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研究生(外文):Chien-Yi Tung
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Knowledge and Behavior of the Public with Chronic-Disorder Refill Prescriptions and Their Experiences of Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy Services
外文關鍵詞:Chronic-disorder refill prescriptionshospital pharmacycommunity pharmacyquestionnaire
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研究期間,共計387位持慢箋民眾接受訪員之面訪,有效問卷為358份,受訪者平均年齡為59.13 ± 14.6歲(範圍:20-84歲),其中又以60-80歲族群(46.4%)為主,而問卷填寫者中有259(72.3%)位為患者本人。在慢箋使用認知部份,287(80.2%)位民眾知道持慢箋可以到社區藥局領藥;208(58.1%)位民眾知道持慢箋至社區藥局領藥,不用再支付藥品部分負擔;不過,藥品品牌替換方面僅有46(12.8%)位民眾了解。
Because the general public are not familiar with chronic-disease refill prescriptions system, Department of Health Taipei City and Taipei pharmacists’ Association started a program to help the release of chronic-diease prescriptions to community pharmacies. They implemented chronic-diease refill prescription counseling sevice counters in front of all municipal hospital outpatient pharmacies. Two hundred and seven community pharmacies volunteered in the activity. The volunteer community pharmacists educated and assisted the public to refill their prescriptions at community pharmacies. Our objectives were to investigate the knowledge, attitude, and determinants of willingness of refill of chronic-diease prescriptions at community pharmacies. This study also assessed perceptions of the general public on pharmacists at hospitals and community pharmacies throuth the process of prescription refill.
This study used cross sectional and purposive sampling method. An anonymous questionnaire containing 21 questions was used. The survey was conducted by face-to-face interviews at one of the municipal hospitals between March 7, 2005, and April 15, 2005. Responses of the people who had chronic-disease prescriptions refilled during the study period were included in the analysis.
Three hundred and fifty-eight people had completed the interview. The average age was 59.13 ± 14.6 years (range, 20-84 years). Many (46.4%) respondents aged between 60 and 80 years. Most respondents (72.3%) had the prescriptions refilled by themselves. Among the knowledge toward refilling chronic-disease prescriptions at community pharmacies, two hundred and eighty-seven (80.2%) respondents had knew that a chronic-disease prescription can be filled at community pharmacies and 208(58.1%) knew that copayment was not needed when the chronic-disease prescription was filled at community pharmacies. Only 46 (12.8%) understood about generic substitution of drugs.
Of all respondents, 175(48.9%) reported they had the experience of chronic-disease refill prescriptions filled at community pharmacies. Two hundred and five (57.3%) respondents reported that it took 15 minutes or less to walk to the community pharmacy that is nearest from home. Many patients (31.8%) obtained chronic-disease prescriptions refill information from physicians, followed by community pharmacists (25.5%). Of people who had had their chronic-disorder refill prescriptions filled at community pharmacies, community pharmacists (36.4%) were the major information source.
Respondents rated their agreement about perceptions of pharmacists within the process of refilling a prescription at the hospital and/or community pharmacies. Overall, respondents had more positive impression of hospital pharmacists than community pharmacists on professionalism and the services that pharmacists provided. Most respondents were more confident in the quality of drugs obtained from hospital than that of community pharmacies (90.2%; 64.3%). However, more respondents agreed that community pharmacists were more concerned about their health than hospital pharmacists(41.9% vs 22.9%)and were more initiative to provide drug counseling (47.9%; 33.4%).
Important determinants of willingness to have chronic-disease prescriptions filled at community pharmacies for those who had such experience include accessibility of pharmacies (68.8%), quality of drugs received (46.6%) and timeliness of prescription refilled (31.8%).
Community pharmacists are in an unique position to help patients to manage chronic disease in term of their expertise, their regular contact with patients, and their accessibility. This study suggested that community pharmacists should improve their quality of sevice and fulfill their responsibility in health promotion and drug safety assurance.
Continuous propaganda and promotion by the authority in the use chronic-disease refill prescriptions and having them refilled at community pharmacies are recommended.
第一章 研究背景 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 醫藥分業 4
第二節 慢性病連續處方箋簡介 12
第三節 藥師與慢性疾病治療 14
第三章 研究目的 21
第四章 研究材料及方法 23
第一節 研究樣本 23
第二節 研究設計 24
第三節 研究材料 26
第四節 資料處理與分析 32
第五章 研究結果 40
第一節 研究工具評估 40
第二節 反應率 42
第三節 研究對象基本資料 43
第四節 慢箋使用認知 49
第五節 社區藥局可近性與領藥之習慣與次數 55
第六節 慢箋使用資訊來源 59
第七節 對於藥師服務之觀點 62
第八節 選擇領藥場所之考量 80
第六章 討論與建議 83
第一節 研究限制 83
第二節 研究樣本基本資料 86
第三節 慢箋使用認知 87
第四節 社區藥局可近性與領藥之習慣 91
第五節 慢箋使用資訊來源 93
第六節 對於藥師服務之觀點 95
第七節 選擇領藥場所之考量 98
第七章 建議 101
第八章 結論 103
第九章 參考文獻 105
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