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研究生(外文):Kai-Yuan Yang
論文名稱(外文):Predictive Application of Retrievable Waste Heat of the Cement Industrial Rotary Kiln on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
指導教授(外文):Chung-Hsing Wu
中文關鍵詞:廢熱回收固態氧化燃料電池(SOFC)旋轉窯 (RKI)電腦輔助工程(CAE)計算流體力學 (CFD)FLUENT有限體積法 (FVM)
外文關鍵詞:waste heat managementsolid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)rotary kiln incinerator (RKI)computer-aided engineering (CAE)computational fluid dynamics (CFD)FLUENTfinite volume method (FVM)
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本文提出一全新的技術觀念:利用目前現存之旋轉窯熱流場提供固態氧化燃料電池(SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL, SOFC)所需之高溫操作環境。現今的新型管式SOFC設計 (TSOFC) 更適合於旋轉窯之安裝與操作,為數種燃料電池中最為適與汽電共生或與焚化爐結合的類型。
When meeting the shortage of fossil fuels and the coming era of hydrogen energy, fuel cell energy emerged to be a promising technology in energy utilization in the future.
Developed to work at 800 to 1,000 degree Celsiusand and up to 15 atm (tested by Ontario Hydro Technology), solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) can generate the maximum power output among all types of fuel cells. However, when operating the SOFCs, great amount of fossil fuel is actually consumed in order to meet their high-temperature demand. High amount of secondary pollutants are expelled accordingly.
A possible brand new idea is thus proposed in this paper—a state-of-the-art tubular SOFC (TSOFC) can be installed either in the three dimensional heat flow field inside the cement industrial rotary kiln incinerator (RKI, located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan) or within its refractory layer where high temperature environment sustains around the clock when operating for the cement production. In this paper, simulation of the heat flow field and species remained after combustion in this kiln incinerator is achieved with the help of modern computer aided engineering (CAE) tool.
Suitable manipulating regions are to be found and predicted via the commercially available CFD code FLUENT. Parameter of excess air values are the primary variable, the detailed interior heat flow field and the heat transfer model in the kiln shell are the secondary variables for evaluating the installation of SOFCs into rotary kilns.
Before going on this study, kinetic parameters are parametrically varied and finite volume method (FVM) is introduced to solve the heat flow field and the visualization of the three dimensional flame structure is performed. Meanwhile, simulation of temperature results is compared with on-site field experiments and the installation possibilities of the SOFC on the rotary kiln incinerator can be reasonably predicted and assured
Abstract in Chinese------------------------------------------------------------1
Abstract in English------------------------------------------------------------2
Table of Contents--------------------------------------------------------------5
List of Figures ----------------------------------------------------------------7
List of Tables --------------------------------------------------------------------9

Chapter 1 Introduction-----------------------------------------10
Chapter 2 Literature Review-----------------------------------------11
Chapter 3 Physical Descriptions-------------------------------------13
3.1. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-----------------------------------------------13
3.2. Cement Industry----------------------------------------------------17
3.2.1. Rotary Kiln-------------------------------------------------------17
3.2.2. Cement Formation Process------------------------------------18
3.2.3. Combustion Fuels of the Rotary Kiln-------------------------19
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions------------------23
4.1. Numerical Approach of the Kiln Incinerator----------------23
4.2. Installation Possibility inside the Furnace Body-----------28
4.3. Installation Possibility inside the Refractory Layer around the Kiln Shell-----30
4.4. Power Estimation and Possible Strategy for Installing SOFC Stacks-----33
Chapter 5 Conclusion Remarks--------------------------------36
Appendix -------------------------------------------------------------40
Author Resume-----------------------------------------------------50
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