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研究生(外文):San-Yuan Zhong
論文名稱(外文):Optimum Design of a Rotary Compressor with a Controlled Sliding Vane
指導教授(外文):Yuan-Mao Huang
外文關鍵詞:controlled sliding vanegenetic algorithmsenvelop
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A rotary compressor with a controlled sliding vane is designed for a specific flow rate in this study. The genetic algorithms of the optimization method is used with the objective function of the maximum total efficiency, that is the multiplication of the mechanical efficiency and the volumetric efficiency, to determine the dimensions of the compressor. The envelop theorem is used to design the enveloped profiles on the cam plates and the contour of the rotor. When the rotor rotates, the bearings on the vane moves along the envelop profiles on the cam plates to control the motion of the vane. An appropriate design and fabrication of the compressor eliminates friction loss between the vane and the rotor. Utilizing the air outlet formed by the right cam plate and the right cover plate replaces the conventional outlet valve. A mathematical model of the compressor is generated. The geometric relation, the envelopes on the cam plate and the rotor, air properties and the vane dynamic behavior of the compressor are analyzed. The optimum designed compressor is fabricated and tested, and the calculated results are compared with the test data. At the rotor rotational speed of 180 rad/s, the compression ratios are 3.01 and 2.91, the outlet temperatures are 315.48 K and 312.25 K, the volumetric efficiencies are 80.76 % and 79.71 %, the mechanical efficiencies are 70.33 % and 68.53 %, the total efficiencies are 56.79 % and 54.62 % for the calculated results and the test data, respectively. The deviations of the calculated results and test data are within 4 % at the rotor rotational speed from 50 rad/s to 180 rad/s. With the same specific flow rate as an existing compressor, the maximum mechanical efficiencies of the optimum designed compressor and the existing compressor are 69.68 % and 68.3 %, respectively, at the corresponding rotational speeds of 146.6 rad/s and 125.6 rad/s. The mechanical efficiency of the current designed compressor is 1.38 % higher than that of the existing compressor.

第一章 緒論
1.1 壓縮機簡介----------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究動機------------------------------------------------3
1.3 壓縮機分類----------------------------------------------4
1.4 文獻回顧-----------------------------------------------11
1.5 研究目的-----------------------------------------------15
1.6 研究方法-----------------------------------------------16
1.7 章節編排-----------------------------------------------17

第二章 壓縮機之設計
2.1 壓縮機概念的產生---------------------------------------18
2.2 葉片的設計---------------------------------------------23
2.3 凸輪盤之凸輪導槽輪廓與轉子輪廓之設計-------------------27
2.4 凸輪盤之凸輪導槽輪廓與轉子輪廓之曲線分析---------------33
2.5 凸輪盤之凸輪導槽輪廓與轉子輪廓之壓力角分析-------------37
2.6 定子的設計---------------------------------------------40

第三章 壓縮機之熱流分析
3.1 氣室體積的變化-----------------------------------------41
3.2 熱流系統之建立與理論分析之假設-------------------------45
3.3 熱流系統之平衡方程式-----------------------------------47
3.4 進氣、排氣、洩漏及熱對流過程之模擬---------------------51

第四章 壓縮機之效率分析
4.1 葉片承受負載之平衡方程式推導---------------------------61
4.2 壓縮功與摩擦功推導-------------------------------------86
4.3 效率分析-----------------------------------------------88

第五章 壓縮機之效率最佳化
5.1 最佳化目的與方法---------------------------------------89
5.2 最佳化目標函數-----------------------------------------89
5.3 最佳化變數與參數---------------------------------------90
5.4 最佳化限制條件-----------------------------------------92
5.5 最佳化流程與步驟---------------------------------------94
5.6 最佳化實例測試----------------------------------------105

第六章 實驗
6.1 實驗目的----------------------------------------------111
6.2 實驗模型----------------------------------------------111
6.3 實驗設備----------------------------------------------116
6.4 實驗步驟----------------------------------------------120

第七章 結果
7.1 最佳化實例測試結果------------------------------------121
7.2 壓縮機之最佳化結果------------------------------------126
7.3 壓縮機性能之理論與實驗結果----------------------------142
7.4 與文獻之比較------------------------------------------155

第八章 討論
8.1 理論分析的探討----------------------------------------159
8.2 最佳化結果的探討--------------------------------------161
8.3 壓縮機之葉片接觸型式的探討----------------------------167
8.4 壓縮機性能之理論與實驗結果的探討----------------------169
8.5 與文獻之比較的探討------------------------------------171

第九章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------173


附錄A 擺線曲線的定義---------------------------------------A1
附錄B 內包絡線或外包絡線的判斷-----------------------------B1
附錄C 轉子偏心力的推導-------------------------------------C1
附錄D 懲罰函數的設定---------------------------------------D1
附錄E 壓縮機實驗之輸出功率的計算---------------------------E1
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