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研究生(外文):Yu-Hung Su
論文名稱(外文):Applying the Game Theory into the After-sale Repair Strategies of the Information Technology Manufacturing Companies
指導教授(外文):Kai-Chieh Chia
外文關鍵詞:After-sales serviceReverse LogisticsRepairGame theoryInformation Technology (IT) company
  • 被引用被引用:13
  • 點閱點閱:476
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:9
This research first introduces the current status of the after-sales repair service and the repair market, but also analyzes the repeating problems that happen in the after-sales repair service operations. Followed by applying the game theory to analyze the interaction among the brand-name companies, OEM/ODM companies, and the third-party repair service providers to recognize the shortages of the current after-sales repair service operations. Second, construct a model using the game theory for the current status of the after-sales repair service according to the market to clarify the strategy of every company and its impact. In accordance to the lacks of current after-sales repair service, we use the concept of fixed cost pre-paid to recommend a new and advanced operation mechanism of after-sales repair service. Using the concept of fixed cost pre-paid as well as the game theory to confer the efficient ways and changes that will improve the supply chain’s after-sales repair service. In conclusion, this study analyzes the possible shift of risks under the recommended “pre-paid”model and proposes several ways to avoid risks by the insurance concept.
This research discovered that under the current after-sales repair service operations, the third-party repair service providers do not provide satisfactory repair service just because it wants to earn more profit. The unsatisfactory repair service can directly influence the brand-name companies and OEM/ODM companies and most important of all, the goodwill and the product quality guarantee; thus, creating problems for both the brand-name companies and OEM/ODM companies in selling and producing their products. The new and advanced “pre-paid” model can reconcile the contradiction caused by the different aims among the brand-name companies, OEM/ODM companies, and the third-party repair service providers. It can also avoid the cost variation of the brand-name companies and OEM/ODM companies caused by yield. Due to complete authorization, the third-party repair service provider will be motivated to provide customers better services at all times. Besides this, in analyzing the risks we also found that under the recommended “pre-paid” model the brand-name company or OEM/ODM company can control the fluctuating of the repair expenditures. Introducing the concept of insurance into the model, the third-party repair service providers can also easily control the variation of costs caused by yield.
摘要 I
符號說明 IV
目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究範圍與限制 3
1.4研究流程與研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧與評析 8
2.1 供應鏈管理 8
2.2 逆物流 10
2.3 賽局理論 17
2.4 策略性委外 19
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 文獻評析法 24
3.2 深度訪談 24
3.3 賽局理論 24
3.3.1 賽局的種類 25
3.3.2 子賽局完全均衡 28
第四章 維修市場現況與分析 32
4.1 售後維修服務基本流程介紹 32
4.1.1 傳統的售後維修服務流程 33
4.1.2 現行售後維修服務流程 35
4.2 不同售後維修服務流程優缺點分析 38
4.3 現行售後維修服務流程—「實報實銷(AFTER-PAID)」核銷作業分析 42
4.4 我國資訊電子製造商售後維修服務作業現況 44
4.4.1 仁寶電腦售後維修服務作業現況模式 45
4.4.2 廣達電腦售後維修服務作業現況模式 47
第五章 現行售後維修服務流程實報實銷(AFTER-PAID)核銷作業之賽局分析 49
5.1建立現行售後維修服務流程實報實銷核銷模式之賽局模型 49
5.1.1 第三方維修業者利潤函數的建構 50
5.1.2 OEM/ODM廠商利潤函數的建構 51
5.2現行售後維修服務流程實報實銷核銷模式之賽局模型均衡分析 53
5.2.1現行售後維修服務下,第一個子賽局的分析與均衡 54
5.2.2現行售後維修服務下,第二個子賽局的分析與均衡 56
5.2.3現行售後維修服務下,第三個子賽局的分析與均衡 58
5.3現行售後維修服務流程實報實銷核銷模式之賽局模型策略意涵 62
第六章 先進售後維修服務模式之建立暨預付(PRE-PAID)售後維修服務作業模式之賽局分析 64
6.1 預付售後維修服務作業模式之介紹 64
6.1.1 預付售後維修服務模式下,保固期內的售後維修服務 66
6.1.2 預付售後維修服務模式下,保固期外的售後維修服務 67
6.2建立預付售後維修服務作業模式之賽局模型 68
6.2.1 第三方維修業者利潤函數的建構 68
6.2.2 OEM/ODM廠商利潤函數的建構 70
6.3預付售後維修服務作業模式之賽局模型均衡分析 71
6.3.1預付售後維修服務下,第一個子賽局的分析與均衡 72
6.3.2預付售後維修服務下,第二個子賽局的分析與均衡 75
6.3.3預付售後維修服務下,第三個子賽局的分析與均衡 78
6.4 預付售後維修服務模式之賽局模型策略意涵 80
第七章 先進售後維修服務模式避險分析 82
7.1 第三方維修業者的風險與保險 82
7.1.1 第三方維修業者的風險分析 83
7.1.2 保險與第三方維修業者之避險分析 84
7.1.3 金融機構之風險部位 85
第八章 結論與建議 88
8.1 結論 88
8.2研究建議與未來研究方向 89
參考文獻 91



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