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研究生(外文):Ding-fong Wu
論文名稱(外文):The study of ITO thin films with nano metal particles
指導教授(外文):Yung-Jen Lin
外文關鍵詞:ITOnano metal pareticlesSol-Gel method
  • 被引用被引用:3
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本實驗以帶結晶水的三氯化銦為起始材料,及四氯化錫為攙雜物,所配製的膠體溶液直接塗佈於散佈有金屬顆粒的石英玻璃底材上來製成薄膜。以5 mol%硝酸銀溶液塗佈還原後再鍍成的銦錫氧化物薄膜中可得到最低片電阻為1.224 Kohm/sq,降低電阻約52%,可見光穿透率為85%,降低可見光透光率為8.6%(無添加銀微粒的銦錫氧化物薄膜電阻為2.568 Kohm/sq,可見光穿透率為93%)。以0.1 mol%硝酸銅溶液塗佈在銦錫氧化物薄膜中可得到最低片電阻為2.283 Kohm/sq,降低電阻約11%,可見光穿透率為90%,降低可見光透光率為3.2%。
Sol-gel process is widely used to prepare thin films. However sol-gel ITO conducting films have lower conductivity than that from sputtering. Therefore, I attempted to disperse nano metal particles in ITO film in hope to increase the film conductivity without seriously decreasing its light transmission.
ITO precurse solutions were prepared from indium chloride and tin chloride (as a dopant). Quartz substrates were first spin coated with silver nitrate solution and reduced in air at 500℃ to obtain dispersed silver particles. Then, ITO precurse solutions were spin-coated on the quartz substrate with dispersed silver particles to from Ag-ITO composite films. The results showed that with 5mol% silver nitrate solution coating, the composite film would have the lowest sheet resistance 1.22 KΩ/sq, which was 52% decrease from the ITO film without disposed Ag particles. The light transmission was 85%, a decrease of 8.6% from ITO film. In the case of coating with 0.1 mol% copper nitrate solution, the Cu-ITO composite film had sheet resistance of 2.283 KΩ/sq and light transmission of 90%, which were 11% and 3.2% decrease from ITO film, respectively.
Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------------II
List of Figures------------------------------------------------------------ V
List of Tables---------------------------------------------------------- VIII

1、Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------- 1
2、Literature Review and Theories-------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 Characteristics of indium oxide ------------------------------------------3
2.2 The preparation of indium tin oxide film ---------------------------------3
2.3 The electrieal properties of thin film------------------------------------8
2.4 Comparison of sol-gel and sputter methods for ITO thin film --------------9
2.5 Review of IMI (ITO/ Metal/ITO) proportion--------------------------------10
三、Experimental procedures--------------------------------------------------15
3.1 The preparation of the ITO solution -------------------------------------15
3.2 Substrate treatment------------------------------------------------------15

3.3 The preparation of the metal particle-Ag,Cu------------------------------15

3.4 The preparation of films-------------------------------------------------15

3.5 Instrumentation----------------------------------------------------------16
四、Results and Discussion---------------------------------------------------20
4.1 prepare indium thin films------------------------------------------------21
4.2 Add nano metal particle into ITO films-----------------------------------26
4.3 Add nano silver particle into ITO films--------------------------------- 28
4.4 Add nano copper particle into ITO films----------------------------------33
五、Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------36
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