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研究生(外文):Yu-Po Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Potential-Field-Like Motion Planning for Multi-Robot Cooperation within Unknown Environment
指導教授(外文):Li-Chen Fu
外文關鍵詞:Mobile RobotMotion PlanningHybrid AutomatonVirtual Force Field
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This thesis aims to model and develop an autonomous cooperative multi-robot system within unknown environment. Modeling and motion planning algorithm of the cooperative robot system are proposed. Visual sensing system and ultrasonic sensing system are both mounted on the mobile manipulator to extract the spatial information of the environment and to obtain distance information relative to obstacles and other mobile manipulators surrounding it.

We model our cooperative multi-robot system under a hybrid system framework. A hybrid automaton is a dynamic system which describes the evolution in time of the valuations of a set of discrete and continuous variables and is adequate to model the cooperative robot system. Here, virtual force field is used as basic platform for performing the robot motion planning. All the information sensed by the mobile manipulator or received from other mobile robots will produce virtual force fields to guide the mobile robot. Feasibility of this motion planning algorithm is validated via extensive simulations.
摘要 i
Contents I
List of Figure V
List of Table XII
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Background 2
1.2.1 Vision System 3
1.2.2 Modeling of Cooperative Robotics 4
1.2.3 Intelligent Robot Navigation 6
1.3 Problem Statement 8
1.4 Motivation and Contributions 8
1.5 Organization of This Thesis 12
Chapter 2 13
Preliminary 13
2.1 Architecture of the Mobile Manipulator System 13
2.2 Robot Kinematics Model 16
2.3 Coordinate Transformation 19
2.4 Fundamental Digital Image Processing 25
2.4.1 Color Image and Gray Scale Image 25
2.4.2 Thresholding 27
2.4.3 Temporal Differencing 27
2.4.4 Gaussian Filtering 29
2.4.5 Edge Detection 31
2.4.6 Template Matching 33
Chapter 3 37
Visual Sensing System 37
3.1 Visual Tracking System 38
3.1.1 Object Detection 39
3.1.2 Hausdorff Algorithm 43 Hausdorff Distance 43 Distance Transform 49
3.1.3 Visual Tracking 51
3.2 Vision-Based Location Estimation 53
3.2.1 Location Problem 53
3.2.2 Camera Configuration 54
3.2.3 Transformation Formulation 56
3.3 Laser Range Finder 60
Chapter 4 63
System Modeling 63
4.1 Hybrid Systems 63
4.1.1 Overview 63
4.1.2 Hybrid Automata 64
4.2 Modeling of Cooperative Robotics 68
4.2.1 Model of the Multi-Robot System 68
4.2.2 Supervisory Design 69
4.3 Discussion of Theory Completeness 85
4.3.1 Zero Force Field in Wandering State 85
4.3.2 Accidental Collision 86
4.3.3 Collision among Robots 86
4.3.4 Stability of Communication Channel 87
4.3.5 Space behind Mobile Robot 87
4.3.6 Robot Formation Assumption 88
4.3.7 Caging without Facing Target Object 88
4.3.8 Laser System in Finely-tune State 88
Chapter 5 91
Sensor-Based Force Field Approach 91
5.1 Conventional Potential Field Approach 91
5.1.1 Attractive Potential Field 93
5.1.2 Repulsive Potential Field 93
5.1.3 Local Minima Problem 95
5.2 State Dependent Artificial Force Field 97
5.2.1 Searching 97 Wandering State 97 Obstacle Avoidance and Virtual Attractive Force 100 Reverse1 State 106 Discussion 108
5.2.2 Formation 110 GoToLocation State 110 GoToArea State 114 Formation_master State 118 Group Morphology Formation 119 Formation_slave State 122 Avoid State 126 Discussion 128
5.2.3 Caging 129 Approach State 129 Roughly-tune State 132 Finely-tune State 132 Discussion 133
5.2.4 Transportation 134 Reverse States 134 Transportation State 135 Wait States 135 Grasp State 136 Park State 137 End State 137
Chapter 6 139
Simulations 139
6.1 Simulator and Simulation Setup 139
6.1.1 Webots 139
6.1.2 Mobile Manipulator Construction 141
6.2 Wandering with Obstacle Avoidance 143
6.2.1 Collision Avoidance 143
6.2.2 Backtracking Mechanism 148
6.3 Deadlock Situation 151
6.4 Searching for Target Object 153
6.5 Robot Team Cage Target Object 156
6.5.1 Individual Formation Position Estimation 156
6.5.2 Formation by N Robots 159
6.5.3 Formation with Robot Collision May Occur 163
6.6 Robot Team Approach Target Object 167
6.6.1 Approach Target Object Directly 167
6.6.2 Approach Target Object after Formation 170
Chapter 7 175
Experimental Results 175
7.1 Experimental Setup 175
7.1.1 Hardware of the Experimental System (Treasure Hunter) 175
7.1.2 Hardware of the Experimental System (Pioneer) 176
7.1.2 Software of the Experimental System 178
7.2 Experimental Visual System 180
7.2.1 Depth Estimation 181
7.2.2 Downsampling Template 185
7.2.3 Template Matching 188
7.2.4 Visual Tracking 189
7.3 Robot Experiments 192
7.3.1 Wander in Environment 192
7.3.2 Obstacle Avoidance 196
7.3.3 Backtracking Mechanism 199
7.3.4 Target Searching 204
7.3.5 Robot Formation 209
7.3.6 Laser Range Finder 214
Chapter 8 219
Conclusions and Future Work 219
8.1 Conclusions 219
8.2 Future Work 221
References 223
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