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研究生(外文):Yung-Yuan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Experiment on Thermal Performance of an Energy Storage System with a Heat Plate Module
外文關鍵詞:capillary heat plate
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綜整量測結果,本文所建構之熱板模組做為熱交換器時,當水流量為0.5 kg/min,改變入口的水溫時,熱板模組系統總熱傳係數呈現一定值,約為0.9 W/m2 ℃。水溫每增加5℃,可增加20%之熱傳量。熱板模組系統總熱傳係數與水流量有著線性的關係,當水質量流率每增加0.5 kg/min,總熱傳係數值約可增加15-20%。

儲能與釋能過程中,於實驗條件下,水質量流率0.5 kg/min,熱板模組總熱傳係數呈現一定值,約為1.1 W/m2 ℃。

The heat plate was utilized to solve the problems involving heat transfer due to its superior heat transfer characteristics. The purpose of this thesis is to study the thermal performance of the energy storage system which utilizes heat plate module as heat transfer mechanism. Besides analyze the influence of heat charge by using alumina dioxide combines with water as energy storage material.
According to the conclusions of this thesis, the overall heat transfer coefficient, which using heat plate module as heat exchanger, is 0.9 W/m2 ℃ when mass flow rate of water is 0.5 kg/min and that of air is 0.668 m3/min. This value is independent with the inlet temperature of heat plate module, but there exists a linear relationship between the overall heat transfer coefficient and the mass flow rate of water; the overall heat transfer coefficient, which using heat plate module in energy system, is 1.1 W/m2 ℃ when mass flow rate of water is 0.5 kg/min. This value is constant whether in heat charge and heat discharge process.
Furthermore, the experimental result shows the optimal mixture portion of alumina dioxide combines with water is 5:4, It also found that the mixture energy storage material arises the heat storage quantity of heat storage system with 6%.
摘要 I
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
第二章 儲能系統設計 7
2-1傳熱機構—熱板簡介 7
2-2 熱板模組系統架構 8
2-3 儲能型式介紹 9
2-4 儲能物質選用 10
2-4-1 顯熱儲能 11
2-4-2 潛熱儲能 12
2-5 熱板模組應用於儲能系統基本構造說明 14
2-6 系統作動原理 15
2-6-1 儲熱模式 15
2-6-2 釋熱模式 15
2-6-3 儲冷模式 16
2-6-4 釋冷模式 16
2-7本研究儲能系統之特色 17
第三章 熱板模組熱交換穩態性能測試 25
3-1 熱板模組應用於熱交換器之基本構造 25
3-2 實驗系統與量測設備說明 26
3-2-1 實驗系統主體 26
3-2-2 實驗量測系統 28
3-2-3周邊儀器測試與校正 29
3-3 高溫水對於低溫空氣之熱交換實驗 30
3-3-1 實驗步驟 30
3-3-2 數據分析原理 31
3-3-3 實驗結果描述 33
3-4 結果與討論 38
第四章 熱板模組儲能系統應用實驗分析 55
4-1實驗系統與量測設備說明 55
4-1-1實驗系統主體 55
4-1-2 實驗量測系統 56
4-2 熱板模組儲熱能測試實驗 57
4-2-1 實驗步驟 58
4-2-2數據分析原理 58
4-2-3 實驗結果描述 59
4-3 熱板模組釋熱能測試實驗 60
4-3-1 實驗步驟 60
4-3-2 數據分析方法 61
4-3-3 實驗結果描述 62
4-4 熱板模組儲冷能測試實驗 62
4-4-1 實驗步驟 63
4-4-2 數據分析方法 63
4-4-3 實驗結果描述 64
4-5 熱板模組釋冷能測試實驗 65
4-5-1 實驗步驟 65
4-5-2 數據分析方法 66
4-5-3 實驗結果描述 67
4-6 添加三氧化二鋁對儲能性能測試 67
4-6-1 實驗測試系統基本架構 68
4-6-2 實驗步驟 69
4-6-3 數據分析原理 69
4-6-4 實驗結果描述 70
4-7 結果與討論 72
第五章 結論與建議 93
5-1 結論 93
5-2 建議 94
參考文獻 95
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