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研究生(外文):Chia-Chung Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Measurement of Intradiscal Pressure
外文關鍵詞:biomechanicintradiscal pressure
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Summery of Background Data. In recent years, it is a mainstream to replace injured intervertebral discs with artificial ones to maintain the function of disc, such as remain distance between two vertebral bodies, transmit compressive force and keep stability of spine. Before achieving these goals, it is important to understand biomechanics of disc.
Objectives. The objectives of current study are to measure intradiscal pressure with thoracic one-motion segments under different loading condition. Prior to the study, a needle pressure sensor was developed. Two orientation of sensor insertion were employed to investigate how the invasion of instrument influenced the measurements of disc pressure.
Methods. 18 porcine thoracic one-motion segments were subjected to 1.2J of impact loading acting on different location of top of specimens, simulating forwards flexion, neutral erect position and backward extension. Intradiscal pressures were measured in each loading condition by inserting the needle pressure sensor into intervertebral disc with anterior and lateral approach, respectively.
Results. In motion segments with pressure sensor approached anteriorly, the average intradiscal pressures were 1.5 MPa (loading on vertebra body) and 0.6 MPa (loading on posterior process), respectively. With pressure sensor approached laterally, intradiscal pressures in average were 1.1 MPa (loading on vertebra body) and 1.4 MPa (loading on posterior process), respectively. Results showed that orientation of sensor insertion influenced outcome of pressure measurement significantly.
Conclusions. Three possible reasons might explain the results of current study. First, insertion of needle pressure sensor could make damage to annular fiber, and then decrease the ability of disc to sustain bending moment. Second, sensor invasion might change location of center of spine rotation. Third, sensor insertion causes the fluid of nucleus to flow out and to expand volume of nucleus.
第一章 緒論 1
1 -1前言 1
1-2脊椎的運動學與解剖學 1
1-3韌帶之生物力學特性 1
1-4椎間盤的構造 2
1-5椎間盤的功用及力學性質 2
1-6文獻回顧 3
1-7文獻比較 6
1-8研究動機與目標 8
1-9章節陳述 9
第二章 系統介紹與感測器驗證 10
2 -1連續式衝擊測試平台 10
2-1-1撞擊錘 11
2-1-2撞擊承受器 11
2-1-3緩衝件 12
2-2試驗模組 12
2-3硬體控制系統 12
2-4訊號量測系統 12
2-4-1各式感測器 13
2-4-2訊號放大器 13
2-4-3訊號連接器 14
2-4-4類比數位轉換卡 14
2-4-5人機介面程式 14
2-5 使用各式壓力感測器的研究過程 15
2-5-1 壓力感測器的選用 15
2-5-2 FlexiForce壓力感測器感測訊號的校正 18
2-5-3壓力感測器感測訊號的濾波 19
2-5-4壓力感測器感測訊號的校正 20
2-5-5壓力感測器感測力量的驗證 21
2-6 新感測器的製做 22
3 -1介紹 24
3-2感測器材料 24
3-3製作過程 25
3-4原理 28
3-5惠司同電橋 28
3-6與訊號擷取系統連接 29
3-7校正方法 30
第四章 實驗材料與方法 34
4 -1 實驗材料 34
4-1-1試樣準備 34
4-1-2試樣解剖 35
4-1-3試樣固定與製作 35
4-1-4試樣保存 35
4-2 實驗方法 36
4-2-1 負載條件 36
4-2-2針式感測置入方向 37
第五章 椎間核壓力量測結果 40
5 -1 定義 40
5-2負載位置的改變與胸椎力學反應的關係 41
5-2-1 負載位置與軸向力之間的關係 41
5-2-2 負載位置與力矩之間的關係 42
5-2-3 負載位置與椎間核壓力之間的關係 43
5-3受衝擊時上升時間分析 44
5-3-1 負載位置與力量上升時間的關係 45
5-3-2 負載位置與力矩上升時間的關係 46
5-3-3 負載位置與椎間核壓力上升時間的關係 47
5-4 利用統計學對實驗結果進行分析 48
5-4-1 使用統計學對胸椎受力進行分析 49
5-4-2 使用統計學對胸椎受力矩進行分析 50
5-4-3 使用統計學對胸椎椎間核壓力進行分析 51
5-5討論 53
5-6未來展望 53
參考文獻 55
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