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研究生(外文):Yu-Yin Chou
論文名稱(外文):Interpretation to Griffes’ Piano Work Roman Sketches, Opus 7 / Yu-Yin Chou Piano Recital
外文關鍵詞:William Sharpwhole tone scaleexoticbitonalitypolyrhythmicovertonesCloudsThe Fountain of Acqua PaolaNightfallThe White PeacockRavelDebussyimpressionismGriffes
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第三首《亞葵包娜的噴泉》,其和聲語法的使用,是這四首小品中較傳統的一首。性質似拉威爾與李斯特所寫的“水之音樂”。例如《噴泉》(Jeux d'eau,1901)與《艾斯特别莊的噴泉》(Les jeux d’eau a la villa d’Este,1870-77)等。此曲以左手奏出主旋律,再配上右手分解和弦式的琶音音型,成功的捕捉到那在陽光照耀之下,閃爍耀眼光芒的泡沫與水花。



巴赫:平均律第一冊. 降e小調前奏曲與賦格
The purpose of this study is to discuss the interpretations and performance of this special work. The chapter included composition’s background, music structure and performance practice.

The piece is combined within four opusculums, which are The White Peacock, Nightfall, The Fountain of the Acqua Paola,and Clouds.

The White Peacock describes a rare, oriental white bird. Griffes showed a peacock in its pride, glory, and gestures when it struts throughout accurate music manners to the most.

Nightfall, the second piece, describes the scowl, desolating spectacles of the nightfall. Griffes adapted caliginous syncopations and chords, also using ostinato to express the lights in the song.

The Fountain of the Acqua Paola, is styled and harmonized more traditionally among all four pieces, like both Ravel and Liszt’s “Music of Water”. For example, both the pieces, Jeux d’ Eau, published in 1901 and Les Jeux d’ Eau a La Villa d’ Este, during 1870-77. This piece starts with the left hand performing the main theme, then the right hand playing the arpeggio in the form of diverged chords; this is thus a successful way to catch the foams and sprays shining under the sunshine.

Clouds,the usage of bitonality makes it the most audacious piece comparing to other three; it mainly tells how various and unpredictable the clouds are through the
notes and melody.

Additionally, the discussion will included practicing tips on technique, rhythm, tone color and pedaling. The work has many effects and influence from impressionism. Griffes always quoted British poet William Sharp’s poems as foreword, thus the prose will also bring up a brief introduction of the connection between the music and the poems so that offered deeper expressions and understandings
in performing this work.


J.S.Bach (1685-1750):
Well-Tempered Clavichord Ⅰ.Prelude & Fugue in eb minor

Charles Tomlinson Griffes (1884-1920):
Roman Sketches. Op.7.

Ludwig.van Beethoven (1770-1827):
32 Variatioen für Klavier über ein eigenes Thema.WoO80

Etudes d'exécution transcendante. No.11

第一章 前言 ……………………………………………………1
第二章 緒論
第一節 葛利菲斯的生平…………………………………………5
第二節 鋼琴音樂的風格演變與特色 …………………………11
第三章 《羅馬素描》之創作手法
第一節 印象派音樂的影響……………………………………19
第二節 葛莉菲斯的個人風格…………………………………26
第四章 樂曲分析
第一節 曲式結構 ………………………………………………40
第二節 力度與表情 ……………………………………………46
第三節 調性與和聲 ……………………………………………51
第五章 演奏與詮釋探討
第一節 白孔雀 …………………………………………………62
第二節 黃昏 ……………………………………………………68
第三節 亞葵包娜的噴泉 ………………………………………72
第四節 雲 ………………………………………………………78
第六章 總結 ……………………………………………………81
參考書目 …………………………………………………………84
附錄 ………………………………………………………………86
Anderson, Donna K. Charles T. Griffes: A Life in Music. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993.

Anderson, Donna K. Charles T. Griffes: an Annotated Bibliography- Discography. Detroit: The College Music Society, 1977.

Bailey, Walter B. “The music of Charles Tomlinson Griffes;Harbinger of American Art Music's Transition into the Modern Age.” D.M.A.diss., Rice University, 1988.

Bauer, Marion. “Charles T. Griffes as I Remember him.” The Musical Quarterly 24 (July 1943): 355-80.

Blomster, Wes. “Griffes: Piano Works.” Piano & Keyboard, no.202 (February 2000): 58-9.

Clarke, Garry E. Essays on American Music. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1977.

David, Kopp.“Pentatonic Organization in Two Piano Pieces of Debussy.”Journal of Music Theory,vol.41,no.2(Fall 1997):261-88.

Fabbro, Renta Sergio. “The Stylistic Traits of Charles Griffes’s Piano Music: Roman Sketches, Op.7 and Piano Sonata (1917-1918).” D.M.A.diss., Rice University, 2001.

Gann, Kyle. American Music in the Twentieth Century. New York: Schirmer Books, 1997.

Gat, Jazsef. The Technique of Piano Playing. London:Collet’s Publishers, 1974.

Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music:An Historical Survey of Music for Harpsichord and Piano. New York:Dover Publications, 1965.

Harrison, Sidney. Piano Technique. London:Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons,1953.

Hinson, Maurice. Guide to the Pianist’s Repertoire. Bloomington: Indiana University press, 1973.

Lewin, Michael. “Rediscovering Griffes.” Piano&Keyboard, no.186 (May-June 1997): 33-8.

Maisel, Edward. Charles T. Griffes: The Life of an American Composer. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984.

Mancinelli, Aldo. “Charles Griffes: An American Enigma.” Clavier 24 (July-August 1985): 12-7.

Sadie, Stanley, ed. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. 29 vols. London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001. S.V. “Griffes Charles Tomlinson,” by Donna K. Anderson.

Tawa, Nicholas E. Mainstream Music of Early Twentieth Century America: The Composers, Their Times, and Their Works.
Westport: Greenwood Press, 1992.
第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 印象樂派對葛利菲斯的影響:以《羅馬素描》為例
2. 葛利菲斯鋼琴作品《三首音畫》與《幻想曲集》之分析及詮釋
3. 查爾斯‧湯姆林森‧葛利菲斯鋼琴作品《羅馬素描》之探討
4. 三首以「噴泉」為主題之鋼琴作品之比較與詮釋-以李斯特、拉威爾、葛利菲斯之鋼琴作品為例
5. 探討阿爾貝尼士的《伊貝利亞》第一冊中三首作品:〈召喚〉、〈港口〉、〈賽維亞聖體節〉之寫作手法與演奏詮釋
6. 葛利菲斯《鋼琴奏鳴曲》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋/朱曼慈畢業音樂會
7. 葛利菲斯作品《三首費歐納‧馬克里歐德的詩》Op.11之樂曲分析與詮釋報告
8. 探討史克里亞賓-《前奏曲:作品七十四》寫作手法與演奏詮釋/賴美如鋼琴獨奏會
9. 探討舒曼作品《森林情景,作品八十二》音樂的分析與詮釋/萬怡君鋼琴獨奏會
10. 探討葛利菲斯《幻想曲集》之寫作手法與演奏詮釋分析/呂冠儀畢業音樂會
11. 希那斯特拉《十二首美洲前奏曲》寫作手法與演奏詮釋之探討/張汾淳鋼琴獨奏會
12. 麥克道爾《十二首炫技練習曲,作品四十六〈TwelveVirtuosoStudies〉》之第二、三、四、十、十一、十二首寫作手法與鋼琴演奏技巧之探討/沈卓沛鋼琴獨奏會
13. 維拉.羅伯斯的《娃娃家族組曲(ProledobebêVol.Ⅰ)》作品研究與演奏詮釋探討。/蘇怡珊鋼琴獨奏會。
14. 圖分解為廣義有向三元集
15. 希那斯特拉作品中阿根廷民族音樂素材及新表現主義創作手法之運用:以《第一號鋼琴奏鳴曲Op.22》為例