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論文名稱(外文):The Factors by the Families’Emotional Transformation of Anticipatory Grief in Hospice with Advanced Cancer Patients.
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預期性悲傷(anticipatory grief)相較於喪親後的悲傷,悲傷者有更多可彌補與即時行事的機會,有助於減少遺憾,並藉由提前的悲傷調適,增進了喪親後的生活品質。本研究主要在於瞭解安寧病房癌末病患家屬預期性悲傷之狀態,以及影響家屬悲傷情緒擺盪之因素。藉由對影響因子的探討,有助於專業人員對家屬的服務更為深入,提早在喪親前進行預備工作,減緩喪親後的悲傷。

本研究採取質性研究(Qualitative Research)之方式,針對台中榮民總醫院緩和療護病房的家屬為對象,共訪談二十位家屬,有四位家屬與病患為夫妻關係,十五位為病患之子女,一位為病患之兄弟姊妹。

在研究結果方面,發現家屬的情緒就如同「悲傷二元擺盪模式」Dual Process Model般,時而陷入「失落導向」(loss-oriented)的悲傷狀態,時而陷入「復原導向」(restoration-oriented)的面對狀態。其中影響家屬情緒轉換的因素主要可分成個人因素、環境因素、意義因素部分:




Comparing anticipatory grief to the bereaved grief, the sad relatives should have more to compensate or have the opportunity to do something in time. It must be helpful to reduce the regret for the dead. By the previous adjustment of grief, they can soon improve the living quality right after the death of patients. The research is mainly to understand the state of families with their anticipatory grief in Hospice for caring the advanced cancer patients, and to be aware of the grief emotions oscillation which deeply affect the patients’ families. Through the understanding of these influences, we professional can have the excellent services for the families of the advanced cancer patients. We can even do the good previous jobs comforting the families before bereavement. By doing this way, we can more or less relieve their grief.

The study is with the way of Qualitative Research. Focusing on the palliative care ward in The Taichung Veterans General Hospital, I have interviewed twenty families of advanced cancer patients, with the relationship of four as husband and wife, fifteen as children and parents, and one as brothers and sisters.

The research result is about the emotions of these families, with the regular state of the so-called “Dual Process Model”. Sometimes they sink into the “loss-oriented” grief state, but occasionally they get back to the “restoration-oriented” confront situation. There are three main factors to influence the emotional transformation--- personal factor, environmental factor, and the factor of meaningfulness.

A. Personal factor:
Including the age, the social expectation about sex, the previous experience of great loss, the degree of emotion repression, and the attitude facing the pressured matters. Also to include the changing state of sickness, the expectation to the sickness, the physical and mental state of patients, and the degree of fear facing to the death.

B. Environmental factor:
Including the durative time of the advanced cancer patients, the pressure influence in degree and range, how close between the patients and the families, the degree of expressing true feelings between the patients and the families, and what a degree of paying the families do to the patients. Also to include the career of life, the social supported networks, religious support, the feeling to future life, the comforting of art medium, and the cognition of the equipments in Hospice.

C. The factor of meaningfulness:
It can be divided into two categories. One is loss-oriented—the explanation to loss in meaning. The other is restoration-oriented—the explanation to loss in meaning. From restoration to meaningfulness, transfer the suffer as the meaningful gift.

Finally, the research is mainly for the families of Hospice, the social workers, the medical teams. We provide the suggestions respectively. Moreover, we explain the limitation of the research and the possible future aspect of research.
第一章 問題敘述 -----------------------------------------------------------------------1

第二章 文獻探討

第一節 安寧療護簡介 ---------------------------------------------------------------8
第二節 預期性悲傷相關概念及其主要內涵 ----------------------------------12
第三節 預期性悲傷歷程 ----------------------------------------------------------27
第四節 情緒轉換概念及過程 ----------------------------------------------------38
第五節 情緒轉換因子 -------------------------------------------------------------52

第三章 研究方法

第一節 研究方法之選取 ----------------------------------------------------------68
第二節 研究對象 -------------------------------------------------------------------69
第三節 資料收集程序 -------------------------------------------------------------71
第四節 資料分析步驟 -------------------------------------------------------------73
第五節 研究倫理 -------------------------------------------------------------------74

第四章 研究結果與分析

第一節 受訪者的基本資料分析 -------------------------------------------------76
第二節 預期性悲傷之起點 -------------------------------------------------------80
第三節 情緒轉換之個人因素 ----------------------------------------------------90
第四節 情緒轉換之環境因素 ---------------------------------------------------156
第五節 情緒轉換之意義因素 ---------------------------------------------------236
第五章 結論與建議

第一節 研究結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------281
第二節 研究建議 ------------------------------------------------------------------298
第三節 研究限制與對未來研究的建議 ---------------------------------------303

參考書目 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------305
附錄一 :受訪者家庭之生命經驗與故事 ---------------------------------------------319

表二之四1 壓力因應過程類型 ---------------------------------------------------------42
表四之一1 受訪者之基本人口資料表 -----------------------------------------------77
表四之一2 癌末病患基本資料表 ------------------------------------------------------78
表四之一3 受訪者基本資料對照表 --------------------------------------------------79
表四之二1 病患罹患癌末的型態 ------------------------------------------------------80
表四之二2 得知病患罹患癌末疾病的初始情緒反應 -----------------------------85
表四之三1 年齡之大小 -----------------------------------------------------------------90
表四之三2 性別之社會期待 ------------------------------------------------------------95
表四之三3 過去失落經驗 ---------------------------------------------------------------96
表四之三4 情緒表露型態 -------------------------------------------------------------101
表四之三5 面對壓力事件的態度 ----------------------------------------------------110
表四之三6 病情轉變狀態 -------------------------------------------------------------117
表四之三7 對病情的期望 -------------------------------------------------------------126
表四之三8 病患身心狀態 -------------------------------------------------------------134
表四之三9 對死亡的恐懼程度 -------------------------------------------------------148
表四之四1 病患罹患癌末疾病的時間長短 ----------------------------------------156
表四之四2 壓力影響程度與範圍 ----------------------------------------------------159
表四之四3 家屬和病患之關係親密度 ----------------------------------------------169
表四之四4 家屬與病患間之情感表露度 -------------------------------------------173
表四之四5 家屬對病患的付出程度 -------------------------------------------------178
表四之四6 人生境遇 -------------------------------------------------------------------192
表四之四7 社會支持網絡 -------------------------------------------------------------199
表四之四8 宗教支持 -------------------------------------------------------------------207
表四之四9 對未來生活的感受 -------------------------------------------------------217
表四之四10 藝術媒介的支持-------------------------------------------------------------225
表四之四11 對安寧病房環境設備的認知 -------------------------------------------227
表四之五1 失落導向意義轉換----對失落意義的詮釋 ---------------------------236
表四之五2 復原導向意義轉換---對失落意義的詮釋 ---------------------------241
表四之五3 復原導向意義轉換----苦難中的禮物 ---------------------------------262


圖二之三1 二元擺盪模式 ---------------------------------------------------------------36
圖二之四1 壓力因應模式架構 ---------------------------------------------------------40
圖二之四2 因應失落的二元擺盪模式─徑路 --------------------------------------51

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