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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ting Lai
論文名稱(外文):Using Linear Models to Evaluate the Performance of Flash AD C''s BIST under Process Variation
指導教授(外文):Jiun-Lang Huang
外文關鍵詞:Linear ModelFlash ADCBISTProcess Variation
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隨著IC製程邁向奈米時代,電路的面積更小、密度更高、速度更快,讓外接測試機台的成本也愈來愈高。因此,可測試性設計(Dft, Design for Test)技術,成為市場接受度越來越高的解決方案。然而,雖然在數位方面可測試性設計的技術已經十分的成熟,類比方面的接受度還有待提升。主要的問題在於(1)缺乏可靠的方法來評估技術好壞,(2)模擬時間太長。除此之外,一般的內建自我測試電路,都與待測電路一樣,受到製程變異的影響。這讓評估DfT技術更加地困難。
As today’s IC technology continues moving forward nanometer era, the cost of using external testers to distinguish between faulty and good circuits has risen to an unacceptable high level. Therefore, DfT (Design-for-Test) techniques have prevailed in recent years. However, unlike their digital counterparts, the Analog DfT techniques are far from being widely adopted. The main reasons are (1) lack of reliable method to evaluate DfT techniques, and (2) the time-consuming simulation process. Besides, the BIST (Built-in Self Test) circuit suffers the same process variation effects as its DUT (Device under Test) circuit. This fact makes evaluating BIST performance more difficult.
In this thesis, we propose a method to evaluate BIST performance under process variation. The correlations between process parameters are considered, and simulation result is more close to real life. An automation evaluation tool is implemented, and a 6-bit flash ADC with a static ramp BIST is utilized as testing vehicle. We also introduce a novel methodology for accelerating the evaluation process of flash ADC. The experimental result shows that the new method is about hundred times faster than the Monte Carlo method.
Table of Contents (i)
Acknowledgement (ii)
Abstract (iii)
Figure Captions (v)
Table Captions (vi)

1.Introduction (1)
2.Preliminaries (3)
2.1Sources of Variations (3)
2.2 Process Variation (3)
2.3 Global (Inter-die) and local (Intra-die) Variations (6)
2.4 Characterizing and Modeling Mismatch (8)
2.5 Statistical Analysis of Process Variation (10)
3. Process Statistical Simulation (14)
3.1 Process Statistical Simulation Tools (14)
3.2 Simulation Flow (15)
3.3 Calculating Global and Local Correlation Data (17)
4. Evaluating BIST of Flash ADC (20)
4.1 Fundamentals of A/D Converters (20)
4.2 Testing of A/D Converters (24)
4.3 Evaluating BIST of Flash ADC (28)
4.4 A Speed up Technique (32)
4.5 Experimental Results (36)
5.Implementation of the Simulator (37)
5.1 Environment and Configuration (37)
5.2 Data Structure (38)
5.3 Functional Blocks and Flow Chart (40)
6. Conclusions and Future Work (42)
7. References (44)
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