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研究生(外文):Yi-Fang Hung
論文名稱(外文):The study of competitive sorption of inositol hexaphosphate and orthophosphate by several soils from Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:sorptionorthophosphateinositol hexaphosphateLangmuir equation
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正磷酸鹽的吸附經過震盪50小時後幾近平衡,接下來的吸附將以此為平衡時間。正磷酸鹽的吸附曲線適合以Langmuir方程式來描述。以Langmuir 方程式所求出土壤對正磷酸鹽之最大吸附量會與pH值、CBD萃取鐵鋁、草酸銨鋁呈現顯著相關。當土壤溶液pH值介於4~10時,酸性土壤之正磷酸鹽吸附量會隨著pH值升高而下降。然而,當土壤溶液pH值介於5~7時,石灰質土壤的正磷酸鹽吸附量會隨著pH值升高而下降,但pH值高於7時,正磷酸鹽吸附量會隨著pH值升高而升高。
The sorption of inorganic orthophosphate (Pi) and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) on twelve surface soils from arable land in Taiwan was studied in this thesis. Emphasis was laid on the competitive sorption between these two phosphates.
The sorption of Pi on most of soils was nearly complete after 50 hours and the subsequent sorption experiments were done in this period. Sorption isotherms for Pi in soils could be well described by the Langmuir equation. The sorption maxima obtained by nonlinear curve fitting to Langmuir equation were shown to correlate significantly with the soil pH, CBD-extractable iron and aluminum, and oxalate extractable aluminum. The sorption of Pi on acid soils was shown to decrease with the increase of solution pH in the ranges of pH 4 to pH 10. However, the sorption of Pi on calcareous soils was shown to decrease with the increase of solution pH from pH 5 to pH 7 and then to increase with the increase of solution pH above pH 7.
The sorption amounts of IHP on neutral and alkaline soils were extremely high and might involve the precipitation of calcium-IHP. Sorption isotherms for IHP in soils after displacing with sodium perchlorate solution could be described fairly well by the Langmuir equation and the obtained sorption maxima were shown to correlate significantly only with the CBD-extractable iron and oxalate extractable aluminum. The sorption maxima of IHP on soils were generally higher than those of Pi. The effect of pH on the sorption of IHP on soils was similar to those of Pi.
The IHP depressed the sorption of Pi. The sorption sites were apparently the same for the two phosphates. The significance of this phenomenon still need further studies.
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅰ
英文摘要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅱ
目錄 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅲ
圖次 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅳ
表次 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅴ
壹、前言 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
貳、材料與方法 ------------------------------------------------------------- 7
  第一節、供試土壤 ----------------------------------------------------- 7
  第二節、影響磷吸附的因子 ----------------------------------------- 11
  第三節、等溫吸附曲線試驗 ----------------------------------------- 13
叁、結果與討論 ------------------------------------------------------------- 17
  第一節、土壤基本性質 ----------------------------------------------- 17
  第二節、影響土壤對磷吸附的因子 -------------------------------- 21
  第三節、磷的等溫吸附曲線 ----------------------------------------- 35
肆、結論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
伍、參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 75
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