究生(外文):Cho-Yan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Blue-Laser Zn-Ni Co-diffused Mach-Zehnder Modulator
指導教授(外文):Way-Seen Wang
外文關鍵詞:Mcah-Zehnder modulatorblue lightphotorefractive effectextinction ratiohalf voltageZn-Ni
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In this work, Zn-Ni:LiNbO3 single-mode waveguides and Mach-Zehnder modulators operated at blue-laser wavelength are demonstrated for the first time. To support the fundamental mode only, the largest linewidth of the Zn-Ni co-diffused waveguides should be about 1.5um, which is smaller than that of Ti-diffused waveguides, 2.5um. The optical confinement of the waveguides is optimized by diffusing at 830ºC for 60min when the thicknesses of nickel and zinc are 100Å and 500Å, respectively. Moreover, the Zn-Ni:LiNbO3 waveguides are free of lithium out-diffusion as that found in Ti:LiNbO3 waveguides. The Mach-Zehnder modulators operating at blue-laser wavelength are also demonstrated, the half voltage and the extinction ratio of the device are found to be 6.5V and 7dB, respectively.
第一章 導論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 內容簡介 7
第二章 藍光鋅鎳擴散式波導之設計 8
2-1 鎳擴散式光波導簡介 8
2-2 鎳擴散式鈮酸鋰光波導簡介 10
2-3 鋅鎳擴散式鈮酸鋰光波導簡介 11
2-3.1 鋅鎳擴散式鈮酸鋰光波導 11
2-3.2 光折效應 12
2-4 藍光鋅鎳擴散式波導之光罩設計 15
第三章 藍光鋅鎳擴散式波導之製作 17
3-1 藍光鋅鎳擴散式波導之製程步驟 17
3-1.1 晶片切割及清洗 18
3-1.2 微影技術 19
3-1.3 金屬薄膜蒸鍍 19
3-1.4 高溫擴散 20
3-1.5 晶片研磨拋光 22
3-1.6 波導特性量測 23
3-2 藍光鋅鎳擴散式波導之製作結果與討論 25
3-2.1 波導寬度對模態的影響 25
3-2.2 溫度對光場分布的影響 26
第四章 藍光鋅鎳擴散式馬赫任德電光調變器之製作 28
4-1 元件原理簡介 28
4-2 元件設計與製程步驟 35
4-2.1元件設計 35
4-2.2 製程步驟 36
4-3 馬赫任德電光調變器之量測結果 40
4-3.1 量測系統架設 40
4-3.2 調變訊號之量測 40
第五章 結論與未來展望 43
5-1 結論 43
5-2 未來展望 43
參考文獻 45
中英文名詞對照表 48
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