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研究生(外文):Yun-Ching Chang
指導教授(外文):Hao-erl Yang
外文關鍵詞:acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavioraction of dysfunctional audit behaviorawareness of dysfunctional audit behaviorlocus of controlorganization commitmentperformancerole stressturnover intentions
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本研究係以任職於規模前四大會計師事務所(勤業眾信、安侯建業、資誠、致遠)之審計人員為研究對象,共回收有效問卷230份,有效回收率為46%。利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 探討審計人員之個人因素對審計偏差行為接受度之影響。
根據實證研究結果得知,除角色壓力與離職傾向會顯著影響審計人員其對審計偏差行為之接受度外,制控信念及工作績效此兩構念對審計人員接受偏差行為之程度,影響均未達顯著水準,此結論和Donnelly et al. (2003)針對全美會計師事務所106名審計人員所做之調查,認為工作績效不佳、外控信念及離職傾向較高之審計人員對偏差行為接受度亦高之研究結果明顯不同。Malone(1992)認為離職傾向較高之審計人員會因即將離職而對績效評估不在意,故而降低從事審計偏差行為之誘因,此觀點或可解釋本研究中審計人員高離職傾向,低偏差行為接受度之現象。
A serial of accounting abuses happened after the collapse of Enron in U.S.A., such as Procomp or Infodisc in resent year. The moral law/sense of accountants or auditors is a focus of public opinion. Especially for Procomp case that auditors engaged in premature sign-off intentionally. We have paid high social cost because auditors didn’t review financial report by normal procedures. In the same time, the issue of audit quality is considered very important by most people.
Lots of factors from various constructs can inference audit quality. Environment factors will result in dysfunctional audit behavior which was proved by literatures, but factors result in individual dysfunctional audit behavior scholars having different view. In addition, such kinds of researches in Taiwan are not perfect and systematic. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to discuss the difference of dysfunctional acceptance level for individual auditor faced with the same factor. This research hope to get following objectives: (1) To identify framework model by literatures investigation; (2) To identify subject framework model whether or not inference auditors’ acceptance level by practical research; (3) To explore the awareness of dysfunctional behavior for auditors; (4) To seek the reason why auditor accept dysfunctional behavior by literature investigation and practice proof. This study tries to provide a complete theory structure model in this research for practical use or academic reference.
The population included auditors in first four major public accounting firms in Taiwan. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 500 respondents who have experience in auditing works, of which 230 valid questionnaires were returned, representing a response rate of 46%. And then use structural equation modeling (SEM) to comprehend how the auditor’s personal factors influent his acceptance of dysfunctional audit behavior.
By experiment results, we find it does not reach significant level for locus of control, performance to accept level for dysfunctional behavior regarding auditors except role stress and turnover intentions. Malone (1992) states that a preparatory resignation auditor does not concern job performance and promotion, so decrease inducement to perform dysfunctional behavior. This statement could explain why the higher turnover intentions have the lower acceptance of dysfunctional behavior in this study.
In addition, this research finds that the awareness of dysfunctional audit behavior by auditors engaged in accounting firms have big difference with the expectation of the public. Auditors who don’t identify “premature sign-off” and “altering/replacing audit procedures” as unethical behaviors are 36.09% and 47.83%-respectively. We should pay more attention to auditors’ awareness of dysfunctional behaviors strongly when public accounting firms desire to enhance audit quality simultaneously.
Research Background and Motivation 1
Research Objectives 3
Research Procedure 3
Dysfunctional Auditor Behavior 5
Premature Sign-Offs 6
Altering/Replacing of Audit Procedures 7
Underreporting of Chargeable Time 7
The Ethical Decision-Making Model 10
Locus of Control 12
Definition of Locus of Control 12
The Relation between Locus of Control and Conceptual of Structure
Model 13
Organizational Commitment 15
The Definition of Organizational Commitment 15
Theory Model and Decision Factors for Organizational Commitment 17
The Relation between Every Constructs and Organizational
Commitment 20
Performance 21
The Definition of Performance 21
The Relation between Performance and Constructs 23
Turnover Intentions 24
The Definition of Turnover Intentions 24
Decision Model of Turnover Intentions Build by Igbaria and
Greenhaus (1992) 26
The Correction of Turnover Intentions and Acceptance of Dysfunctional
Behavior 27
Role Stress 28
Role Conflict 29
Role Overload 30
The Relation between Role Stress and Constructs 31
Research Framework 33
Research Hypotheses 34
Operating Definition and Measurement of Variables 37
Research Object and Data Collection 41
Sample Analysis 42
Analysis Methods 43
Reliability and Validity Analysis 45
Validity 45
Reliability Analysis 45
Descriptive Statistics Analysis 46
Basic Descriptive Statistics 46
Frequency Distribution and Sample Percentage 47
Correlation Analysis 49
Structural Equation Model Analysis 49
Goodness-of-Fit 50
Causal Analysis of Structural Equation Model 51
Brief Summary 52
Conclusions 55
Managerial Implications 58
Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 59

摘要 i
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
  第一節 審計偏差行為 3
  第二節 制控信念 6
第三節 組織承諾 8
第四節 工作績效 11
第五節 離職傾向 13
第六節 角色壓力 15
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 觀念性架構 17
第二節 研究假設 17
第三節 研究變數之操作性定義與衡量 19
第四節 研究對象與資料收集 21
第五節 樣本分析 21
第六節 分析方法 22
第四章 資料分析 23
第一節 信度與效度分析 23
第二節 敘述統計分析 24
第三節 相關分析 26
第四節 結構方程式模型分析 26
第五節 小節 29
第五章 結論與建議 30
第一節 結論 30
第二節 管理意函與建議 32
第三節 研究限制與建議 32
參考文獻 33
























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