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研究生(外文):Ya-Chun Tai
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Photodynamic Therapy and Hyperthermia on Heat Shock Protein Gene Expression
外文關鍵詞:heat shock proteinhyperthermiaphotodynamic therapy
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Heat shock proteins (HSPs) serve as the chaperones, antiaggregants and cytoprotectants in both normal and stress conditions [Matthew et al. 2004]. Under the stress stimuli, such as the temperature, chemical toxins, heavy metals and also UV or specific light illumination, HSPs will be induced to protect living cell from damage.
Both hyperthermia and Photodynamic therapy (PDT) can induce cellular apoptosis and the expression of heat shock proteins as well. It is noticeable that several families of heat shock proteins are involved in cell apoptosis pathway [Steven et al, 2000].
In this study, we investigated the gene expression of RNA and protein level of HSPs after the treatment of PDT and hyperthermia. We discovered that the expression of HSPs induced by hyperthermia was temperature-dependant, especially for HSP70, and the optimal condition was 43℃ for 30 minutes. The RNA and protein expression of HSPs increased in concordance with the duration after hyperthermia. HSP70 had strongest expression after hyperthermia. Hyperthermia, however, did not change HSP60 expression significantly.
For PDT, the RNA expression of HSPs was slightly increased by different irradiation energy. And the protein expression of HSPs was show to be dose-dependant. Similar to the study of hyperthermia, the expression of HSPs increased after PDT and reached the peak at 12 hours (2 hours for RNA level). HSP70 was induced more rapidly and began to decrease after 9 hours. On the other hand, HSP60 and HSP27 remained relative stable all the time. Generally PDT was more effective than hyperthermia in inducing HSP60 expression.
The result of this study revealed the effect on PDT and hyperthermia of gene expression and helped us to understand the regulation of HSP expression.
中文摘要 1
◆ Cell culture
◆ Hyperthermia
◆ Photodynamic therapy
◆ SDS-Polyacryamide Gel Electrophoresis and Western blotting
◆ Image quantity analysis
◆ The RNA expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different temperature after hyperthermia
◆ The proteins expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different temperatures after hyperthermia
◆ The RNA expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different time periods after hyperthermia
◆ The protein expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different time periods after hyperthermia
◆ The RNA expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different illumination times for PDT

◆ The protein expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different illumination times for PDT
◆ The RNA expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different time period after PDT
◆ The protein expression of HSPs of HeLa cells at different time period after PDT

Fig. 1 The diagram illustrate the proposed mechanism of cell injure by reactive oxygen species. 4
Fig. 2 The scheme of the speculative pathway in apoptosis. 5
Fig. 3 The agarose analysis of RT-PCR after hyperthermia at different temperature. 14
Fig. 4 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 3. 14
Fig. 5 The Western blotting of the HSPs expression after hyperthermia at different temperature. 15
Fig. 6 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 5 15
Fig. 7 The agarose analysis of RT-PCR after 43℃ hyperthermia at different time periods. 16
Fig. 8 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 7. 16
Fig. 9 The Western blotting of the HSPs expression after hyperthermia at different time periods. 17
Fig. 10 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 9. 17
Fig. 11 The agarose analysis of RT-PCR 2 hours after PDT with different illumination times. 18
Fig. 12 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 11. 18
Fig. 13 The Western blotting of the HSPs expression 4hours after PDT with different illumination times. 19
Fig. 14 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 13. 19
Fig. 15 The agarose analysis of RT-PCR after PDT at different time periods. 20
Fig. 16 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 15. 20
Fig. 17 The Western blotting of the HSPs expression after PDT for different time periods. 21
Fig. 18 The statistical graph of quantified image data for Fig. 17. 21


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