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研究生(外文):Chun-Ping Yang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Misalignment Effect of DG SOI NMOS Device using Top N+/Bottom P+ Poly Gate Structure
外文關鍵詞:Misalignment EffectDouble Gate(DG)Silicon on Insulator(SOI)
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This thesis reports an analysis of gate misalignment effect on capacitance behavior and threshold voltage of double-gate (DG) fully-depleted (FD) silicon on insulator (SOI) NMOS device with N+/P+ poly Top/Bottom gate.

In chapter 1, we make an introduction for SOI device and describe its goods compared with the bulk one.

In chapter 2, we discuss the unique capacitance phenomenon of a 100nm DG FD SOI NMOS device with the N+/P+ poly top/bottom gate.

In chapter 3, we continue the research in chapter 2. Besides, we consider the gate misalignment effect on capacitance behavior and observe the change in it.

In chapter 4, we describe the derivation and verification of threshold voltage of DG FD SOI NMOS device with N+/P+ poly Top/Bottom gate. By using the conformal mapping transformation approach, a model considering the fringing electric field effect in the non-gate overlap region of DG FD SOI NMOS device has been derived to provide an accurate prediction of threshold voltage behavior as verified by the 2D simulation results.
1 導論 1
1-1 為什麼是SOI元件 1
1-2 部份解離 vs. 完全解離 1
1-3 SOI MOS元件 3
1-4 DG SOI MOS 元件 4
1-5 DG FD SOI MOS元件 4
1-6 本篇論文的目標 5

2 通道長度100奈米雙閘完全解離絕緣體上矽NMOS元件,當上下閘極分別是N+
和P+多晶矽時,其獨特的電容現象 6
2-1 簡介 6
2-2 電容現象 6
2-3 電容行為的分析 9
2-4 討論 14
2-5 結論 17

3 通道長度100奈米雙閘完全解離絕緣體上矽NMOS元件,當上下閘極分別是N+
和P+多晶矽時,其閘極不對稱效應與電容現象的相關性 18
3-1 簡介 18
3-2 閘極不對稱效應與電容行為的關係 18
3-3 電容行為的分析 21
3-4 討論 26
3-5 結論 30

4 考慮閘極不對稱效應於雙閘完全解離緣體上矽金氧半元件,當上下閘極分別為N+
和P+多晶矽時的臨界電壓模型 31
4-1 簡介 31
4-2 模型推導 31
4-2-1 閘極重疊區域 (I) 33
4-2-2 閘極不重疊區域 (II) 34
4-2-3 邊界條件 38
4-2-4 臨界電壓 40
4-2-5 不考慮邊緣電場效應的結果 42
4-2-6 不考慮邊緣電場效應和閘極偏移效應的結果 43
4-3 結果與討論 44
4-4 結論 51
5 總結 52

參考文獻 53
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