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研究生(外文):Hung-Zu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Interference-aware QoS Multipath Routing for Ad Hoc Wireless Network
指導教授(外文):Ying-Hong Wang
中文關鍵詞:Ad hoc 無線網路多重路徑路由路徑干擾多媒體服務品質多媒體串流
外文關鍵詞:Ad hoc networksMultipath routingInterferenceQoSMultipath streaming
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在Ad hoc無線網路上,各個行動裝置都是靠著不穩定的無線電波路徑來相互連接。在變化不斷的網路拓樸、不足夠的網路頻寬與相當缺乏的網路資訊下,要提供穩定的多媒體服務品質是相當困難的。為了解決這這問題,許多研究提出了多重路徑路由的方法來增加網路的輸出量與整體的穩定性。這種多重路徑路由的方法是傳送端會嚐試著找出多條互斥的路徑到接收端,並且將傳送的資料按照每條路徑的網路頻寬或延遲時間來分配傳送。但是無線網路中,不穩定的網路頻寬還是會導致多媒體即時串流的延遲與停頓。另外有許多研究增加了在找尋多重路徑時,先預測路徑的可使用頻寬的機制,並且在這些路徑中選擇足夠的頻寬來傳送即時性的多媒體資料。但為了要減少路徑成本與降低傳送的延遲,路徑選擇演算法大都優先選擇經過較少行動裝置的最短路徑。而這些路徑通常都非常的靠近,並且造成互相的干擾。如果選擇這些互相高度干擾的路徑,將使得原本預先估計的頻寬在傳送即時資料時,真正的輸出流量因為路徑相互干擾的關係,而無法達到預期的效果。
在本論文中,我們提出一個具有干擾度感知的多路徑路由協定,此協定並且具備了在Ad hoc 無線網路上能提供即時串流與多媒體服務品質的要求。我們根據不同的網路媒體存取層(MAC)協定研究了一些無線網路頻寬估計的方法,並且提出了”干擾度”的概念。最後我們模擬了整個協定與環境來驗證此協定對於即時性資料或多媒體傳輸在Ad Hoc無線網路改善的程度。
Mobile nodes are interconnected by multihop routing paths consist of unstable radio links in ad hoc wireless network. It is complex and difficult to provide QoS routing in such network because of imprecise network information, insufficient bandwidth and dynamic topology. For improving network stability and throughput, multipath routing protocols are proposed. A sender node will discover multiple disjoined routing paths and spread traffic into multiple streams according to their delay or bandwidth. For real-time multimedia streaming, unstable throughput or insufficient bandwidth will invite unexpected delay or jitter. Some multipath routing protocols pre-evaluate available bandwidth of paths and select enough total bandwidth from them if real-time applications demand for QoS constraint. For minimizing the cost of these paths, a path with smaller hopcounts will be prior selected. These disjoined paths are general too closed with each other and the total throughput cannot just be sum up because of “paths interfering”. Discovering and selecting multiple high-interfering paths is ineffectual and the total available bandwidth is not precise. In this thesis, we proposed an interfering-aware QoS multipath routing protocol for QoS-constraint multimedia and real-time applications in ad hoc wireless network. We apply a scheme to evaluate available bandwidth according to the network capacities with different Media Access Control (MAC) protocols. A concept of “Interfering ratio” of multipath will be discussed and we evaluate the stability and throughput improvement by simulations.
Chinese abstract 1
English abstract 2
Acknowledgement 3
Contents 4
List of Figures 7
1 Introduction 9
2 A Survey of Related Work 16
2.1 Multipath Fading 17
2.2 Multiple access control protocols 17
2.2.1 Interference on MAC 18
2.2.2 Transmission Contention 22
2.3 Wireless Mesh Network 25
3 System Model and Definitions 27
3.1 OoS Metrics 28
3.2 Interfering Ratio 29
3.3 Link-Stable-Time and Path-Stable-Time 31
3.4 Problem statement 31
4 Interference-aware QoS Multipath Routing Protocol 32
4.1 Route Discovery Phase 32
4.2 Route Reply Phase 35
4.3 Route Maintenance Phase 36
5 Multimedia Synchronization in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks 39
5.1 Introduction 40
5.2 Related Work of Multimedia Synchronization 41
5.2.1 Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) 42
5.2.2 Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) 42
5.2.3 Prioritized Object Composition Petri-Net (P-Nets) 43
5.3 Intelligent Mobile DMSAgent 45
5.3.1 Client-side Intelligent Monitor Agent (CIMA) 46
5.3.2 Server-side Monitor Agent (SMA) 47
5.3.3 Multimedia Resource Management Agent (MRMA) 47
5.3.4 Intelligent Mobile Multimedia Synchronization Agent (IMMSA) 49
5.4 DMSAgent System 50
5.4.1 The knowledge base of the user’s usage 50
5.4.2 The distributed multimedia synchronization knowledge base 51
5.4.3 Communication and Knowledge Interchange 51
5.4.4 QoS negotiation 53
5.4.5 Robustness and Fault-Tolerance 54
5.5 Summary 55
6 Testing and Simulation Results 57
7 Conclusions and Future Research 69
7.1 Conclusions 69
7.2 Future Research 70
Bibliography 73
Appendix A. Publication List 78
Journal Publications 78
Conference Publications 78
Appendix B. “Multipath QoS Routing with Interference Provision in Ad Hoc Wireless Network”, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 80
Appendix C. “Interference-aware QoS Multipath Routing for Ad Hoc Wireless Network”, Journal of Internet Technology Volume 5(2004) No.4 96
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