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研究生(外文):Chih-I Chen
論文名稱(外文):Consumers'' Self-activated Bias Correction:Bias Awareness and Motivation for Correcting Bias
指導教授(外文):Wun-Hwa Chen
外文關鍵詞:Self-activated CorrectionBias AwarenessAccuracy MotivationAssimilationContrastContext effect
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The current study will examine whether consumers’ self-activated correction for the bias in product judgment will occur, only when they are aware of the bias as well as have the motivation to correct the bias. This study assumes that when the bias is made more salient, consumers are more likely to identify the biasing factor. However, identifying the biasing factor may not ensure the occurrence of the correction. In order for the correction to be activated by consumers themselves, it is assumed that consumers should have the motivation to make accurate judgments (i.e., have the motivation to remove any bias in judgments). To examine the above predictions, the current study will manipulate the salience of the bias and the level of accuracy motivation in making product judgments. It is predicted that self-activated correction will occur only when the bias is salient (i.e., consumers are more likely to be aware of the bias) and accuracy motivation is high (i.e., consumers are motivated to remove the bias). However, self-activated correction will not occur when consumers are not aware of the bias, or when they are aware of the bias but not motivated to correct it. Marketing implications will be further discussed in the end.
Abstract 1
I. Study Purpose 2
II. Literature Review 3
2-1. Definition of Context Effect 3
2-2. Different Models of Context Effect 3
2-2-1. Set/Reset Model 4
2-2-2. Flexible Correction Model 7
2-3. New Development of The Present Research 8
III. Proposed Theory and Hypotheses 9
3-1. Proposed Theory 9
3-2. Hypotheses 11
3-3. Uniqueness of the current study 12
IV. Experiment 13
4-1. Experiment Overview 13
4-2. Pretest 14
4-2-1. Pretest purpose and design 14
4-2-2. Pretest result 14
4-3. Main Experiment 14
4-3-1. Design and Participants 14
4-3-2. Procedure 15
4-3-3. Independent Variables 15
4-3-4. Dependent variables 16
V. Experiment Results 18
5-1. Manipulation checks 18
5-1-1. Involvement State 18
5-1-2. Salient Level of Bias 18
5-1-3. Match Level of Actech and Chiling Lin 19
5-1-4. Self Report of Correction 19
5-2. Dependent measures 20
VI. Discussion 24
6-1. Conclusion 24
6-2. Implication 25
6-3. Limitation 26
6-4. Future research direction 27
Reference 28
Appendix I—Pretest Questionnaire 32
I-1. Open-ended Questionnaire of Pretest 32
I-2. Close-ended Questionnaire of Pretest 33
Appendix II—Main Experiment Questionnaire 34
II-1. High Involvement and Salient Bias 34
II-2. High Involvement vs. Non-Salient Bias 46
II-3. High Involvement vs. Control Group 58
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