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研究生(外文):Chien-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Augmented Stereo Panoramas
指導教授(外文):Yi-Ping Hung
外文關鍵詞:Stereo PanoramaStereo Object MovieAugmented PanoramaAugmented Stereo Panorama
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影像式塑模與描繪(Image-based Modeling and Rendering)是近年來大量發展的技術。環場影像是重現場景,讓使用者可以在固定的視點上去瀏覽場景中任意視角的技術。立體視覺則是利用讓人類左右眼分別看到場景中相對於左右眼的影像,使觀賞者可以感受到場景中的深度資訊。增添式環場影像(Augmented Panorama)可以讓我們在環場影像中加入虛擬的三維物件或是真實的環物影片並讓使用者可以互動的技術。我們的方法使用到上述的技術, 用影像式的方法建立立體環場影像(Stereo Panorama)與立體環物影片(Stereo Object Movie)之後,將立體環物影片整合到立體環場影像中,讓使用者可以與之互動。
Image-based modeling and rendering draws lots of research works. Panorama, which has a fixed view position, is a technique to represent virtual or real scenes and viewers can view scenes at any viewing direction. Stereo vision makes human sees depth perception by presenting two eyes
different images which are taken from different viewing positions of a scene. Augmented panorama is a technique which we can add virtual objects or object movies into panoramas and users can interact with those objects. Our
work involves above techniques. We use image-based methods to generate stereo panorama and stereo object movies and propose a method to add stereo object movies into stereo panorama.
In this paper, we proposed a method which combines stereo panorama with stereo object movies. In our system, the user can put stereo object movies into stereo panorama, display results on different stereo devices and interact
with it. We provide three different methods for user to integrate stereo object movies into stereo panoramas. Our system also processes stereo object movies to increase visual effects. And the user can interactively adjust the depth perception of stereo object movies. We also provided a system to generate stereo panoramas.
Chapter 1 Introduction................................... 1
1.1 Depth Cues of Human ................................. 2
1.2 Technologies of Stereoscopic Display ................ 5
1.3 Related Work ........................................ 7
Chapter 2 Stereo Object Movies........................... 9
2.1 Image Acquisition of Stereo Object Movies ........... 9
2.1.1 Capturing Stereo Object Movies by Shifting Camera.. 9
2.1.2 Generating Stereo Object Movies by Morphing ...... 12
2.2 Background Removal ................................. 13
Chapter 3 Stereo Panoramas ............................. 15
3.1 Feature Tracking ................................... 23
3.2 Cylindrical Warping ................................ 24
3.3 Tilt-Distortion Correction.......................... 26
3.4 Strips Cutting and Pasting ......................... 28
3.5 Image Blending...................................... 28
3.6 Stereo Panorama Rendering .......................... 29
3.7 Comparison of Stereo Panoramas and Stereo Pairs .... 32
Chapter 4 Augmented Stereo Panoramas .............................................. 34
4.1 Integration ........................................ 35
4.2 Shifting Stereo OMs................................. 40
4.3 Rendering method ................................... 44
Chapter 5 Experimental Results ......................... 47
5.1 Implementation ..................................... 47
5.2 Results of Stereo OMs............................... 48
5.3 Results of Stereo Panoramas ........................ 50
5.4 Results of Augmented Stereo Panoramas............... 54
Chapter 6 Conclusion ................................... 57
6.1 Summary............................................. 57
6.2 Future Work ........................................ 58
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[21] Yu-Pao Tsai, Yi-Ping Hung, Zen-Chung Shih, Jin-Jen Su, and Shang-Ru Tsai, “Background Removal System for Object Movies,” Proceeding of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR2004, Vol. 1, pp. 608-611, August, 2004.
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