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研究生(外文):Chien-Tung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Disparity Estimation by Hierarchical Coherence Detection
外文關鍵詞:disparity mapcoherence detectionimage pyramid
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Using machine stereovision for the guidance of mobile robot needs to extract the 3D information from images captured at different viewpoints. We choose a phase based approach to estimate the disparity values. It is fast and dense. But the disparity value only can be detected within a working range. Thus a hierarchical method is applied. An image pyramid is constructed in the hierarchical method and with the reduction of the resolution will let the disparity value smaller than original images. Thus the disparity value will within the working range of the filters in each pyramid level. But the length of the filters will cover more range in lower resolution and the missing data may be covered. Conventional approach is combined all the filters to estimate disparity value. This research develops a hierarchical coherence algorithm. It only combines the units which are coherent to estimate disparity. This approach is shown to be accurate.
list of figures.......V
Chapter 1....1
Introduction..... 1
1.1 Background..... 1
1.2 Motivation and contribution..... 3
1.3 Organization of this thesis .....4
Chapter 2 .........5
Binocular Stereovision..... 5
2.1 Homogeneous coordinate..... 5
2.2 Pin-hole camera model..... 7
2.3 Epipolar geometry .....9
2.4 Image rectification.....10
Chapter 3 .....12
Disparity Estimation..... 12
3.1 Disparity .....12
3.2 Correlation-based algorithm .....13
3.3 Feature-based algorithm.....15
3.4 Phase-based algorithm.....16
3.5 Depth estimation.....21
Chapter 4 .....24
Hierarchical Disparity Estimation and Coherence Detection .....24
4.1 Disparity estimation by coherence detection .....24
4.2 The hierarchical coherence algorithm.....27
4.3 Image pyramid [Burt, 1983].....31
4.4 Accuracy analysis.....32
4.5 Number of resolution scales.....34
Chapter 5 .....37
Experimental Results..... 37
Chapter 6 .....71
Conclusions and Future Works.....71
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