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研究生(外文):Shu-Fa Lin
論文名稱(外文):Fast Multi-Frame Motion Estimation and Mode Decision for H.264 Encoders
外文關鍵詞:H.264MPEG-4variable block-sizemotion estimationmode decisionmultiple reference frames
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H.264為最新的國際視訊壓縮標準,相較於先前的標準 (例如MPEG-2、MPEG-4和H.263) ,它增添許多先進技術以達到更高的進編碼效能,這些技術包括多重方塊大小移動估測、多重參考畫面、位元率-失真最佳化之模式選擇…等。雖然壓縮效率提昇不少,編碼複雜度(運算量)卻大幅增加。
本論文以H.264最佳化為目標,針對移動估測和模式選擇兩項關鍵模組,深入研究。在移動估測方面,研究可調變式搜尋策略 (包括動態移動向量預估器、提前終止,與動態搜尋樣式) 與動態多重參考畫面選擇技術,將編碼速度增為原本參考軟體 (JM 8.5) 的六倍左右。在模式選擇方面,利用方塊模式在空間與時間上的相關性,發展快速模式選擇演算法,將編碼速度提升約兩倍左右。整合這兩種快速演算法於編碼器中,總編碼速度增加約十二倍,而編碼效能僅受非常輕微影響。
H.264/AVC achieves higher compression efficiency than previous video coding standards such as MPEG-4 and H.263. However, this performance gain comes at the cost of an increased computational complexity due in part to the use of variable block-size motion estimation, multiple reference frames, and rate-distortion mode decision.
This thesis focuses on improving the computational efficiency of two core modules of H.264: motion estimation and mode decision. For motion estimation, we develop a fast algorithm with adaptive search strategy and flexible multi-frame search scheme. Compared with the H.264 reference software JM 8.5, this algorithm achieves, on the average, a 600% reduction of encoding time. For mode decision, we exploit the correlation between neighboring image blocks to predict the best possible mode. Compared with the reference software, this method achieves about 204% reduction of encoding time with negligible PSNR drop and bit rate increase. Integrating these two fast algorithms in the H.264 reference software, this combined method, on the average, is about 12.1 times faster in the total encoding time, at the cost of a slight PSNR drop.
Abstract… iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Video Coding Standards 1
1.2 H.264 Standard Overview 2
1.3 H.264 Profiles and Levels 4
1.4 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Overview of the H.264 Video Coding Standard 7
2.1 Temporal Prediction 7
2.1.1 Variable Block-Size Motion Compensation 7
2.1.2 Multiple Reference Frames 9
2.1.3 Quarter-Pixel-Accurate Motion Compensation 11
2.1.4 Motion Vector Prediction 13
2.2 Intra Prediction 14
2.3 Entropy Coding 16
2.3.1 Exp-Golomb Code 17
2.3.2 Context-Based Adaptive Variable Length Coding 18
2.4 Lagrangian Rate-Distortion Optimization 21
2.5 Analysis of Computational Complexity 23
Chapter 3 Review of Previous Work 25
3.1 Fast Mode Decision Algorithm 25
3.1.1 Fast Inter Mode Decision [30] 25
3.1.2 Fast Mode Decision for H.264 [29] 27
3.2 Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm 27
3.2.1 Unequal-Arm Adaptive Rood Pattern Search [21] 28
3.2.2 Hybrid Unsymmetrical-Cross Multi-Hexagon- Grid Search (UMHexagonS) Algorithm [26] 31
Chapter 4 Proposed Fast Multi-Frame Motion Estimation and Mode Decision for H.264 Encoders 35
4.1 Proposed Fast Mode Decision Algorithm 35
4.1.1 Analysis 35
4.1.2 Algorithm Description 42
4.2 Proposed Fast Multi-Frame Motion Estimation Algorithm 46
4.2.1 Adaptive Search Strategy 46
4.2.2 Flexible Multi-Frame Search Scheme 57
4.3 Architecture for Combined Algorithm 59
Chapter 5 Simulation Results 61
5.1 Proposed Fast Mode Decision Algorithm 62
5.2 Proposed Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm 63
5.2.1 CIF Resolution 64
5.2.2 D1 Resolution 70
5.3 Combined Algorithm 71
Chapter 6 Conclusion 75
Bibliography 77
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