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研究生(外文):Fu-Je Chen
論文名稱(外文):Electrodeposition of Nickel-Phosphorus and Cobalt-Phosphorus Alloys
指導教授(外文):Chao-Sung Lin
外文關鍵詞:Ni-P electrodepositCo-P electrodepositNickel sulfamate bathCobalt sulfamate bathcurrent efficiencypulse electroplatingsaccharin
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Properties of Ni-P and Co-P electrodeposits can be best related to the phosphorus content and microstructure of the deposit. In this study, Ni-P and Co-P deposits were electroplated using the direct current in nickel and cobalt sulfamate solutions, respectively, with the addition of 0~40 g l-1 phosphorous acid (H3PO3). Experimental results indicate that deposit phosphorus content increased, while the current efficiency decreased with increasing bath H3PO3 concentration. Concomitant with the increase in deposit phosphorus content, the structure of the deposit evolved from coarse columnar grains for pure Ni and Co deposits to the mixture of column and laminate, then fine laminates, and finally amorphous structure. Both the deposit microstructure and proton discharge during electroplating affected the hardness and internal stress of the deposits. The hardness of Ni-P electrodeposits increased after 1 h of annealing at temperatures less than 400℃. This increase is due to the precipitation of P-bearing compounds. More P-bearing compounds precipitated and effectively inhibited the growth of recrystallized Ni grains for the deposit with higher phosphorus contents. Consequently, the deposit with more phosphorus generally exhibited higher peak hardness after 1 h of annealing at distinct temperatures. When annealing at temperatures exceeding 500℃, growth of Ni grains and coarsening of Ni3P precipitates prevailed; thereby resulting in a decrease in deposit hardness. Co-P deposits generally had higher softening temperature than Ni-P deposits because after annealing numerous twins formed in Co grains, while Ni grains were rather free of crystalline defects.
Unlike dc electroplating, pulse electroplating enhanced the codeposition of phosphorus. And most importantly, pulse plating improved the current efficiency and reduced the internal stress associated with the deposit. Deposits containing high phosphorus contents could be plated under high current efficiency using the low duty cycle pulse currents. Furthermore, for the pulse currents with low duty cycle, namely 10%, both the grain size and internal stress of the deposit decreased with increasing pulse frequencies. The presence of saccharin in the solution modified the electrocrystallization of Ni-P deposit and reduced the internal stress of the deposit. Adsorption of this organic molecule, however, impeded adsorption and subsequent reduction of H3PO3. Therefore, less phosphorus was codeposited when saccharin was added to the solution.

第一章 導論……………………………………………………1

第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………4
2.10 鈷磷合金…………………………………………………25

第三章 實驗方法………………………………………………27
3.4.3 XRD試片製備……………………………………………38

第四章 實驗結果………………………………………………44
4.1.3鎳磷鍍層XRD分析 ………………………………………48
4.1.4鎳磷鍍層橫截面TEM ……………………………………50
4.2.4脈衝電鍍鎳磷合金鍍層橫截面TEM ……………………84
4.3.2鈷磷鍍層橫截面OM金相 ………………………………95
4.3.3鈷磷鍍層XRD分析 ………………………………………98
4.3.5鈷磷鍍層硬度 …………………………………………107
4.3.6鈷磷鍍層之高溫行為 …………………………………109

第五章 討論 …………………………………………………124
5.1直流電鍍製程 ……………………………………………124
響 ………………………………………………………124
5.1.2鎳磷與鈷磷合金層狀結構形成之因素 ………………124
5.1.3鍍層內應力之形成因素 ………………………………128
5.1.4鍍層機械性質 …………………………………………134
5.2脈衝電鍍製程 ……………………………………………135
5.2.1鍍層磷含量之增加 ……………………………………135
5.2.2電流效率之改善 ………………………………………136
5.2.3內應力之降低 …………………………………………140
5.3有機添加劑之影響 ………………………………………141

第六章 結論 …………………………………………………142

第七章 未來展望.……………………………………………145

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