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研究生(外文):Yech-Lung Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Experimental Evaluation of the Two-phase Vapor Chamber Heat Sink
指導教授(外文):Ji-Jen LeeHong-Sen Kou
外文關鍵詞:Heat pipeHeat sinkvapor chamber
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近年來,電子設備不斷在縮小化及高性能上精進,促使電子散熱裝置日趨重要,進而發展許多不同型式的散熱裝置,因此本文主要以Vapor Chamber的方式運用熱管的原理,可做極快速高潛熱釋放的熱傳特性,在低成本及最高安全考量下,運用於一般傳統鋁質散熱器上,藉以提升一般散熱器的散熱效率,使其成為所謂傳熱超導體,以因應未來超高能電子元件的散熱需求。
本文利用市面上一般桌上型電腦所使用的P4散熱器,再予以加工,製造出下方有一Chamber的Vapor Chamber散熱器,針對工作液體填充量,填充液體的不同以及添加奈米粒子對散熱器效能之影響進行實驗探討。由實驗資料顯示填充量為50%時,散熱效果最佳,但因其在20毫升,25毫升以及30毫升之間,其溫度變化差異較大,所以便進一步實驗CPU在24毫升以及26毫升時其溫度的變化,結果顯示,在25毫升時其溫度仍為最好,而甲醇的填入比水的填入對散熱更有效果。
In recent years, the electronic equipment is continuously developing in shrinking its size and turning high performance, this trend urges the heat sink of electronics device to become gradually important. So it develops many different types of heat-lost equipment. So this thesis makes use of the type of heat pipe to design a vapor chamber heat sink, it can do very quickly and high latent heat releasing of heat transfer characteristic at low cost and the highest safety considering. It can use at a traditional aluminum heat sink to promote heat transfer efficiency of a usual heat sink, it can become a so-called heat transferring superconductor to manage the heat transfer requirement of the higher-energy electronic element.
This thesis uses the usual P4 heat sink of the P.C. at the business situation, and manufactures it to become a vapor chamber heat sink with a chamber at the heat sink’s underneath. This thesis proceeds the experiment and discussing to counter with the filling capacity of the working fluid, the difference of the filling fluid and the influence of the heat sink efficiency with adding Nanofluid. From the experiment data shows that when filling capacity at 50%, it has the best heat transfer efficiency, but because when it at 20 milliliter, 25 milliliter and 30 milliliter, its temperature change is much bigger, so we experiment CPU’s temperature change at 24 milliliter and 26 milliliter, the result shows that the measuring temperature at 25 milliliter is the best. And the Methanol’s filled is useful to heat transfer than the water’s filled.
Table of contents………………………………………………………..IV
List of Figures………………………………………………………….VII
List of Tables……………………………………………………………XI
Symbol Explain……………………………………………………….XIII
Chapter 1 Introduction……………………………………………………1
1-1 Foreword………………………………………………………1
1-2 Purpose………………………………………………………...3
1-3 Literature Review……………………………………………...5
Chapter 2 Basic Theory-Boiling………………………………………….8
2-1 Bubble occurs…………………………………………………8
2-2 Contact Angle…………………………………………………9
2-3 Hysteresis……………………………………………………10
2-4 Nucleation and surface coarsely intensity…………………...11
2-5 Bubble grows and rises……………………………………...12
2-6 Flow Map……………………………………………………12
2-6-1 Bubbly flow……………………………………………...13
2-6-2 Slug Flow………………………………………………...14
2-6-3 Churn Flow………………………………………………14
2-6-4 Annular Flow…………………………………………….15
2-7 Quality and Void Fraction…………………………………...15
Chapter 3 Basic Theory- Evaporation…………………………………..17
3-1 Boiling Curve and Sphere…………………………………...20
3-2 Boiling heat transfer experience formula……………………21
3-2-1 Condensation part heat transfer………………………….22
3-2-2 Evaporation part heat transfer……………………………26
3-2-3 Overall Heat Transfer………………………………….32
3-2-4 Temperature and Thermal Resistance…………………32
3-2-5 Critical heat flux……………………………………….33
3-2-6 The loading amount of working fluid…………………34
Chapter 4 Vapor Chamber’s theory and theorem……………………...37
4-1 Vapor Chamber’s theorem and device………………………37
4-2 Working Fluid and Wick Structure………………………….38
4-3 Vapor Chamber’s advantage………………………………...39
Chapter 5 Model Build and Experiment………………………………...40
5-1 The choice of the working fluid……………………………..40
5-2 The choice of the geometry shape and the material…………41
5-3 Model’s manufacturing……………………………………...42
5-4 Enclosing the fluid…………………………………………..43
5-5 Experiment devices………………………………………….44
5-6 Experiment procedure and measuring……………………….47
Chapter 6 Experiment Result and Discussion…………………………..49
6-1 Performance estimation and discussion……………………..49
6-2 Influence of Filling Amount…………………………………49
6-3 Compare with Working Fluid Water and Methanol…………51
6-4 Adding Nanofluid …………………………………………...52
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Recommendation for future studies………...53
7-1 Conclusion…………………………………………………..53
7-2 Recommendation for future studies…………………………54
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