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研究生(外文):KAI-CHI SHIU
論文名稱(外文):Dynamic Analysis & Motion Control of A Bio-mimic Robot
外文關鍵詞:Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)Hexapod robotDarlington driver
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Bio-mimetic designed robot has caught people’s imagination for centuries. People have always wondered how the cockroach survived the mass destruction that killed all the dinosaurs. Cockroaches are small and they move fast. There is no difficulty for them to can climb into tunnels or narrow spaces. It is thus possible to use a bio-mimetic robot to explore dangerous areas and even search for survivors. This thesis discusses the design and building of a bio-mimetic robot by imitating the cockroach. Noting that legs are more effective than wheels to move around, the robot is based on six-legged design. This thesis conducted cockroach gait analysis and used shape memory alloy (SMA) for the actuation mechanism. The SMA design also helps to reduce weight overall size. The controller is based on an ARM920T-S3C2410 to implement the various gaits. The experiment results are also included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 文獻探討 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 微型仿生甲蟲設計原理與方法 6
2.1 六足機器人之步態分析 6
2.2 波狀步態分析 10
2.3 微型仿生機械之步態設計 12
第三章 形狀記憶合金 16
3.1 形狀記憶合金簡介 16
3.2 NITI形狀記憶合金的基本特性 17
3.3 形狀記憶合金致動器 20
第四章 實驗設備與架構 25
4.1 微型仿生機械之機構與足部設計製作 25
4.2 ARM控制發展平台 29
4.3 達靈頓(DARLINGTON)驅動IC 32
第五章 實驗結果 35
5.1 形狀記憶合金實驗測試 35
5.1.1 形狀記憶合金收縮量測試 35
5.1.2 脈波寬度調變測試 36
5.1.3 PWM影響收縮速度的快慢 38
5.1.4 風扇影響恢復速度的快慢 39
5.2 形狀記憶合金驅動器實驗測試 41
5.3 六足機器人步態測試 44
5.3.1 六足機器人性能測試與討論 44 加裝風扇對步行的影響 44 選用高碳鋼來做為肢腳材料的優缺點 45 重心與肢腳抬升量 47 機體載重的限制 48 形狀記憶合金電流分流效應 49 機體重量影響步伐的優劣 50
5.3.2 六足機器人總體效能 51
第六章 結論與未來展望 52
6.1 結論 52
6.2 未來展望 53
6.2.1 設計新的腳部機構 53
6.2.2 致動器的選擇 55
參考文獻 57
附錄 60
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