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研究生(外文):Hung-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Implementations of Bus Functional Models for the Serial ATA System
外文關鍵詞:Bus Functional ModelBFMSerial ATAVerification
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Due to the increasing complexity of modern SoC designs, verification has become one of the bottlenecks of the entire IC design process. Current verification strategy, based on traditional hardware simulation, is not able to fulfill designer’s need efficiently because of the escalating simulation time. Functional correctness is the most fundamental requirement for all hardware design. How to reduce the simulation time and increase the functional coverage are the primary issues that designers and researchers need to solve right away.
In this thesis I provide a set of Serial ATA (SATA) Bus Function Models (BFM), congruent to SATA specification. By testing design under verification (DUV) in the behavior level, simulation time can be reduced. The BFM are configurable and programmable. We could construct all topologies of the SATA system using the BFM. Clearly layered implementation, concisely programming interface and easily command sending and receiving methodologies make SATA BFM powerful in verifying a SATA DUV. SATA BFM can become a golden model, send packets to DUV, and receive packets from DUV to check if it’s functional correctly. With the self-checked test-cases provided, functional coverage increases significantly. Finally we will provide a SATA simulation environment using SATA BFM for designers to be a reference in chip or ip design.
CHAPTER 1. Introduction 19
1.1. Concept of Bus Functional Model 19
1.2. SATA Bus Functional Models 20
1.3. TestWizard Toolkit 21
1.4. Organization of this Thesis 22
CHAPTER 2. Overview of SATA System 23
2.1. General Overview 23
2.1.1. Parallel ATA Interface 23
2.1.2. Limitations of Parallel ATA 24
2.1.3. Serial ATA Interface 24
2.1.4. Benefits of Serial ATA 24
2.1.5. Connectivity difference between Parallel ATA and Serial ATA 25
2.2. Layered Functionality 27
2.2.1. Physical Layer 27
2.2.2. Link Layer 28
2.2.3. Transport Layer 31
2.2.4. Application Layer 37
2.3. Error Handling 39
CHAPTER 3. SATA BFM Architecture 41
3.1. Overview 41
3.1.1. Compare with PCI-Xactor Implementation 41
3.1.2. SATA BFM Architecture Overview 43
3.1.3. Basic Transmit/Receive data flow of SATA BFM 43
3.2. Layered Implementation 46
3.2.1. Physical Layer 46
3.2.2. Link Layer 49
3.2.3. Transport Layer 52
3.2.4. Application Layer 54
3.2.5. Shadow Register/Device Register 56
3.3. Device Programming Interface 59
3.3.1. Error Insertion 59
3.3.2. Checklist Item Coverage 62
CHAPTER 4. Enhancement of SATA BFM 65
4.1. SATA BFM with Link Monitor 65
4.2. Purposed SATA Verification Environment 68
CHAPTER 5. Conclusion and Future works 71
5.1. Conclusion 71
5.2. Future Works 72
Reference 73
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[18]PCI-SIG PCI-Express Base Specification 1.0a
[19]PCI-SIG PCI Express Base Specification Revision 1.0a Errata
[20]Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized AT Attachment Revision 1.0a
[21]Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized AT Attachment Revision 1.0a Errata
[22]AT Attachment with Packet Interface - 6 Specification
[23]AT Attachment with Packet Interface - 6 Errata
[24]PCI-Xactor for PCI-Express user guide version 1.1 Avery Design System 2004
[25]Serial ATA Web Site. http://www.serialata.org/
[26]Introduce of ATA history. http://www.scsiterminator.com/
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