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研究生(外文):Yen-Hung Chen
論文名稱(外文):An Implementation of PMI+ on Low-Cost SmartCard
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PMI 是去年在 “International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography” 的會議上,由辛辛那提大學的丁津泰教授所提出來的密碼系統,而PMI+則是PMI為了避免“differential”的攻擊方式所作的改進。在我的論文內,我將會提出兩種在低成本智慧卡(無輔助運算器)上實作PMI+的方式,一種採取傳統的實作方式並提出最佳化的方法,另一種採取金字塔般的方式來實作PMI+中會用到的Galois Field,在此我們特別稱為Composite Galois Field。
後者的實作方式使得在Galois Field 內的運算速度大為提升,並且也可以配合傳統的實作方式來做最佳化,目前實作成果在一般以8051為架構 的CPU下(10MHz),每次加密大小為84/96bit的區塊只需要2.5/5.3 秒,我們可以宣稱PMI+的解密速度快於RSA-1024,而且不需要任何的輔助運算器。
PMI is a cryptosystem brought up by Prof. Jintai Ding, a professional of Cincinnati University, on the 2004 International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography. PMI+ is a further modification from PMI system to avoid the differential cryptanalysis. This thesis is about two kinds of implementations of PMI+ on a low-cost smart card without co-processor. One implementation takes traditional method to construct the field and another takes tower-like method to build the field named Composite Galois Field.
Composite Galois Field has great performance of decryption than traditional one. It takes 2.5/5.3 seconds per 84/96-bit block on a 8051 based CPU at 10-MHz. We may say that PMI(84, 96) without co-processor beats RSA-1024 with co-processor.
Abstract i
摘要 iii
誌謝 v
Contents vii
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. RSA 3
1.2.1. Related Research 3
1.2.2. Application on SmartCard 3
1.3. ECC (Elliptic Curve) 4
1.3.1. Related Research 4
1.3.2. Application on SmartCard 5
1.4. Perturbed MI (PMI) 6
1.5. Research Motivation 6
1.6. Thesis Organization 7
Chapter 2. Perturbation of Matsumoto-Imai System 9
2.1. The Original Matsumoto-Imai Cipher 9
2.2. The Perturbed Matsumoto-Imai Cipher 10
2.3. The Public Key and the Encryption 11
2.4. The Private Key and the Decryption 11
2.5. Security Analysis 12
Chapter 3. Implementation 13
3.1. Main Structures and Operation 13
3.2. Decryption 16
3.2.1. Bit-String Analysis and New Operator “power256” 17
3.2.2. Example 19
3.3. Perturbation 20
3.4. Key Generation 21
Chapter 4. Structure of the Smart Card 23
4.1. Summary of the 8051 Hardware Platform 23
4.2. Hardware Resource Requirements 24
4.3. Performance Data 25
Chapter 5. Composite Galois Field Implementation 27
5.1. Composite Galois Field GF((((2)n1)n2)…)nl) 27
5.2. Application to Composite GF(284) 28
5.3. Computer Arithmetic in Composite Galois Fields 29
5.3.1. Multiplication in the Ground Galois Fields GF(2n1) 29
5.3.2. Addition in Composite Galois Fields 30
5.3.3. Multiplication in Composite Galois Fields 30
5.3.4. Squaring in Composite Galois Fields 31
5.4. Arithmetic in Composite GF(284) 32
5.5. Strategy of Factoring n 38
5.6. Best Composition 41
Chapter 6. Performance and Analysis 43
6.1. PC Environment 43
6.1.1. Optimization of decryption in single Finite Field 43
6.1.2. Performance of basic implementation 44
6.1.3. Two Kind Factoring of n=96 in Composite Finite Field 47
6.1.4. Performance in Composite Finite Field 47
6.1.5. Comparison 48
6.2. Smart Card Environment 49
6.2.1. “Bit level” vs. “Group level” Multiplication 49
6.2.2. Performance in Single Finite Field 50
6.2.3. Performance in Composite Finite Field 52
Chapter 7. Conclusion and Discussion 55
7.1. Conclusion 55
7.2. Future Work 55
7.2.1. Inversion in Composite Galois Field 55
7.2.2. Normal Basis 56
Reference 57
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