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Chapter Two:
Farabaugh, S. M. 1982. The ecological and social significance ofduetting. In: Acoustic Communication in Birds (Ed. by D. E. Kroodsma & E. H. Miller), pp. 85-124. New York: Academic Press. Grafe, T. U., Bitz, J. H. & Wink, M. 2004. Song repertoire and duetting behaviour of the tropical boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus. Animal Behaviour, 68, 181-191. Grafe, T. U. & Bitz, J. H. 2004. Functions of duetting in the tropical boubou, Laniarius aethiopicus: territorial defence and mutual mate guarding. Animal Behaviour, 68, 193-201. Hall, M. L. 2000. The function of duetting in magpie-larks: conflict, cooperation, or commitment? Animal Behaviour, 60, 667–677. Hall, M. L. 2004. A review of hypotheses for the functions of avian duetting. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 55, 415-430. Langmore, N. E. 1998. Functions of duet and solo songs of female birds. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 13, 136–140. Levin, R. N . 1996. Song behaviour and reproductive strategies in a duetting wren, Thryothorus nigricapillus. I. Removal experiments. Animal Behaviour, 52, 1093–1106. Lo, L.-C. 1987. The biological study of Liocichla steerii at Chitou area. M. S. Thesis. National Taiwan Normal University. In Chinese. Seddon, N. 2002. The structure, context and possible functions of solos, duets and choruses in the subdesert mesite (Monias benschi). Behaviour, 139, 645–676. Seddon, N., Butchart, S. H. M. & Odling-Smee, L. 2002. Duetting in the subdesert mesite Monias benschi: evidence for acoustic mate defence? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 52, 7–16. Smith, W. J. 1994. Animal duets: forcing a mate to be attentive. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 166, 221-223. Sonnenschein, E. & Reyer, H. U. 1983. Mate-guarding and other functions of antiphonal duets in the slate-coloured boubou (Laniarius funebris). Zeitschrift fuぴr Tierpsychologie, 63,112–140. Spetch, R. 2003. Avisoft SASLab Pro. Berlin: Avisoft Bioacoustic. Thorpe, W. H. 1963. Antiphonal singing in birds as evidence for avian auditory reaction time. Nature, 197, 774–776. Titus, R. C., Chandler, C. R., Ketterson, E. D. & Nolan, V. 1997. Song rates of dark-eyed juncos do not increase when females are fertile. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 41, 165–169. Watson, M. 1969. Signficance of antiphonal song in the eastern whipbird, Psophodes olivaceous. Behaviour, 35, 157–178. Wickler, W. 1980. Vocal duetting and the pair bond. I. Coyness and partner commitment: a hypothesis. Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie, 52, 201-209. Wickler, W. Seibt U 1980 Vocal duetting and the pair bond. II.Unisono duetting in the African forest weaver, Symplectesbicolor. Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie, 52, 217–226.