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研究生(外文):Wei-Hua Huang
論文名稱(外文):Numerical Evaluation of the Effect of Building Layout on Turbulent Flow Field and Particulate Matter Transport in Street Canopies
外文關鍵詞:Computational fluid dynamicsUrban street canyonFinite volume methodLarge eddy simulationParticle trajectoryParticle removal efficiency
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本研究之主要目的為建立不同粒徑之懸浮微粒軌跡追蹤模擬方法,比較開放式 (opened) 及交錯式 (staggered) 等兩種建築物群排列方式之三維度環境風場及懸浮微粒之傳輸行為與排除效率。本研究對三維度建築物群之環境風場數值分析,係採用有限體積法(finite volume method) 離散控制方程式,以SIMPLE法耦合速度及壓力,使得整個流場符合質量守恆及動量守恆,同時結合大渦模擬 (large eddy simulation,LES) 紊流模式、亞格點尺度應力模式 (subgrid scale stress model,SGS) 與邊牆函數 (wall function) 來模擬紊流流場。本研究並以拉格蘭日 (Lagrangian) 觀點之氣懸微粒軌跡追蹤模式模擬建築物群之懸浮微粒軌跡傳輸行為。微粒軌跡追蹤模式除了計算傳統的阻力與重力外,又增加考慮Saffman升力與布朗運動作用力對於微粒的影響。本研究首先進行微粒釋放粒數之敏感度分析,結果當微粒釋放總粒數超過1萬顆以上時,可確保氣懸微粒質量濃度與粒數濃度之精確度。
The main objectives of this study are to establish trajectory tracking technique for different particle sizes and to compare the effects of different building layout (i.e., opened and staggered street canopies) on turbulent flow field and particulate matter transport in urban street canopies.
To simulate the three-dimensional turbulent flow field under different urban street canopies, we select the finite volume method to discretize the governing equations of our numerical model. SIMPLE scheme is used to adjust flow field to satisfy the continuity equation. Large eddy simulation (LES) together with the subgrid-scale stress model (SGS) and the wall function are adopted to model the turbulence flow field in the study. The Lagrangian particle trajectory tracking technique is adopted to investigate particulate matter transport behavior in urban street canopies. The effects of the drag force, gravitational force, Brownian motion, and Saffman lift force on particles are all considered in the particle tracking technique. A sensitive analysis is firstly conducted to assess how many particles are necessary to be released in the simulated 3-D turbulent flow field for maintaining in a stable concentration profile. The analysis indicates that as the released particles are more than 10000, the particle and number concentration distributions approach to a steady profile.
The simulated results show that, in the opened street canopy at the pedestrian wind airflow range, PM10 concentration in the gap area is 10% higher than that in the wake zone. However, it increases to 70% in the staggered street canopies. Also, in the gap area, the removal efficiency for PM2.5 and PM1 is better than that for PM10, especially in the staggered street canopies.
The larger particles are easier to deposit than smaller ones. Once the large particles are transported to the vortex region behind the buildings, it is hard for them to escape from the region. The smaller particles need longer time to deposit. In the staggered street canopies, these small particles would follow low-velocity airflow and wander in the wake zone. This phenomenon results in accumulations of PM2.5 and PM1 in this region.
摘 要………………………………………………………………I
目 錄………………………………………………………………V
表 目 錄……………………………………………………………VII
圖 目 錄…………………………………………………………VIII
1.2 研究動機……………………………………………………………2
1.3 前人研究……………………………………………………………3
2.1 三維度建築物群之環境風場………………………………………6
2.3 微粒濃度計算方法………………………………………………17
2.3.1 煙團顆粒法 (puff-particle method) ……………………17
3.1 開放式建築物群紊流模式驗證…………………………………24
3.2 開放式與交錯式建築物群紊流模式驗證………………………24
4.1 模式應用案例介紹………………………………………………31
4.3 建築物群之微粒場概述…………………………………………32
5.1 開放式建築物群 (opened street canopies) ………………43
5.1.3 PM10微粒質量濃度比較………………………………………44
5.1.4 粒徑分佈比較…………………………………………………44
5.1.5 街谷直流區與尾流區微粒質量濃度PM10/PM2.5/PM1之排除
比 較…………………………………………………………45
5.2交錯式建築物群 (staggered street canopies) ……………46
5.2.1 流場分析………………………………………………………46
5.2.3 PM10微粒質量濃度比較………………………………………47
5.2.5 街谷直流區與尾流區微粒質量濃度PM10/PM2.5/PM1之排除比
5.3.1 PM10微粒質量濃度比較………………………………………49
5.3.2 街谷直流區與尾流區微粒質量濃度PM10/PM2.5/PM1之排除比
6.1 結論………………………………………………………………69
6.2 建議………………………………………………………………70
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………………71
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