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研究生(外文):Wei-Jiun Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of ZMET on Staff's Perception of Vision in the Organizational Development after the Organizational Change : Using Police Radio Station as an Example
外文關鍵詞:VisionOrganizational ChangeZMET
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組織變革(Organizational Change)是組織從他們現在的狀態轉變到期望的未來狀態,以增進其效能的過程。願景呈現的是一幅未來的圖像。願景的產生,是要由下而上,由組織成員經過腦力激盪,思考哪個元素是願景不可或缺的部份,為什麼某些元素會被排除?為什麼某些元素與其他元素彼此衝突?以及這些經由緊湊討論浮上檯面的元素是否真能符合先前設定的標準。同時必須逐一探索規畫組織成員的心智模式,仔細思索及驗證其相關性。
Zaltman指出,驅動產生人類決策與行為認知及思考約有95%都是發生在非意識(Unconsciously)的狀態下,僅有5%是顯露在意識之上。因此當我們用傳統的調查方法於組織願景的研究時,較難獲得組織成員隱藏於內心最核心的信念與價值觀。哈佛商學院Zaltman教授於九○年代提出隱喻誘引技術(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,以下簡稱ZMET)。ZMET的理論思考是起源於人類的原始思考是以圖像的形式而非文字的形式,以消費者蒐集來的圖片做為線索提示工具,其構念元素抽取的過程及以共識地圖的呈現,正是願景架構產生的必要過程。本研究以警察廣播電台為個案研究對象,將ZMET應用在警廣於組織變革後,其員工對組織發展願景認知之研究。
The organizational change is the process which the organization changed from their present state to the future state. And the organization can be promoted its efficiency through this process. “Vision” provides a picture of the future. The organization should produce their vision from bottom to top. First, their members must discuss which element is indispensable in the “vision”? Why will some elements be got rid of? Why do some elements conflict with each others? Then, they must consider whether these elements fit in with the procedure established before. At the same time, they must explore the members’ mental model one by one in the organization, consider and verify its dependence carefully.
Zaltman brought up the underlying motivation that influence a person’s decision. Because approximately 95% thought occurs in the unconscious, most of these factors are missed by traditional research methods. An exclusive research tool, ZMET was founded by Professor Gerald Zaltman of the Harvard Business School. The ZMET approach uses visual images, metaphors to elicit information from research participants. It uses construct elicitation and consensus maps to uncover information about the customers and what truly motives their decisions. And these are just a necessary process for constructing vision. So in this research, I choose Police Radio Station as an example, and use ZMET as a research tool on their staff's to uncover their perception of vision in the organizational development after the organizational change.
The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. Everyone will have different understanding about the same picture, and so do people in different positions. 2. After analyzing the ZMET data of staffs’ perception of vision, we have some results: (1) Official staffs concern the organizational development and group’s operation and hope to have a specialized leader who give the definite goals for the organization and manage it continuously forever. (2)Nonofficial staffs pay attention to personal right and work and never approve bureaucracy. They hope to offer freedom, and do the public service well. (3) All staffs’ common visions are as follows: They want a specialized leader who will influence the future directions, improve efficiency, reconstruct bureaucracy and manage continuously. Metaphors are fundamental to human thought. In the study, metaphors in ZMET show us the staffs’ vision concepts. This proofs ZMET approach can use on uncovering the perception of vision in the organizational development that traditional methods do not capture. No matter in communicated media, questions setting, construct elicitation or consensus vision, using ZMET approach may avoid the misunderstandings which the tradition methods may get. And we will have a clear result through analyzing mental maps and consensus maps. Then we can realize the picture and find the most important core concepts and concrete ways to create a brand new vision structure.
謝誌 Ⅰ
中文論文摘要 Ⅱ
英文論文摘要 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅴ
圖次 XV
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機與目的 2
第三節、研究對象範圍 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
第一節、組織變革的發展 4
第二節、願景的定義 6
第三節、警察廣播電台組織發展及變革 9
第四節、ZMET隱喻誘引技術解構組織發展願景的能力 11
一、ZMET之內涵 11
二、ZMET之假設 12
三、ZMET之應用範圍 13
第三章、研究方法 16
第一節、研究程序 17
第二節、ZMET研究方法 18
一、研究步驟 18
二、訪談大綱 21
第三節、抽樣分析 25
一、抽樣方法 25
二、抽樣過程 25
第四節、ZMET預備作業 27
一、邀訪配合事項 27
二、研究工具 28
第四章、研究結果分析 29
第一節、以ZMET技術解構員工對組織發展願景之認知:公職人員部份 30
一、說故事 31
二、遺失的議題或影像 57
三、分類整理 60
四、構念抽取 70
五、最具代表性圖片 86
六、相反的影像 88
七、感官影像 92
八、心智地圖 97
九、總結影像 101
十、小短文 101
第二節、以ZMET技術解構員工對組織發展願景之認知:非公職人員部份 106
一、說故事 106
二、遺失的議題或影像 125
三、分類整理 127
四、構念抽取 134
五、最具代表性圖片 147
六、相反的影像 149
七、感官影像 151
八、心智地圖 155
九、總結影像 158
十、小短文 158
第三節、共識地圖分析 162
一、公職人員共識地圖結果分析 162
二、非公職人員共識地圖結果分析 165
三、公職人員與非公職人員共識地圖結果分析 168
第五章、結論 172
第一節、研究結果 172
第二節、研究限制 175
第三節、後續研究建議 176
參考文獻 177
中文部份 177
英文部份 180



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