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研究生(外文):Chia-Hua Lin
論文名稱(外文):Development and Research of A Two-dimensional Piezoelectric Inchworm Actuator with Magnetic Suckers
外文關鍵詞:Scanning Probe Microscopyinchworm actuatingtwo-dimensional actuatingpiezotubeelectromagnetic suckercoplanar structure
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As the application aspect of Scanning Probe Microscopy is getting wider, the key actuator component satisfies various demands in the application, to increase the positioning precision and actuating stability or to adapt to the testing environment. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a two-dimensional piezoelectric actuator suitable for Scanning Probe Microscopy, the actuator is used for driving the scanning probe or the measured component, providing large scale scanning as well as fast positioning of the scanning probe. The inchworm motion is used as the actuating principle, in order to avoid actuating instability caused by multi axial fold structure and to enhance the compactness of the actuator, the two-dimensional actuators are combined on the same plane, the electromagnetically absorbing way is adopted to replace the traditional clamp mechanism, and simplification of the structure makes it easier to produce a coplanar motion. By utilizing a fixed guiding plane and a movable guiding plane, the two-dimensional actuating function is combined, and it offers an accurate and a steady displacement guiding of the actuator.
Actuator of each dimension consists of two electromagnetic suckers and a piezotube, the absorbing force of the electromagnetic sucker can be altered by controlling the magnitude and polarity of electric current, and thus allows the deformation accumulation of the actuator which results in long stroke and reciprocating displacement. Magnetic field combination of permanent magnet and electromagnetic coil produce the overall electromagnetic sucker magnetic field which is cooperated with proper magnetic circuit design, the permanent magnet offers the magnetic absorbing strength to stabilize the position while power disconnected, moreover, the electromagnetic coil is used for releasing the sucker magnetism’s absorbing force while actuating. The absorbing performance of magnetic sucker and the actuating performance of actuator were carried out into deep discussion by experimental testing and analyzing of various types of simulation, and thus figured out various kinds of factors which affect its efficiency.

1. 緒論...................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機......................................1
1.2 文獻回顧............................................3
1.3 研究目的............................................9
1.4 內容簡介............................................11
2. 壓電管之致動原理與特性................................12
2.1 壓電管之致動原理....................................12
2.2 壓電管之特性與應用..................................16
2.3 壓電管之預壓裝置....................................20
3. 電磁吸盤式步進器之設計開發............................24
3.1 系統設計概念........................................24
3.2 共平面二維吸盤式壓電致動器之架構....................26
3.2.1 撓性框架式致動系統架構........................26
3.2.2 導引式致動系統架構............................28
3.3 電磁吸盤系統之磁場模擬與理論分析....................32
3.4 系統整合與性能模擬分析探討..........................41
3.4.1 系統磁力分析..................................41
3.4.2 系統致動特性之模擬分析........................44
4. 電磁吸盤式步進器之特性量測與分析探討..................51
4.1 電磁吸盤磁力量測....................................51
4.2 系統致動特性量測....................................54
4.2.1 系統致動特性量測架構..........................54
4.2.2 系統致動特性量測結果與分析探討................55
5. 結論與展望............................................71
附錄A 壓電材料規格與特性................................76
附錄B 位移量測器(LVDT感測器)與類比訊號比測儀............80
附錄C 負荷計(Load Cell)規格與特性.......................82
附錄D DAQ資料擷取卡規格表...............................84
附錄E 釹鐵硼(NdFeB)磁石之磁性能與其消磁曲線.............85
附錄F 致動器零件圖......................................87
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