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研究生(外文):Yung-Chi Teng
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of High Speed Milling Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
外文關鍵詞:Abductive networksParticle Swarm OptimizationSurface roughness
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In this investigation the main goal is discussing the cutting parameters affecting the surface roughness variable when using the ball-end mill to machining the free curves at a high speed. The Abductive Networks is used to establish the model of the roughness and based on this model to discuss the effects of every cutting parameter on the surface roughness variable under the different machining conditions. The experimental results show that this mathematical model is very suitable for the investigation.

The experimental scheme is selected to plan the experiment in this paper. The spindle speed, feed rate, axial depth of cut, radial depth of cut, and rake angle of the workpiece are chosen as the experimental factors. Additionally, the response curve design in the experimental scheme is used to be the basic disposed experiment. The Abductive Networks is used to regress and analysis the experimental data and then the mathematical model of the roughness will be established. In the cutting range discussed in this investigation, the optimal algorithm PSO is used to dispose the cutting conditions for providing the operators a reference to select the cutting parameters.
Chapter 1 Introduction…….…….……...…………………..……...…….1
1.1 Introduction……...………..……………………………….…1
1.2 Literature review….....………….…………………………....3
1.3 Research goal....…….....…………….……………………….6
1.4 Paper overhead construction…………..…………………......8
Chapter 2 Theory………..……..…………..……………….……….…...9
2.1 Synopsis…….……………………………………..………....9
2.2 Surface roughness………………..………………….……...11
2.3 Response surface method………….…………….….………16
2.3.1 Response surface method...………….…………….16
2.3.2 Central composite design……….…..…….……….21
2.4 Abductive networks system..…………………….…………22
2.4.1 Synopsis……………..…….…………………….…22
2.4.2 Abductive Networks Use flow…..…...……….……26
2.5 Particle Swarm Optimization…………………….………....29
2.5.1 Synopsis………………..…….…………………….29
2.5.2 Simulation of the social behavior………………….29
2.5.3 Basic conception of PSO……….………………….30
2.5.3 Procedure concept of PSO……...………………….34
Chapter 3 Plan and the result in experiment.……………...….....……..36
3.1 Experimental facilities…….…………...……….……..……36
3.2 The experiment disposing……………………………..……40
3.3 Experimental result……………….……………………..….46
3.4 Modling and proved……………………………..……….....46
Chapter 4 Optimization.....………..…………………......…..................49
Chapter 5 Result and discussing..…………………………...................55
Chapter 6 Conclusion……………………………………….…………66
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