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研究生(外文):Pei-Wen Cheng
指導教授(外文):Chi-Chun Liu
外文關鍵詞:M&AMarket InformationBHC
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本研究將各家金控公司在整個購併過程中所經歷之重大、且共同性高的日期皆列為本研究的事件日,並將各日期歸納整理為共計12類的事件日。此外對各類事件日分別採用Raw Return、Market Adjusted Model、Market Adjusted Model-Industry、及Market Model等4種模型,與3天及5天兩種長度之事件窗口加以研究,目的即希望能將由市場因素所造成的報酬排除於異常報酬之外,並判斷是否有購併資訊提前洩漏之可能性。再者對同一事件兩種長度之事件窗口,分別進行4種模型下之雙尾T統計顯著性檢定、及符號檢定,故每一樣本事件日均有10種檢定,以探討購併的市場資訊對股東財富造成的影響。
四、不同研究模型的選擇所帶來的結果之不同。通常在Market Adjusted Model與Market Adjusted Model-Industry此二模型下之累積異常報酬不如在其他兩個模型下來的顯著,此結果顯示該段事件期間內之報酬可能有部分是來自於市場表現的反應,而不是由購併事件所產生。
Since the moment that Taiwan participated in the WTO, the financial competition environment has been subjected to change. Therefore, the financial industry does not only start to pursue economy of scale by merger within industry but seek to combine with different industries as well in order to confront the threat of globalization and diversification. First, by observing the effect of merger information announcement corresponding to the M&A transactions, this research seeks the links among probability of M&A success, value of synergy, and distribution of synergy. Second, by discussing how investors view toward merger information announcement, it reveals whether investors are confident with recent regulation of financial integration strategy. Furthermore, it also considers the effect of merger information announcement to the stock price and the sensitivity of event dates.

This research induced twelve different event dates from the important and highly related ones during the process of M&A events. Besides, to exclude the market factors from abnormal return, each event date is measured by four different models including Raw Return Model, Market Adjusted Model, Market Adjusted Model-Industry, and Market Model. It is also measured by two different event windows, three days and five days, to judge if there is any possible information leak. Under the measurement of different models and event windows, this research applied Brown & Warner (1985) Two-Tailed T Test and Sign Test to evaluate the significance of abnormal return and to discuss the influence of merger information announcement on the wealth of shareholders.

The results of this research provide explanation and evidence on 1) the effect of merger information announcement for acquiring firm, 2) the effect of merger information announcement for acquired firm, 3) whether the merger information announcement can be viewed as positive information to the market, and 4) comparison of outcomes between different models.

In this research, acquiring firm abnormal returns for both event windows are found to be insignificant; an outcome perfectly coincides with the anticipation. There are two possible reasons that could be posted to explain the outcome. For the first, the information leak is supposed to exist. For the second, the acquisition cost and exchange ratio are always higher than market anticipation. In addition, it can be concluded that abnormal return for five days is slightly larger than that for three days. This conclusion supports the previous explanation that the information leak actually exists.

Besides few exceptions, almost all merger announcements influenced the wealth of shareholders in acquired firms significantly. We can observe that positive abnormal returns are prevailing around the time of a merger information announcement. Therefore, it is quite sure to infer that the market always views the acquired firms as beneficiaries and considers them to be more eligible for confronting the threat stemmed from international competition.

For acquiring firms, most events seem to be neutral. However, positive influences are found in many events for acquired firms. These outcomes reveal that investors viewed the M&A events of bank holding companies as positive and felt confident with recent regulation of financial integration strategy. It is firmly believed that the integration of financial institutions helps to improve the development of financial strategy.

Usually, the outcomes of both Market Adjusted Model and Market Adjusted Model-Industry seem less significant than those of the other two models. Thus, we can conclude that the so-called abnormal return might not be caused simply by the M&A events but came from the reaction to overall market performance.
謝誌 ………………………………………………………………I
摘要 ………………………………………………………………II
目錄 ……………………………………………………………VII
表次 …………………………………………………………… IX
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的 ………………………………………1
第二節 研究範圍 ……………………………………………………4
第三節 論文架構 ……………………………………………………7
第二章 文獻探討 ……………………………………………………9
第一節 購併種類與操作模式 ………………………………………9
第二節 購併的步驟 ………………………………………15
第三節 購併效益之理論 ………………………………………22
第四節 購併效益之實證研究 ………………………………………25
第五節 異常報酬率估計 ………………………………………34
第三章 金控公司現況及其發展……………………………………40
第一節 金控公司之成立 ………………………………………40
第二節 我國金融控股公司 ………………………………………41
第三節 企業購併有關法令規定……………………………………44
第四節 政府政策及金控公司未來發展方向………………………49
第四章 研究方法 …………………………………………………55
第一節 研究架構 …………………………………………………55
第二節 研究假說 …………………………………………………56
第三節 研究模型建立………………………………………………59
第四節 統計檢定 …………………………………………………63
第五節 資料來源與採樣標準 ………………………………………66
第五章 研究結果 …………………………………………………73
第一節 主併公司購併宣告效果……………………………………73
第二節 主併公司符號檢定 ………………………………………85
第三節 目標公司購併宣告效果……………………………………89
第四節 目標公司符號檢定 ………………………………………102
第六章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………108
第一節 結論 …………………………………………………108
第二節 研究限制 …………………………………………………111
第三節 建議 …………………………………………………112
參考文獻 114
附錄 118
附錄一 各項購併宣告原始資料…………………………………118
附錄二 企業併購法修正條文 ……………………………………161
附錄三 公平交易法修正條文 ……………………………………168
附錄四 證券交易法修正條文……………………………………171
附錄五 金融控股公司法修正條文………………………………175
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