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研究生(外文):Chao-Ching Hung
論文名稱(外文):Design of CMOS Delay-Locked Loop for clock generator applications
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Shu Chen
外文關鍵詞:clock generatordelay locked loopcalibration
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在第三章中,我們將會提出一個校正電路,使得延遲鎖定迴路的多相位時脈都具有相同的時脈延遲。利用可變延遲的輸出緩衝器,我們可以用來補償延遲線 上延遲單元間因為製程變異所產生的延遲不匹配。如此一來,我們就可以期望經過輸出緩衝器後的時脈都會有相同的相位延遲。我們所提出的架構是以0.35-微米的互補是金氧半製程製造,電路面積為2.1*1.0平方微米,包含輸入及輸出緩衝電路。


With the progress of CMOS technique, the speed performance of VLSI system is increasing rapidly. The complexity of circuits becomes higher and higher. Implementation of system on a chip (SOC) is not a dream anymore. The circuits need a global clock which is generated from a clock generator to synchronize the timing among modules. Besides, for some special applications, systems also need clocks which have the same frequency but difference phase. Meanwhile, in order to ensure that the delays among the clocks are the same, the design of multi-phase clock generator is an important issue. DLLs and PLLs are two kinds of circuit which are widely used to synchronize the system. Traditional DLL is a first order circuit and PLL is a higher order circuit. Compared with higher order circuit, first order circuit is simple and stable. Besides, compared with PLL, the property of low jitter performance of DLL is also one reason why it is more popular.

In chapter one, applications and basic theory are introduced. The parameters of DLL such as bandwidth, jitter performance, and lock time are also elucidated. Besides, different from former theories, latest small signal model and analysis are elucidated as well.

In chapter two, design considerations of DLL are introduced. Some commonly used circuits of the phase detectors, charge pump, and voltage-controlled delay cells are classified.

In chapter three, a calibration circuit which can make the multi-phase clocks of DLL have equal delays are presented. With the variable delay output buffer, we can compensate the delay mismatch due to process variations. Therefore, we can expect that these output clocks of the buffers have equal delay. The proposed architecture have been fabricated in a 0.35-um CMOS process. The whole chip area is 2.1*1.0 mm2 including I/O buffers.

In chapter four, the fabrication of PCB is introduced. The measured waveform and circuit performance are presented as well. When input frequency is 100MHz and operating voltage is 3.3V, the measured pk-pk jitter is 58ps.

In chapter five, we conclude this work.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables ix

Chapter 1 Introductions of the Delay-Locked Loops 1
1.1 Basics of the Delay-Locked Loops 1
1.2 The Applications for DLLs 4
1.2.1 Clock Deskew Buffer 4
1.2.2 Data Links 6
1.2.3 Frequency Multiplier as a Local Oscillator for RF Front End 10
1.3 Theory analysis and model of DLLs 12
1.3.1 Charge Pump DLL model 12
1.3.2 Discrete-time DLL model 14
1.3.3 Jitter Transfer Characteristics 18
Chapter 2 Design Considerations of the Delay-Locked Loop and its Building Blocks 23
2.1 Design considerations of the DLLs 23
2.1.1 Stability Analysis 24
2.1.2 Other considerations of the Delay-Locked Loop 25
2.1.3 Design problems of the Delay-Locked Loop 27
2.2 Building blocks of the DLLs 33
2.2.1 Phase Detector 33
2.2.2 Charge Pump 37
2.2.3 Voltage-Controlled Delay Cell 43
2.2.4 Phase Interpolator 48
Chapter 3 A self-calibrated precisely-equal-delay multiphase DLL-based clock generator 51
3.1 Introduction 51
3.2 Proposed Calibration Algorithm 52
3.3 Monte Carlo Analysis 54
3.4 Circuit Architecture 57
3.5 Circuit description 58
3.5.1 Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) 58
3.5.2 Charge Pump (CP) 59
3.5.3 Voltage Controlled Delay Cell (VCDL) 59
3.5.4 Scaling Linear and Bias Circuits 60
3.5.5 Startup Circuit 61
3.5.6 Lock Detector 62
3.5.7 Phase Comparator and Interpolator 63
3.5.8 Variable Delay Output Buffer 65
3.6 Simulation Result 65
3.6.1 System Behavior Simulation 65
3.6.2 Circuit Level Simulation 67
3.7 Summary 71
Chapter 4 Measurement Setup and Experimental Results 74
4.1 Introduction 74
4.2 Measurement Setup 75
4.3 Print Circuit Board Layout 76
4.4 Experimental Results 81
Chapter 5 Conclusions 90
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