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研究生(外文):Chiu-Chang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Electrical and Optical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Thin Film
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實驗根據 Shimoda 教授所提出的碳管薄膜成長方法,配合著懸浮液可調配不同的濃度特性,來製作出一系列的奈米碳管薄膜;測量這些樣品的透光率,依樣品厚薄程度,透光率從 10 % 左右到 80 % 以上,而薄膜電阻卻是因厚薄程度由 100 多歐姆遽增到 400 多萬。透過二者趨勢線的預測,便可以在透光率與電阻值之間作出最適當的選擇,如此便可以製造出具有預期透明度的導電薄膜,將能應用到更多的領域上。
實驗中亦嘗試著使用 Rinzler 教授的方法來製造可傳送到不同基板表面的自由懸浮碳管薄膜;雖然 Rinzler 教授並未提及以何種溶劑來製造自由懸浮薄膜,但是卻發現了另一種具類似作用的剝離試劑—丙酮,實驗中也發現了能使碳管薄膜從過濾膜上自行剝離的方法,雖然此方法無法對薄膜面積作有效控制,但是卻也提供了在製作自由懸浮碳管薄膜時,一個非常簡單的概念。
With the improvement of nanotechnology, there are many kinds of nano-scale materials developing. Among these materials, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are quite potential. If CNTs could form a film, they will be more applicable.
By referring to Prof. Shimoda’s film forming method, a series of the CNT films intensity are grown in suspension with different concentration. Their transmittance are wildly distributed over 10 % to 80 %, and the resistance can be distributed over 100 ohm to 4 millions ohm, respectively. By comparing the trend line, a film with required transmittance and resistance could be grown and applied in many application sides.
Another experiment method in this thesis is referring to Prof. Rinzler’s method. Free-standing CNT film can be transferred to another substrate arbitrarily. The solvent, acetone, which could peel film from membrane, is found in this study, and it hasn’t been mentioned in Prof. Rinzler’s paper. On the other hand, a method without solvent is also found. It means that CNT film can be peeled from membrane spontaneously. Though the area of films can’t be controlled in the method, it provides a simple concept for making free-standing CNT film.
致謝 ---------------------------------------------II
摘要 (中文) --------------------------------------III
Abstract -----------------------------------------IV
List of Figures ----------------------------------V
List of Tables -----------------------------------VI

Chapter 1 Introduction 1-8
1-1 An Introduction to Carbon Nanotube ----------1
1-2 Carbon Nanotube Films -----------------------4
1-3 Motivation ----------------------------------7

Chapter 2 Experiment Setup 9-23
2-1 An Introduction to Carbon Nanotube ----------9
> STEP 1. Nanotubes Purification ----------------9
> STEP 2. Processing After Filtration -----------12
> STEP 3. Growing a Nanotube Film ---------------13
STEP 3.1 Separating and Depositing a Nanotube Film 14
STEP 3.2 Fabricating a Free-Standing Nanotube Film 17

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion 24-40
3-1 Measuring the roughness ---------------------24
3-1-1 Result of Sample Growth by Depositing -----24
3-1-2 Result of Sample prepared by peeling off --28
3-2 Resistance Measurements ---------------------30
3-3 Transmittance Measurements ------------------34

Chapter 4 Conclusion ------------------------------41-42

References ---------------------------------------43-44
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